Description from extension meta
Show dislikes on Youtube. Return dislikes and ratio bar. Classic ratio bar, controll data sources via options
Image from store
Description from store
NOTE : ** Extension can be disabled after update \ install by default - check is enabled - then restart browser if not work **
Youtube has removed dislike statistics. This extension return this functionality back.
My project is similar to other ones, but with some features that was important personaly for me :
- Support select of "dislikes" data providers, so you can clearly see where "likes\dislikes" stat was loaded from. You can find description of data sources in extension settings. You can see data source directly on youtube page if option [Addition oprions] -> [Display data source in ratio bar popup] is activated (active by default)
- Custom ratio bar that can be disabled or recolored from extension settings
- Partly compatible with some mobile browsers (support depends on browser version and manifest v3 compatibility).
Currently supported data providers :
- YouTube metadata parsing (used by default, helps to detect original likes count \ is video votes closed)
- API by Return YouTube Dislikes project ( - active by default. Currently most effective. Used archived youtube data and votes from users of extensions \ services that support this API.
- API by SponsorBlock ( Documentation) - Currently disabled by default. Not many extensions used it so there is almost zero data for current time.
- API by CatFace (my server, currently used as small historical data archive)
Extension source code \ support is available on GitHub :
How extension count "dislikes" and is this results accurate?
Latest reviews
- (2024-06-09) Dmitry: самое удобное расширение. показывает точный процент лайков
- (2024-01-29) Охотник на геймеров: Сегодня приложение перестало работать!
- (2023-11-12) Angelus Sol: не работает ужасно
- (2023-11-05) KIRAX: I've had this extension for almost a year and never had a problem with, its the best
- (2023-10-27) John Casado: me encantaria que lo pongan para opera GX tambien, yo lo instale en opera y funciona pero me gustaria encontrarlo en la pagina de extensiones de opera directamente.
- (2023-10-19) pdp art: todavia sirve todavia sirve
- (2023-10-16) Örs Alexandru Harsányi: This one actually works. Thank you!
- (2023-10-16) Tommas Miller: It works as of 16-10-2023
- (2023-10-14) Arden: Only working return extension, nonstop spam posts on the 4M extension complaining it doesnt work, not consistent at all, meanwhile you get it fixed in ONE update that you did oct 13th, the 4M extension updated multiple times oct 14th and it still isnt fixed, how does it feel to be factually more talented than mainstream devs
- (2023-10-13) LBJ: It stopped working today but I have no doubt a new version will fix this issue. Thanks for letting us keep dislikes! It is an important part of knowing if a video is worth my time or not. I can also help people know if a video is a scam or not. In the world we live in, I'm stunned Youtube didn't keep them!! Thank you very much!
- (2023-10-13) Daisy Be: As of 13/10/2023 it does not work.
- (2023-10-13) Cake: I adore this extension, but it doesn't seem to work anymore.
- (2023-10-12) SRedDragon: Перестал работать
- (2023-10-03) Руслан Светлый: Не работает. К сожалению( Но другое работает (Return YouTube Dislike)
- (2023-09-04) ghaith khlifi: 10/10 extension but there is one issue the youtube display the numbers as 1.5k but the extension display it as 1. 5 k can you plz remove the extra spaces or add an option to remove it i cant stop thinking about it XD
- (2023-08-18) Shelupon: Иногда перестаёт работать
- (2023-07-19) randomations 32: AMAZING
- (2023-05-25) Bradford Strain: super good
- (2023-05-11) Розенкранц Гильденстернов: К сожалению полностью перестало работать с недавнего времени.
- (2023-05-09) narezkinpunk: перестал работать, жду фикс и тогда оценка изменится.
- (2023-05-08) Monsieur Dystopie: It was good but it stopped working :( F youtube and their manipulative way to hide dislikes.
- (2023-05-08) Lev Vat: сегодня перестал показывать количество дизов а до этого все было нормально!
- (2023-05-08) Ignacy: It used to work beautifully, but now it doesn't. Looks like YouTube changed something to make the dislike extensions obsolete. This seems to be an issue with the other dislike extensions as well.
- (2023-05-07) Андрей Ли: Понять не мог, почему на одном аккаунте работает, а на втором нет. Причина оказалась в расширении Chameleon, если его отключить, то дизлайки показываться начинают, так что имейте ввиду.
- (2023-05-06) Jayden Leckpa: this is exactly what i wanted, a dislike counter that doesnt have a ratio bar. thank you so much :)
- (2023-04-30) Reimu Hakurei: Приложение замечательное, как и арты автора.
- (2023-04-26) jet speed: best dislike app by far
- (2023-03-13) bleckVirus: Спасибо классное расширение, всех благ разработчику)
- (2023-03-08) Robert Redmon: Works flawlessly, use it on all browsers. Roughly knowing the dislike count helps me make better viewing on YouTube.
- (2023-03-06) Daniel Phillips: works better than Return Youtube Dislikes, with that one, I kept seeing "Temporarily unavailable" where the dislike button was.
- (2023-02-26) Yura Busygin: Спасибо!) Только наезжают друг на друга лайки 👍 и другие кнопки Ютуб(( Можно сократить запись "353 тыс." на "353к"
- (2023-02-25) ɪꜱʜᴜ: AWESOME
- (2023-01-15) Ben Gulizia-Cowing: Works as intended in Opera GX using the add Chrome extensions extension. Thank you for making this.
- (2023-01-14) Joshua Bryant: Works as advertised and that's all that matters.
- (2023-01-11) Emily Li: I greatly appreciate that you find the time and effort to keep updating this extension. It's works really well and I can't imagine a good life without it
- (2023-01-11) V ABHIJEET: Thank YOU its works
- (2023-01-07) Angie Dust: i like the customization
- (2022-12-28) MARBIDUL LIVE: Ура снова вижу дизы на туюбе!
- (2022-12-18) Furumi: Работает отлично, спасибо автору за проделанную работу!
- (2022-12-16) Leon Leszczyński: Идеальное расширение, показывает дизлайки без проблем
- (2022-12-01) Raiden: Seems to work better than the really popular "Return Youtube Dislikes". That one has broken placement and the numbers are much different compared to this.
- (2022-11-15) The Non Smoker: IDk, but its not working for me anymore.
- (2022-11-05) Максим Болячко: працює
- (2022-02-22) Втирающий Дичь: все работает ! спасибо !
- (2022-02-22) Lis: worked instantly! great extension
- (2022-02-20) Рома Ковтун: Пока хорошо
- (2022-02-19) suntsov mihail: На 20 февраля 2022 работает отлично, как будет потом не знаю
- (2022-02-14) Mini DrWho: it actually works you can even change the color of the precent bar this is great if you use youtube alot and don't like the new dislike button add this now
- (2022-02-14) Braydo: Works! As of 2/13/22
- (2022-01-25) Tim Chang: Not working right now???