extension ExtPose

HARPA AI | Agent d'automatisation avec GPT-4

CRX id


Description from extension meta

Affiche les réponses de ChatGPT sur les pages du moteur de recherche. Résume et extrait les données et les prix des sites web.

Image from store HARPA AI | Agent d'automatisation avec GPT-4
Description from store HARPA est un agent d'automatisation de l'IA alimenté par GPT pour votre navigateur. HARPA est votre copilote IA personnel pour la navigation web et l'automatisation. Il intègre OpenAI ChatGPT, GPT3 / GPT4, ClaudeAI, Bard, la surveillance web et l'automatisation à n'importe quel onglet. 💬 Appelez HARPA sur n'importe quel site web avec [Alt+A] et demandez-lui n'importe quoi : 🧠 Recherche et navigation web assistées par l'IA. HARPA apporte à n'importe quel site web un système de chat intelligent qui tient compte des pages. Il fournit des réponses GPT à côté des résultats de recherche Google / Bing / DuckDuckGo / Yahoo, permet de parler à la page Web, aux vidéos et aux PDF, de résumer des documents juridiques, d'extraire des données, des mots-clés SEO et plus encore, ce qui en fait un assistant de recherche parfait. 🎬 Résumé de vidéos YouTube HARPA peut rapidement résumer des vidéos de plusieurs heures, morceau par morceau, ce qui vous permet d'économiser beaucoup de temps de visionnage. Naviguez vers YouTube et cliquez sur le bouton Résumer. 🚀 Plus de 100 commandes prédéfinies adaptées aux pages HARPA apporte un traducteur alimenté par l'IA, un vérificateur de grammaire, un planificateur de voyage, un optimiseur de profil LinkedIn et de CV, un rédacteur de contenu SEO, un générateur d'articles, un extracteur de mots-clés, un rédacteur de formules pour Google Sheet, 🌈 un assistant de prompteur de mi-parcours, une aide à l'étude de l'IA et d'autres commandes, conçues par des ingénieurs de prompteur professionnels. Il est livré avec un extracteur RSS intégré et un résumeur. 💌 Rédacteur d'e-mails HARPA peut rédiger des réponses soignées aux emails : affinez, reformulez et répondez aux emails avec votre voix unique et en tenant compte de votre contexte. Vous pouvez réduire votre boîte de réception de 2 à 3 fois plus vite grâce à HARPA. HARPA s'intègre à GMail, Hotmail, Outlook et à plus de 10 services de messagerie populaires. 👍 Boîte à outils pour le marketing des médias sociaux HARPA peut écrire des légendes et des hashtags pour Facebook et Instagram, des Tweets pour Twitter, des posts pour Reddit et Medium, des réponses aux messages directs pour WhatsApp et Discord. ✍️ Vérificateur d'orthographe et traducteur HARPA peut traduire n'importe quel texte en ligne, effectuer une vérification orthographique et corriger l'orthographe de manière similaire à Quillbot et Grammarly. 🎭️️️️️️ Rédacteur d'articles longs HARPA peut écrire n'importe quoi, des tweets et DM, aux emails, aux posts SMM et aux longs articles de blog de plus de 25.000 mots dans 18 styles d'écriture, qui se classent bien dans les SERP. Il peut même apprendre et imiter votre style d'écriture unique, ce qui le rend parfait pour le copywriting et la résolution du blocage de l'écrivain. 🤿 Entièrement personnalisable Créez des flux de travail d'automatisation alimentés par l'IA, des commandes d'IA et des bots, qui font le travail pour vous, ou choisissez-les dans le catalogue d'automatisation. Appelez-les sur n'importe quel site web. Il existe des modèles d'automatisation pour extraire des faits et des données tabulaires, des prix et des mots-clés SEO, remplir des formulaires, automatiser les clics, le scraping de données et la navigation web. 📡 Surveillance des sites web et automatisation des tâches HARPA dispose d'un traqueur de prix et de pages web intégré. Mettez n'importe quelle page en rafraîchissement automatique 🔄 surveillez, détectez les baisses de prix 💰 et obtenez des alertes et des rappels de "retour en stock" sur n'importe quel site de commerce électronique, par exemple Amazon / E-Bay / Walmart / AirBnB / Zillow. Créez des listes d'achats intelligentes à mise à jour automatique, transformez les sites web en API, envoyez des données à Make.com / Integromat / n8n, déclenchez des scénarios IFTTT, espionnez vos concurrents. Les automatisations peuvent être exécutées selon un calendrier. 