Description from extension meta
Replay keyboard shortcuts and moveplanner enhancements for Advance Wars By Web.
Image from store
Description from store
"AWBW Enhancements" is a browser extension that adds some extra functionality to Advance Wars By Web.
Its functionality includes:
1. Configurable keyboard shortcuts for replays.
2. Several quality of life improvements to the move planner ("Moveplanner Plus"), including:
a. Movement range previews for the selected unit.
b. Savestate "quick save" snapshots that let you snapshot and restore states without having to download a full savestate file.
c. Automatic tracking of unit count, unit value, income, and funds in per-player panels, like on the game screen. This includes automatically deducting funds for unit builds and simulating income for future turns.
d. Configurable opacity for the "action menu" and "build menu".
e. Configurable keyboard shortcuts for toggling the damage calculator.
3. Fixes for certain bugs in the vanilla move planner. These include:
1. The bug where the most recently moved unit sometimes displays as unwaited in the move planner.
2. The bug where already-moved units sometimes do not unwait with the "Unwait All" button.
3. The bug where the damage calculator cannot select units that were built on the move planner page.
4. The visual bug where capture icons are displayed for infantry that have already finished capturing.
5. The visual bugs where black boat sprites and Sonja "?" HP break when a savestate is uploaded.
Feel free to request additional functionality via a github issue or by contacting me (saltor#4306) in the AWBW discord :)
Permissions Explanation:
- "Read and change your data on": this permission is how AWBW Enhancements adds extra UI elements to the moveplanner page, like the move range preview and the unit count / unit value display.
- "Manage your downloads": this permission is for an experimental feature that allows automatically renaming replays. You can enable it from the extension's options page.
Latest reviews
- (2023-06-13) Ymouba: this extension is very helpful thank's a lot i have a little request to devloppers. is it possible to change the weather by a button click ? i am able to do it in the "inspect tab" by changing the link of the map for example this is for the clear weather <img id="map-background" src="" style="left:0px; top:0px; position:absolute; z-index:99;" border="1" alt=""> i change the C to R in the map link src="" it become raining and S it become snow i know it's not easy but if you can help us with a button it would be very helpful Thanks a lot
- (2023-03-27) ABOSOF GAMING: dam this is amazing
- (2022-04-26) Mathieu Giroux: Really interesting extension. I use it for a month. For short planning it is amazing, but if you reload states and plan for some days, some units get corrupted like an ennemy 2 HP infantry transform into a 2 HP ally copter. Make me sad, but I uninstall it :( Then I reinstall it realising it is AWBW Move Planner that cause the problem. Many thanks maker !
- (2022-01-26) Ah No Nime: Can't believe we awbw players can get such an useful addon. Thank you saltor!
- (2022-01-21) 3eesa: Grimm approved
- (2022-01-12) King Rex: It is the most amazing AWBW Extension I have ever seen! A must have!
- (2021-12-24) orbots perez: improves the awbw