Block advertisements, insecure webpages, and provides other services
Hi there!
Save time and improve your browsing speed. Click the "Get" button and enjoy surfing the web without ads.
How does it work?
Ad-block stops all ads on each website you visit including pre-roll video ads, text ads, pop-unders, banners, and much more. Ad-block also prevents tracking and data collection by advertisers. It improves page loading times and reduces data usage, which is especially beneficial for people with limited bandwidth.
Key Features:
Stop ads on Youtube and many other popular web pages.
It's a fast, efficient, and effective adblocker utility for Microsoft Edge.
It is an open-source project, and it does not use or consume any user data.
Source code:
“We’d love to hear your feedback!”
- Jaspreet Singh from Codler.
5.0 (3 votes)
Last update / version
2023-05-16 / 1.0.5
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