🔍 Compagnon de référencement HARPA complète Semrush et Ahrefs en tant que compagnon SEO avec des capacités de rédaction d'IA générative. Il peut extraire des mots-clés SEO des pages web, effectuer un audit SEO, générer des plans de contenu, des graphiques, enrichir votre blog avec des mots-clés LSI pertinents et plus encore. 🛡 Centré sur l'utilisateur et la vie privée HARPA conserve vos données au niveau local. Nous ne collectons, ne vendons ni n'envoyons aucune de vos données à nos serveurs, afin que nous puissions tous dormir tranquilles. HARPA est l'outil de productivité ultime alimenté par l'intelligence artificielle. Il sert d'alternative personnalisable à Notion AI, Bing AI et **AI Copilot** pour Chrome. Il apporte le chatbot Open AI Chat GPT à n'importe quel onglet et permet de créer des automatisations personnalisées sans code. HARPA supporte les GPTs de GPT store, DALLE et les modèles OpenRouter y compris ceux de MistralAI, Perplexity, LLAMA et d'autres. HARPA peut être utilisé pour développer des automatismes de web scraping et de saisie de données, sans code requis, bien que les scripts utilisateur, les fonctions JS et les requêtes HTTP soient pris en charge. 🌟 COMMENT L'INSTALLER ET L'UTILISER 1️⃣ Cliquez sur "Add to Chrome" pour installer le plugin. 2️⃣ Naviguez jusqu'à une page web dont vous souhaitez résumer, surveiller ou extraire des données, par exemple un catalogue de produits. 3️⃣ Cliquez sur l'icône du plugin dans la barre d'outils Chrome 🧩, une barre latérale apparaît. Demandez quelque chose à HARPA ou passez à l'onglet MONITOR et cliquez sur START pour surveiller la page. C'est fait ! 🌟 AUTOMATION & AI TECH HARPA AI est une nouvelle race de produits d'automatisation de l'IA et est conçu pour vous donner des super-pouvoirs de navigation web et d'automatisation. Il dispose d'un puissant moteur d'IA hybride qui comprend la structure et la sémantique des pages web. HARPA apporte une tonne de fonctionnalités, notamment : ✅ Alertes, Notifications, Emails, Sons, Webhooks, IFTTT ✅ Moteur d'IA robuste ✅ Localisateurs d'éléments intelligents ✅ Téléchargement de données CSV ✅ Détection automatique des bannières de cookies ✅ Support JavaScript ✅ Captures d'écran, journaux, widgets 🌟 FUTURES VERSIONS HARPA devient plus intelligent et plus puissant à chaque version. Nous améliorons constamment notre moteur d'IA hybride et ajoutons de nouvelles fonctionnalités. Faites-nous savoir si vous avez un cas d'utilisation en tête. Vous pouvez nous contacter à l'adresse suivante : [email protected] 🔐 LE RESPECT DE LA VIE PRIVÉE DÈS LA CONCEPTION HARPA est axé sur la protection de la vie privée. Nous n'envoyons pas vos données hors de votre navigateur. Nous ne vous montrons pas de publicités. Nous ne vendons pas de données. HARPA n'a accès aux pages web que sur vos actions explicites, notamment : en lui posant une question en mode "page-aware", en utilisant des paramètres de page ou des commandes "page-aware" et en exécutant des moniteurs de page. ℹ️ Si (et seulement si) vous choisissez de créer un compte avec nous (HARPA AI), nous créerons un compte et stockerons en toute sécurité votre nom d'utilisateur et votre mot de passe (informations d'identification personnelle) sur notre serveur à des fins d'authentification. ℹ️ Les modèles de langage GPT sont fournis par OpenAI / Anthropic / Google. HARPA AI échange vos invites et le contenu des pages web avec OpenAI. Les données échangées concernent uniquement vos actions, c'est-à-dire lorsque vous interrogez explicitement l'IA dans l'extension. ℹ️ Statistiques d'utilisation anonymisées de l'extension Nous utilisons Mixpanel pour surveiller un certain nombre de mesures anonymes d'utilisation des fonctionnalités afin d'améliorer le produit. Notre politique de confidentialité est accessible au public à l'adresse suivante : https://harpa.ai/privacy 🌟 ÉVALUER ET PARTAGER Si vous aimez HARPA ou si vous le trouvez utile, aidez-nous en faisant passer le mot, ou cliquez sur le bouton ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ et laissez une réponse. HARPA AI est conçu et développé avec amour en Finlande 🇫🇮. Tous droits réservés.

