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Noņemiet visas reklāmas no YouTube. Bloķējiet reklāmas un uznirstošos logus YouTube videoklipos un noņemiet visas citas reklāmu…
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Adblock for YouTube ir vienkāršs pārlūka Chrome paplašinājums, kas nodrošina risinājumu vienai no visbiežāk sastopamajām YouTube lietotāju neapmierinātībām: reklāmām. Paplašinājums bloķē reklāmas YouTube videoklipos, ļaujot lietotājiem bez pārtraukumiem skatīties savu iecienītāko saturu. Tas nozīmē, ka vairs netiks rādītas pirms videoklipa rādītas reklāmas, videoklipa laikā rādītas reklāmas, reklāmkaroga reklāmas vai pārklājuma reklāmas.
Viena no galvenajām YouTube reklāmu bloķētāja priekšrocībām ir tā, ka tas padara YouTube lietošanu ātrāku un skaidrāku. Ja nav reklāmu, ko buferēt vai gaidīt, lietotāji var skatīties savus videoklipus vienmērīgi un bez kavēšanās. Paplašinājums arī palīdz izkliedēt YouTube saskarni, sniedzot lietotājiem tīrāku un racionālāku skatīšanās pieredzi.
Adblock for YouTube ir viegli instalējams un lietojams. Kad paplašinājums ir instalēts, tas sāk darboties automātiski. Lietotājiem nav jākonfigurē nekādi iestatījumi, taču paplašinājums piedāvā dažas pielāgošanas iespējas.
Vēl viena būtiska YouTube reklāmu bloķētāja priekšrocība ir tā, ka tas var uzlabot tiešsaistes drošību. Reklāmas var būt ļaunprātīgas programmatūras un cita veida tiešsaistes draudu pārnēsātājs. Bloķējot reklāmas, Adblock for YouTube palīdz aizsargāt lietotājus no šiem iespējamiem riskiem.
Kopumā reklāmu bloķētājs ir vienkāršs, bet efektīvs paplašinājums, kas pilda savus solījumus. Tas ir obligāts ikvienam, kurš vēlas skatīties YouTube videoklipus bez reklāmām un uzlabot savu tiešsaistes pieredzi.
Ir vairāki iemesli, kāpēc jūs varētu vēlēties instalēt mūsu paplašinājumu:
1. Bloķē reklāmas YouTube videoklipos, kas var ievērojami apgrūtināt daudzus lietotājus. Reklāmas var pārtraukt videoklipus un traucēt skatīšanās pieredzi, kas var būt nomākta. Izmantojot Adblock for YouTube, varat noņemt šīs reklāmas un baudīt nepārtrauktu iecienītā satura skatīšanos.
2. Var uzlabot YouTube veiktspēju jūsu ierīcē. Reklāmas var palēnināt jūsu interneta savienojumu un padarīt videoklipus buferizētu vai lēni ielādēt. Bloķējot šīs reklāmas, paplašinājums var palīdzēt paātrināt YouTube lietošanas pieredzi un padarīt videoklipu atskaņošanu vienmērīgāku.
3. Var palīdzēt aizsargāt jūs no tiešsaistes draudiem. Reklāmas var būt ļaunprogrammatūras un cita veida tiešsaistes uzbrukumu vektors, un, bloķējot tās, YouTube reklāmu bloķētājs var palīdzēt nodrošināt jūsu drošību, kamēr pārlūkojat vietni YouTube.
Nodrošiniet savu tiešsaistes pieredzi bez kaitinošām un nevēlamām reklāmām, izmantojot mūsu jaudīgo Chrome paplašinājumu.
- Atvadieties no uzmācīgām videoreklāmām, reklāmkarogu reklāmām un uznirstošajiem logiem un izbaudiet vienmērīgāku un patīkamāku YouTube pārlūkošanas pieredzi.
- Viegli bloķējiet visu veidu reklāmas pakalpojumā YouTube un aizsargājiet savu privātumu un drošību, bloķējot ļaunprātīgas reklāmas un izsekošanas skriptus.
- Izbaudiet ātrāku lapas ielādes laiku un samazinātu datu lietojumu, izmantojot YouTube reklāmu bloķētāju.
- Izbaudiet YouTube bez traucējumiem un nekad vairs nesaskarieties ar kaitinošām reklāmām!
Mūsu YouTube reklāmu bloķētājs ir viegli lietojams un ļoti pielāgojams, tāpēc varat to pielāgot savām īpašajām vajadzībām. Izmantojot mūsu rīku, jūs varēsit kontrolēt, kuras reklāmas jums tiek rādītas un kuras ne. Bloķējiet reklāmas no konkrētiem kanāliem vai bloķējiet visas reklāmas no YouTube ar vienu klikšķi.
