extension ExtPose


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Description from extension meta

A multipurpose wheel. Originally intented for randomly selecting an answer for multiple choice questions. Works like MAJIQ!

Image from store MAJIQ Wheel
Description from store A spinning wheel that allows the user to randomly generate an answer when faced with many choices. The MAJIQ Wheel can be used individually when unsure about the answer of a multiple choice question. Or it can be used collectively with a group of friends when deciding the order of players in an online board game. Users can select between answers of numerical or alphabetical format, and can select up to 4 options. For example, the user can select the alphabetical format and the following options: second, third, fourth. When the user presses the spin button, the MAJIQ Wheel will update its display to randomly select between values: b, c, d. Users spend most of their time online, whether that's to play games or to write exams. The MAJIQ Wheel, as a Chrome extension, gives the user convenient access to a randomizer tool that can be applied to a multitude of online tasks.

Latest reviews

  • (2023-04-17) Eva Garcia: This extension was great. Only a few things I disliked. One- I didn't like how I could write yes or no. it was only a, b , c , and d. I also didn't like how it would take a long time to load in. Maybe it was just my computer?
  • (2022-01-10) Eric Zhang: Love this extension! So simple and smart


190 history
3.0 (3 votes)
Last update / version
2022-01-10 / 1.0.1
Listing languages