Latest reviews

  • (2024-06-26) Andrej Košťál: After the update, the free version is almost useless. I loved that I could use the web connection. This way, I only had to pay for Claude. I get why they did this. But I won't pay 20€ for Claude and another 15€ for Harpa. Maybe they could add a smaller tier. Say, for 5 euros, where I can have unlimited messages through the web connection.
  • (2024-05-28) Anton P.: An exceptional automation tool! 🚀 The very best! I bought the X package license to support the developers. ✨ 🧩 Harpa AI is a Chrome extension designed to streamline online tasks and enhance productivity. 🚀 Uses leading AI models like GPT-4o, Claude, and Google Gemini for efficient task handling. ⚙️ Customizable with over 100 commands and personal automation rules. 🛠️ Installing Harpa AI involves a simple process through the Chrome Web Store. ✨ Provides intelligent assistance directly in your browser, making internet use more efficient. 📝 Assists in writing and content creation by generating summaries, translating text, and monitoring website changes.. 📈 Useful for marketing and SEO by creating web content and tracking competitors.
  • (2024-05-02) Erielson Henrique: Depois que colocaram um sistema de planos e tokens, acabou com o uso na versão gratuita.
  • (2024-04-27) Denys Honcharov: Absolutely loving this extension, though there's a tiny drawback. Unfortunately, it doesn't allow for editing prepared prompts and scenarios. Let me explain: I'm looking to tweak the "translate prompt in a floating panel" and add some specific buttons in the "fix grammar scenario". UPDATED: 28/04/24 pro version for checking grammar? Totally disappointed
  • (2024-04-01) Enrique Butron: Herramienta muy funcional, permite interactuar de manera limpia y eficiente con las inteligencias artificiales, facilitando su utilización
  • (2024-03-23) Kyle: starting to charge for basic usage.
  • (2024-03-22) Mohamed Sayed Al-Ahl: I don't have money!! Make it work again?? Why want to charge for page awarness? what do u think we used it for?? haah? Clearly if this feature is not returned as free , will try something else?
  • (2024-01-29) Patrick Colbert: Issues after purchasing, app is unusable, fails to connect to services servers. (Very valuable, incredible customizations, easy to learn, i've tried 15-20 different apps similar to this one, but this is the one you want to use, i cant stress that enough. unfortunately it just stopped working inside my windows on chrome os, i'm going to troubleshoot now, and if i'm not back, i easily fixed it!)
  • (2024-01-08) Bo-h: I literally stopped using chats with AI and simply ask everything through the Harpa. The best
  • (2024-01-06) Julio Cesar Ochoa Florian: reescribo mi valoracion para mi le daria 7 estrellas sigue siendo la mejor inteligencia artificial para mi gusto
  • (2023-12-04) Bartek: Super narzędzie!
  • (2023-11-26) joe leon: The default interface language is English, I hope to be able to switch the language
  • (2023-11-14) Nafees Omar: I'm so in love with Harpa Ai. But things could be even better if Harpa worked on Google Docs.
  • (2023-11-11) Iago Resende Mendes: É surreal o poder dessa ferramenta. 5 estrelas de olhos fechados.
  • (2023-11-08) hudson rodrigues: Extensão mais completa que você vai encontrar. Tem contribuído muito para meus trabalhos.