Visbeidzot, Adblock for YouTube ir viegli instalēt un lietot. Tas ir vienkāršs paplašinājums, kas sāk darboties automātiski, tiklīdz tas ir instalēts.
English version:
Adblock for YouTube - the ultimate solution to your ad-free YouTube experience! This powerful Chrome extension revolutionizes the way you watch YouTube by allowing you to effortlessly skip those pesky ads that interrupt your viewing pleasure. Say goodbye to the frustration of enduring lengthy advertisements and embrace uninterrupted entertainment with YouTube adblocker!
✅ Say goodbye to intrusive video ads, banner ads, and pop-ups and enjoy a smoother, more enjoyable YouTube browsing experience.
✅ Block all types of ads on YouTube with ease and protect your privacy and security by blocking malicious ads and tracking scripts.
✅ Enjoy faster page loading times and reduced data usage with Adblock for YouTube.
✅ Enjoy a distraction-free YouTube experience and never have to deal with annoying ads again!
Adblock for YouTube is easy to use and highly customizable, so you can adjust it to fit your specific needs. With YouTube adblocker, you'll be able to control what ads you see and what ads you don't. Block ads from specific channels or block all ads from YouTube with just a few clicks.
Make your YouTube browsing experience better than ever with Adblock for YouTube. Get fast, reliable, and secure ad-blocking for the best YouTube experience. Block out all types of ads, including video ads, banner ads, and pop-ups.
YouTube adblocker is the perfect solution for a clean and distraction-free YouTube experience. Enjoy faster page loading times and reduced data usage, and browse YouTube without any interruptions or distractions. Protect your privacy and security by blocking malicious ads and tracking scripts.
Adblock for YouTube is the ultimate ad-blocking solution. Get the best YouTube experience without annoying ads and get back to enjoying your favorite videos. With our adblocker tool, you can easily block all types of ads on YouTube, so you can browse without any interruptions or distractions.
Get faster page loading times and reduced data usage, and enjoy a distraction-free YouTube experience. Block out all types of ads, including video ads, banner ads, and pop-ups, and protect your privacy and security by blocking malicious ads and tracking scripts.
Say goodbye to intrusive ads and enjoy a smoother, more enjoyable YouTube browsing experience with our adblocker tool. Get fast, reliable, and secure ad-blocking for the best YouTube experience. Block out all types of ads, including video ads, banner ads, and pop-ups, and protect your privacy and security by blocking malicious ads and tracking scripts.
Adblock for YouTube is the ultimate solution for a clean and distraction-free YouTube experience. Block out all types of ads, including video ads, banner ads, and pop-ups, and protect your privacy and security by blocking malicious ads and tracking scripts. Enjoy faster page loading times and reduced data usage, and never have to deal with annoying ads again!
Latest reviews
- (2024-06-20) ber Grab: この拡張機能は、Youtube Anti-Adblockを回避(バイパス)して広告をブロックします。 (2024年6月20日更新) 対策されました。また、一部スキップできない広告があります
- (2024-06-01) Karen Velásquez: Con anterioridad funcionaba excelentemente, ahora YouTube ya es capaz de detectarlo :/
- (2024-05-21) OZ4RK: não presta
- (2024-04-29) 李泓賢: 2024/04/29 still working
- (2024-04-22) Michal Poremba: The screen now got black and wait till the ads end - extension needs to be improved. Extension also needs "Read and change all your data on all websites"? Fortunately after installation it is possible to change it at chrome://extensions/?id=jpefmbpcbebpjpmelobfakahfdcgcmkl Site access -> enter specific site and extension works fine with that. Protect your privacy!
- (2024-01-13) Hasid Lafre: doesnt work
- (2023-12-11) Kera-Jen Hindman: working so far as of 11/2/23 for YouTube UPDATE 12/11/23: still works mostly, you have to sit through a black screen for a couple of seconds, but I don't have to watch the videos at least. works by making YT think the ads are being played when they aren't (at least I think)
- (2023-11-15) J: used to work, youtube detects it now.
- (2023-11-14) Green Jim: still working
- (2023-11-12) Cazu: Works perfectly!
- (2023-11-11) Zzz: 2023 / 11 / 12 막힌거 같아. 업데이트 좀 해봐 !!
- (2023-11-11) Rikzor: Nécessite une dizaine de secondes pour skip mais c'est l'un des rare à encore fonctionner pour l'instant.