  • (2023-11-07) Benjamin THOMAS: Vraiment complet ! Parfait pour toute sorte de taches. Par contre les paramètres personnalisés sont régulièrement effacés, dommage (peut être un bug ?)
  • (2023-11-04) Derryn Jackson: Just downloaded and experimenting with HARPA AI. so far, GREAT! Very accurate summations of video content. Thanks!
  • (2023-11-03) 斩魔: 可惜一需要OPEN AI ID 我以为能开箱
  • (2023-11-01) Sebastian Grandes Conqui: Gran herramienta, hasta ahora es lo mejor que he encontrado. Muy completo y util. Lo mejor de todo es que es 100% gratis y sin limitaciones. No como las demas que son con limitaciones y de pago como merlin, monica, maxai, etc.
  • (2023-10-31) Valhalla: Get rekt MaxAiMe, thank you so much HARPA for allowing openai api usage and letting it work with the most important function, overriding selected text area text via one click paste. My only criticism is no option for adding custom prompts. Please consider adding them. Lastly, please never remove the openai api key option. Greed is what ruined MaxAiMe and I rate it as 1/5 extension, but I'd love to rate it as -5/5. Why? Because of greed it went from GG to mother 🤬 rancid dog🤬 that deserves a six foot 🤬 right in their 🤬 sucker because they are 🤬 dog🤬. You have a really dirty mind if you think any of the emoji's are swear words cuz they're not. As for merlin, LOL!
  • (2023-10-31) MrCRACK: Harpa AI is the most useful tool I have ever had inside Chrome, I love it!
  • (2023-10-29) Hammer (Nightcaper): Very helpful little assistant, answers questions based on context of webpages and videos, still can't believe it's FREE! Always verify the results of what any bot/AI gives you, but overall this extension operates quickly and gives me a great start on understanding/writing things specifically on the web, sometimes the summaries being perfect as they are!
  • (2023-10-29) Shane: Promising but so annoying that you can't input how often you want it to monitor a webpage. Every 15 seconds in the minimum? Really? An input option would be so much better.
  • (2023-10-29) Anton Soinikov: The only AI browser companion so far that really works. And free.
  • (2023-10-29) youtubewallah: Awesome app
  • (2023-10-29) Healthy Natured: Harpa AI is simply incredible, from fully SEO optimized one click blog posts, silo web structures, webpage monitoring and full automations this app does it all. Generations are always detailed, specific and always top class. By far quality is well above even the most expensive ai platforms out there. Highly recommended
  • (2023-10-27) Badash Philosophy: HARPER IS REALLY GREAT!! Unfortunately on my phone (using kiwi) the harper window opens bigger than my screen size and all the options to hide exit or go into settings are hidden behind my url bar. I even tried moving the url bar to the bottom and harper just got bigger and hid the same section off the screen., this is obviously a big problem because it makes it very hard to operate and even have to find workarounds to exit it to view whatever is on the page. Even just clicking outside the window doesnt exit it so its really cumbersome, id like to use harper over sidebar but i just cant really do that with this feature problem. 1 more thing, on mobile harper never seems to find youtube transcripts, they are presented differently on movile to on pc so that might be why. Hope this info helps u make the app even better, its an amazing extention
  • (2023-10-27) afre afre: BEST AI EVER I SEE and pls make this keep free pls
  • (2023-10-27) Kelsey Light: has everything you need!
  • (2023-10-26) Pietro Fontana: Excellent extension, surely the best that i found so far. Top quality.
  • (2023-10-25) GSMTR (GSMTR): şu uzaylılarda çıksın artık, şaşıracak bişeyde kalmadı. ejderha görsem durdurup sigaramı yaktırıcam amk. okadar doğal geliyor artık..
  • (2023-10-25) Rizky Hardian N.: okeh sangat berguna, ekstensi serbaguna copywriting bisa, chat AI bisa, grammarly bisa, summarize video pun bisa
  • (2023-10-25) Teneman Ibrahim Traoré: best extension in years. just waiting for them to add file upload and it will be perfect! I 100% recommend.
  • (2023-10-24) Kacper Kusek: "Przepraszam, ale nie mam dostępu do internetu ani do bieżących danych"
  • (2023-10-24) Nick Close: Incredibly useful Chrome Extension covering such a wide variety of topics and tasks. Well done developers! I've also removed a few others as Harpa provides the functionality.
  • (2023-10-23) Gabriel Crowln: Ótimo para os estudos!
  • (2023-10-23) A C: I have been testing a bunch of similar extensions, and so far, it's as good as (and possibly easier to use and better) some of the other ones (no need to name them and confuse you - just check it out!)
  • (2023-10-23) Artёm: Круто!
  • (2023-10-22) Dhanush m: great!
  • (2023-10-21) Polusani Manideep: Best app i have ever seen
  • (2023-10-20) harmony kalina: so amazing hands down the best app ever developed everyone woould benefit From using this app.
  • (2023-10-20) Oliver Welling: Super Tool - aber: Es liest eben ALLES und ÜBERALL mit. Das Business-Modell (wenn es nicht meine Daten sind) habe ich noch nicht verstanden. Da es eben IMMER dabei ist: scheint etwas Vorsicht angebracht :)
  • (2023-10-20) Amethystt Acessórios: Simplesmente incrível
  • (2023-10-20) Pedro Domingues: Muito útil
  • (2023-10-20) Daniel Cajiga: Es impresionante todo lo que puede hacer HARPA AI, parece un sueño hecho realidad. Puede ayudar a la gente que lo utilice bien horas y más horas de trabajo. Gracias, amigos de HARPA, son grandes.
  • (2023-10-19) Zoom Desentope: Show, O Melhor. Tem sido um divisor de água nos meus Jobs.
  • (2023-10-19) Maciej Żuczkowski: very useful tool
  • (2023-10-19) Alf: A game-changer! Chat with websites, write emails, and automate tasks with ease. A fantastic Chrome extension for boosting productivity.
  • (2023-10-19) Evgeniy Sukhovarov: Super convenient extension! So good.
  • (2023-10-19) Doris Allen: good and convenient extension helps with everything you need

Latest issues

  • (2024-04-24, v:8.4.6) Calming Music: WHAT HAPPEN
  • (2024-04-22, v:8.4.3) EDUARDO MANUEL SEMPERTEGUI NAVARRO: No puedo cambiar el idioma
    No me sale el idioma español y tampoco la barra desplazadora para moverme hacia abajo y ver las opciones que están en la configuración después de hacer clic en el icono con forma de engranaje.
  • (2023-11-21, v:7.0.2) Jason Casserilla: Error details: Bad organization id
    I have restart PC, enabled developer under extension settings and also have the most up to date version. How can I fix this?
  • (2023-11-03, v:6.2.2) Danish Mehmood: Extension is not activating in Edge browser
    Hi, I recently migrate my all history to Edge browser, but Harpa ai is not activating here. Can you please take a look. Thanks.
  • (2023-11-02, v:6.2.2) Ray Luckins: Some strange stuff going on here. Terrorism?
    Tonight I tried to use harpa.ai to provide me a summary of a video I was watching on youtube. The topic was Microsoft's AUTOGEN. Twice I saw the word terrorism or terrorist flash past suggesting that was the topic I asked about. I retrieved the chat from chatGPT and it is indeed suggestive of me asking questions about a terrorist organization. Here is a link to the chat. https://chat.openai.com/share/2e3ae33f-778f-4576-90db-42435549e419 Given current events in the world, I'm very concerned by this behavior and I have absolutely zero desire to be "tagged" in any way by any agency for things that I have not asked about but are implied by your software.
  • (2023-10-30, v:6.2.2) ChaCha F.: Use in Opera
    Is there any chance that this will ever work in Opera (which also uses Chrome extensions)? I've tried installing it, but sadly, nothing happens when I click the button; it won't open.