- (2023-11-11) Jason Chau: Used to work
- (2023-11-11) chemical X: 2023/11/11 RIP 오늘막힘
- (2023-11-10) Asher Motes: worked for a while after the initial ad block ban, even after AdBlock stopped working, but just stopped working as of 11/10/23. hopefully a new update is coming soon!
- (2023-11-10) alvinbank1: 2023/11/10 가끔 경고가 뜨긴 하지만 새로고침하면 잘 작동됨
- (2023-11-10) n1516: doesn't work anymore
- (2023-11-10) Fouad Zizou: very good
- (2023-11-09) 김용현: 사용이 쉽고, 기능이 탁월 합니다.
- (2023-11-09) Ju “Ju” H: não funciona mais para o youtube
- (2023-11-07) Lit' AHSr.: This YouTube sucks! NOW popping every 2 mins with 2 ads some times can't skip it this so annoying but 2 days ago i had another NEW version on another adblock then the next day YouTube did something coz it stopped working so I tried this one and its working so lets see how long this one will stop
- (2023-11-06) secretivecoolkid 811: The Ads Still Show Up For A Second, They Still Interrupt The Video, Don't Get This One
- (2023-11-06) Jared Elliott: Doesn't work for me. 11-5-23
- (2023-11-04) Souldbminer: Not malware. Analyzed Code
- (2023-11-03) かずみん: 色んなのを試してみたけど この拡張機能は使える。
- (2023-11-03) sno8: ブロックと言うより高速スキップ。瞬時に飛ばすこともあれば数秒もたつくこともあるけど、とても便利。
- (2023-11-02) Johnny Knoxville: LIFE SAVER! Works on YouTube 11/1/23.
- (2023-11-02) Mason Lam: Thank goodness my money has been draining for so long on premium.
- (2023-10-31) Carlos Araújo: Única que ta funcionando depois que o yt está bloqueando os adblock
- (2023-10-31) Jebediah Kerman: works on youtube 10/31/23
- (2023-10-31) LoLSilenceFirst: This works with the new Youtube anti-ad blocker BS.
- (2023-10-30) Juan (Balasenlosojos): Después de usar durante algunos meses cualquier bloqueador, YouTube empieza a impedir la reproducción de videos. Esta extensión tampoco es funcional pasado ese periodo de tolerancia.
- (2023-10-30) Simone: Funge
- (2023-10-30) Chris Dale: Contains malware
- (2023-10-30) Aaron Newton: works 10/30/2023 for youtube. the game of wack-a-mole continues lol
- (2023-10-30) Hartwarefreak10: works like a charm , thanks for making youtube great again :D
- (2023-10-28) Ezorde: Works as intended
- (2023-10-28) Musat o: Maravillosa
- (2023-10-27) teh_supar_hackr 0010101: Good, though it often likes to have it's status set to off making me manually click the extension's icon to turn it back on.
- (2023-10-27) Daniel Castellanos: Me gusta, funciona bien youtube.
- (2023-10-26) Tim Seargeant: Works great, just started using it today when YouTube began their anti-adblocker campaign. I hope it continues to work in the future.
- (2023-10-26) Mario Makaay Affonso: Nao esta funcionando no youtube
- (2023-10-24) JL GP: En cuanto instalo me pone "Esta extensión contiene malware" y chrome lo deshabilita son poder activarla :/ ¡Me da igual que tenga "malware" quiero poder elegir los "supuestos virus" que instalo en mi PC! :S ¿A alguien le ocurre? Quizás deba asegurarme una limpieza completa de la extensión para volver a instalar
- (2023-10-24) Zayma: DO NOT DOWNLOAD!! I have been using this for a couple of days, fine. It worked well for a while but just a few hours ago, my computer got a virus. I was quite confused because I had this computer for 5 years now and had NEVER experienced a virus. I just found out that this adblocker read ALL MY DATA and LEAKED PERSONAL INFO onto RANDOM WEBSITES!! I do NOT recommend getting this adblocker!
- (2023-10-24) Leandro: único que está funcionando 24 10 23. Vamos ver até quando....
- (2023-10-23) hi ً: i love u
- (2023-10-21) SR world: Thank you SO much!! It works as expected! stupid youtube decided to stop adblockers which will cause pretty good downfall honestly. Thanks
- (2023-10-20) BuckEye49: It works! For the time being, I was relieved to see this work for me! But I think YT has gone off the rails and need to be dealt with severely! They are out of line and users are NOT HAPPY..
- (2023-10-20) kan koba: 경고창 아직까진안뜸
- (2023-10-19) eden Fzero: 好用nice work