  • (2023-10-27, v:6.2.2) Jon Dinga: Can not summarize YT videos
    I can no longer get a summary of a YT video: only had problem once before, and it was fixed when I refreshed my login on the chatgpt 3.5 I was able to continue with a summary. Error shows ""Oops... OpenAI API key is missing or is incorrect. Please enter a valid API key in the Settings Tab"" I dont have a API key bcz afaik and can see on the chatgpt site I need to be a developer to get one. ALSO there is no API field to enter one on the harpa settings page. I even subscribed to the Chatgpt plus, did not help. Your assist is greatly appreciated
  • (2023-10-24, v:6.2.2) Mohamed Sayed Al-Ahl: Page awerness problem
    There is a problem with the page awareness mode. It cannot have memory of previous answers or questions in the conversation which I found frustrating as I have to manually send the messages again in a big message so that it can understand and it is not easy for long conversations. I hope you solve this issue soon.
  • (2023-10-24, v:6.2.2) Mohamed Sayed Al-Ahl: Web-awareness mode problem
    There is a problem with the web awareness mode. It cannot have memory of previous answers or questions in the conversation which I found frustrating as I have to manually send the messages again in a big message so that it can understand and it is not easy for long conversations. I hope you solve this issue soon.
  • (2023-10-24, v:6.2.2) 0 “‪Nafod‬” 0: Youtube summary
    It doesn't seem to be able to summarize any of the video's I have tried it just hangs with three dots phrasing
  • (2023-10-24, v:6.2.2) Dennis Pogrebchtchikov: Thank you
  • (2023-10-23, v:6.2.2) Mo Arkam: updating the app
    How to update the the app?
  • (2023-10-18, v:6.2.1) Nicolas MARTIN: How can hide hide the floating toolbar by default?
    When Harpa.ai plugin is enabled, I have the floating window in EVERY page I browse. I can close it by pressing Alt+A two times. It's horrible. There is more pages I don't want to use this plugin than pages I want to use the plugin. How can I hide by default this floating window and make it appears only when I need it, pressing Alt+A?
  • (2023-10-16, v:6.2.0) james shinn: upgrade
    How do I upgrade my Harpa extension?
  • (2023-10-16, v:6.2.0) Eliana Bensich: pdf
    No puedo chatear cuando estoy en un documento pdf
  • (2023-10-15, v:6.2.0) Austin Stein: All Custom Prompts Erased
    All my custom prompts were erased and I literally did nothing. I opened up chrome, went into Harpa and they were gone. Don't know how to get them back.
  • (2023-10-09, v:6.1.0) Nick Ferentheil: Custom prompts gone
    Hello, I've developed several custom prompts specific to the tasks I handle on a day to day basis and as of today all of my custom prompts/actions are gone. Is there a way to recover them or do I have to go through the process of recreating them all again?
  • (2023-10-04, v:6.1.0) SerjVik M: Is there any way I can use "Poe.com" through HARPA?
    Hello, is there any way I can use "Poe.com" through HARPA? I tried to implement this together with "PASTE" and "EXTRACT" function, but if I hover over the window I want to paste into, the paste does not work, i.e. the area is inactive for pasting. Could you please tell me how this can be realized? Thanks in advance for your help! Maybe there is some workaround? Screenshot: https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53234955405_8d384fa98b_o.png
  • (2023-10-03, v:6.0.3) gaurav verma: AI agent with Harpa
    Would you make en AI agent in the browser that's based on harpa. There are so many repetitive tasks that can be done with this approach. It would take some selenium type browser emulations and harpa integration
  • (2023-10-02, v:6.0.3) SerjVik M: new chats
    How can I make it so that in the Big Team I created, which consists of many chats, some chats are created as separate new chats, i.e. I want not all correspondence to go only in one chat. At the same time, all previous correspondence in HARPA should be saved for future use. I have tried using the "Clear" command, but if I use the "Clear" function in the middle of my command, for example, all correspondence is deleted. Also it will be useful not to use limits for nothing if I use the "Claude" service, because the previous unnecessary correspondence will be read again AND again by "Claude". How to realize this please help me.
  • (2023-10-02, v:6.0.3) ghaith khlifi: the small bar don't have a dark theme future
    dark theme missing in the small bar that appears in the bottom right when you select text
  • (2023-10-02, v:6.0.3) SerjVik M: "PASTE" function and extract
    Hello! I would like to inquire if it is possible to achieve the following with this software: Is it possible to automatically remove any formatting from the copied text when using the "PASTE" function and extract only plain text? Do not display any markdown formatting. Can we configure the software to remove specific words or expressions from the copied text when using the "PASTE" function and extracting text? Is it feasible to have the software remove entire sentences from the copied text when using the "PASTE" function, but only if they contain a certain word or phrase that I specify? I appreciate your assistance with these inquiries and look forward to your response. Thank you!
  • (2023-10-02, v:6.0.3) SerjVik M: '-w' search command doesn't seem to work in my custom command
    Hello, I've been using your software and I've noticed that the '-w' search command doesn't seem to work in my custom command. I've attached some screenshots to illustrate the issue. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53212188372_ebcabe88de_o.png https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53212190072_3c00fbb9bf_o.png https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53212190912_a70a103c7e_o.png
  • (2023-10-01, v:6.0.3) Gideon Daganio: Oops... OpenAI API key is missing or is incorrect. Please enter a valid API key in the Settings Tab
    I'm getting that message when I try to summarize a YT video.
  • (2023-09-28, v:6.0.3) Sherman Shank: customize the floating buttons
    hope the bottions on floating bar can be customized. different user has different needs for prompt buttons.
  • (2023-09-25, v:6.0.3) Ron C: Browser Lagging
    This is happening when Harpa extension is activated. Any solution?
  • (2023-09-23, v:6.0.3) J. Y S Pravallika: make this access to firefox also
    it is a small request to get access for Firefox also
  • (2023-09-21, v:6.0.2) Paulo Henrique: Suporte
    Essa extensão possui codigo aberto no github? Quero poder contribuir com a tradução da mesma para português do Brasil e com outras melhorias
  • (2023-09-20, v:6.0.2) Gabriel Henrique Pereira de Oliveira Lucios: Tradução da Interface
    Olá. Estou tentando conhecer esta extensão, que aparentemente é incrível, MAS minha dificuldade está no fato de a interface não ser traduzida quando escolhemos o idioma, assim, entendermos melhor e bem os prompts. Você podem ver em fazer isso? Pois vocês sabem que esta extensão é de uso internacional, ficaremos muitos satisfeitos em entender melhor os prompts, como com o nosso próprio idioma.
  • (2023-09-19, v:6.0.2) Leo Cheung: Not like New UI
    I love the latest version of UI, The Page shortcut button is very useful, why delete it..... or shall we config shortcuts button ourselves?
  • (2023-09-19, v:6.0.2) Gaëtan “Gag Reathle” Boulanger: 6.0 "It looks as if the video has no text transcript, or I could not fetch it from the page."
    Hello, I've got the 6.0.2 and I'm still having the issue : "🚫 It looks as if the video has no text transcript, or I could not fetch it from the page." A friend and I are trying on the same video, Harpa is working and it's not working on my end (actually, it doesn't work on any video on my end). I'm using Ublock, he's using Adblock. I tried to deactivate Ublock but it still doesn't work. 6.0 should have the Ublock fix according to the patchnote. Could something else be the issue? Thanks
  • (2023-09-17, v:6.0.2) Mohamed Sayed Al-Ahl: Discord issue
    why the extension is not opening when viewing discord?
  • (2023-09-17, v:6.0.1) Toni Voth: Timestamps are off
    Hi there. I noticed that timestamps in summaries of YouTube videos are off. They are pretty much always a few seconds ahead. Please fix.
  • (2023-09-14, v:6.0.0) Caio Leal: Language
    I tried to changed the language to portuguese (Brazil) but it didn't work on preferred chat language. When I click, the system doesn't recognize it.
  • (2023-09-14, v:6.0.0) Harris Andrea: Does not work after upgrade to 6.0
    After upgrading to latest version, openAI does not work. I can't even find an option to re-enter my API key. Previous version was working fine with openai API key.
  • (2023-09-14, v:6.0.0) O Can: Harpa ai panel not showing on SERP.
    Hello there. Pretty self explanatory title I think. Works everywhere BUT on SERP results (google, Bing, Duckduckgo) Thank you for your help. PS : BTW :Great plugin and tremendous work guys
  • (2023-09-14, v:6.0.0) Mohamed Sayed Al-Ahl: How to change default ai
    alt+c is not working??
  • (2023-09-14, v:6.0.0) Mohamed Sayed Al-Ahl: Where is accessoing claude.ai
    How can I use claude now?
  • (2023-09-06, v:5.9.0) Gideon Daganio: Not able to generate Youtube summary
    This feature used to work but now when I try to click on the Summarize with HARPA AI button, I get this message: "It looks as if the video has no text transcript, or I could not fetch it from the page."
  • (2023-09-01, v:5.9.0) Scott Hufford: Custom Instructions
    Hello Jari and team! As always, love harpa, keep pushing her as far as you possibly can, keep going! And thank you for her. Anyway, I was wondering - with paid GPT accounts, and API keys, and access to beta features (such as custom instructions) - do the GPT custom instructions tie to my API, and thus work on harpa too? I have essentially the same set of custom instructions that I feed harpa every week or so that make her respond in a certain format etc.. but with GPTs "custom instructions" beta, I'm wondering if it's necessary to give these instructions to harpa anymore, or if GPTs "custom instructions" are being used by harpa. If not, it'd be a cool feature to add. Harpa can already receive and follow custom instructions very well and with an impressive memory, but a dedicated spot, such as on the GPT4 plus custom instructions may be useful to non-techie people, and users would also be able to put all of their custom instructions in one place, and know that harpa won't "forget" them over time. Thanks again team harpa. Keep going! -Scott
  • (2023-08-30, v:5.9.0) Chi Xing: Usability issue
    There's a frustrating problem affecting usability: The extension obstructs browser shortcuts on google.com because it auto-focuses its own textbox widget. A lot of developers rely on a workflow centered around keyboard shortcuts, making this extension impractical to use due to this seemingly small issue.
  • (2023-08-29, v:5.9.0) Austin Stein: Improve /prompt-generator UI
    Hey I tried using /prompt-generator but the markup was really wonky for me and not very detailed as I would have liked instruction wise. My suggestion would be to make the instructions more detailed and remove the markup in the instructions, if that makes sense.
  • (2023-08-29, v:5.9.0) Eburi Dhuama: Langue
    Bonjour, Est il prévu de mettre l'extension dans la langue de l'utilisateur ? Ce serait vraiment génial.
  • (2023-08-27, v:5.9.0) Chi Xing: Disable auto loading option
    This extension is good and all except it conflicts with certain keyboard shortcuts I have for other extensions. All my keystrokes are intercepted by your text box instead. Please add option to only load extension after i press alt + a
  • (2023-08-25, v:5.9.0) Robert Lobla: Connect to ChatGPT does not work
    Logging into ChatGPT (free version) in the browser, the summary commands still prompt for login even after having logged in in another tab or window.
  • (2023-08-24, v:5.9.0) Ray Algar: Using SEO Audit
    Hi there I have having an issue when using the SEO Audit feature to analyse a website. When I press enter, it generates the following message {{page}} Command failed: t.replace is not a function Enter your SEO article content or leave it blank to parse from the page. Can you please explain what this is and how to resolve it. I am just using default settings so OpenAI browser session. I have tried removing and reinstalling, but receive the same error. Any help appreciated. Thanks Ray
  • (2023-08-24, v:5.9.0) Darryl Higgins: Chart error
    When asking for a chart from a Wikipedia page, Harpa failed with the following error - Chart error: Invalid or unexpected token - 1:122. Can you help?
  • (2023-08-15, v:5.9.0) Anoir Ben Tanfous: Drag and Drop support
    Please allow the D&D of text from and to. this way it is not necessary to polute clipboard or lose something in it.
  • (2023-08-07, v:5.8.0) Mattias Pamdal: Breaks Google Docs
    It was working fine since today. Now it breaks docs.google.com. Instead of google docs loading your docs as it should, it's just a blank screen. After disabling Harpa AI google docs loads fine.
  • (2023-08-04, v:5.7.1) Firmansyah Setiawan Putra: Cannot send vcustom endpoint
    💔️ Oops... Request to OpenAI API has failed. Please check if the service is up and running at status.openai.com or email us at [email protected] Error details: no error detail


400,000 history
4.7346 (2,732 votes)
Last update / version
2024-07-26 / 9.0.2
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