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Dragon Web Extension for Edge

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Dragon Web Extension for Microsoft Edge

Description from store Dragon Web Extension Dragon Web Extension requires one of the following V15.7.1 or higher products: • Dragon Professional Group (DPG) • Dragon Legal Group (DLG) • Dragon Law Enforcement (DLE) This extension unleashes Dragon's power in Edge: • Enhanced dictating and editing (click where you want text to go, then speak) • Voice-clicking objects by name, for example say “click contact” To enable the extension, click “Get” and then click "Add extension" to confirm. The next prompt will confirm the extension has been added. (Bookmark this page in case you need it later.) To see that it is enabled, click the Extensions icon next to the address bar and look for "Dragon Web Extension".

Latest reviews

  • (2025-01-14) Alex: It does not seem like Nuance can keep up with the speed of changes with Internet browsers and O365. I am simply using DNS for dictation only, and I have stopped using the control capabilities. Fortunately in my case I have that option now. I have also tried using the new dictation capabilities in O365, and I must say they worked pretty poorly on Windows, however on the iPad I found them to have a high level of accuracy.
  • (2025-01-01) Bruce: I'm on board with what everyone has indicated. I Have the Dragon Web Extension for Google Chrome but Won't Work for Microsoft Edge. a Train Wreck. Presumably, It Does Not Exist. Okay, off to Chrome. Also on Microsoft Edge, I Cannot Indicate "Click" Very Many Links on a URL Page. and it arbitrarily locks the And Adds Capital Letters When It Shouldn't. As You Can See… I Was a Software Engineer/Programmer and This Is the Most Pathetic Upgrade I've Ever Seen. I'll Stop Rambling but This Is Horrible. I Continue to Look for Solutions. – – – Addendum: I also attempted to train my voice so that I wouldn't be experiencing that 40% failure like everyone else… It won't let me train… It says that I have spoken enough and it knows enough. pathetic! Also, I added a word to the vocabulary and didn't realize the font was important. I went to change the font and there is no UPDATE capability for the word. what am I missing? NOT certain who Nuance is Appealing to but my 20+ years is S**T!
  • (2024-12-26) KELLEY: I have used Dragon for over 16 years now, in the past four months Dragon has started to glitch not working with Microsoft Word, not working with the search engines, not working with other programs, when it does work it seems to glitch as well and not accurately transcribe about 40% of what is been said, I do not know if this is an upgrade issue, it is very frustrating and sad that the older programs seem to be working better than the new ones,
  • (2024-12-20) Melvin: darren, I agree with you 100%. Dragon is misinterpreting me about 40%. I have to repeat when I am saying before it understands.
  • (2024-12-06) darren: I let them talk me into upgrading to v16 with promises of better compatibility with Windows 11, but the upgraded version works worse than my previous version. It's still completely slows down my desktop and crashes the whole system at least once a day. Very disappointing. I certainly would not recommend upgrading, and there has to be a better voice to text program out there.
  • (2024-11-04) Mary: Why oh why can I not get Dragon to work with any search engine I use? It used to work great with almost everything, and then, it was hit or miss. Now, it works with absolutely nothing. I'm a quadriplegic and I use this software to allow myself to be more independent and proficient while using a computer, however, now I find myself typing more and more, because Dragon is not effective anymore. Nuance, as a company, has dropped the ball and has left those of us that rely on your software to make our lives easier because we are disabled, has added to the complications of our everyday lives, in that we can't do our jobs in a timely manner anymore because it is taking 2 to 3 times longer to complete a simple task by not being able to use add-ons for Internet searching, as well with other programs that we deem necessary to be productive in our daily lives. Please, please, please… Figure out what is wrong with your software and fix it. Many of us would appreciate your cooperation
  • (2024-08-29) Maxwell,: I am a disabled Dragon user and am extremely frustrated with the lack of compatibility in both Edge and the new Outlook 365 UX. I love the new look and feel of Outlook, but have to constantly use the dictation box and cannot useany voice commands for email management. I had to revert back to the 2019 style interface just to delete messages by voice. Please work together to improve interoperability!
  • (2024-07-30) Vianey: I agree with Michael, I use programs for appraisal, construction and home Inspections in the passed your program worked great for me. However, something has changed, and now it screws up my programs every time I try to use it; total waste of money. I should have just kept the old version.
  • (2024-06-11) Michael: I have been using Dragon NaturallySpeaking for over 15 years and it's been my best friend in business. I have faithfully upgraded with each new version and I have even purchased the Nuance Microphone 4, among many other Nuance suggested microphones. I have been a faithful user but you guys have not kept up your end of the bargain. Sometimes Dragon works with Chrome and Edge, and other times something changes and it suddenly doesn't. I would really like someone to explain why you can make such a good voice recognition product, but failed to create a usable interface with standard business applications. I honestly feel like you owe us an explanation. For the first time in 15 years, I will now start looking for an alternative to Dragon NaturallySpeaking. This breaks my heart. Shame on you!!!
  • (2024-06-09) Bill: Simply doesn't work right. Too buggy, inconsistent & inscrutable. I'm disabled and Dragon is a ripoff. Won't even work to write this review! Zero productivity at an inflated price.
  • (2024-05-10) Vincent: Update: 5/2024 I thought I had it figured out, but as many have said, it constantly breaks down. Chrome was better, but they found a way to disable that. I now believe this is intentional, to move us to another alternative for a cost. The root of 90% of the problems is from using the Microsoft Edge browser. Change your browser to Chrome, and you will not get disconnected from Dragon web extension. That is until the next upgrade Edge does. Stay with Chrome when using Dragon. Yell at Microsoft.
  • (2024-04-23) Osterfeld,: Kann nur zustimmen. Dragon an sich ist sehr gut, das Edge-Addon ist absolut unbrauchbar.
  • (2024-03-26) Alcott,: Works on a part-time basis. I work on a full-time basis.
  • (2024-03-24) winfried: immer wieder neu installieren Die Dragon Weberweiterung steigt mitten im Programm aus und ich muss den Rechner neu starten............................. wann bitte wird dieser Fehler endlich einmal beseitigt?
  • (2024-03-21) Eugene: Whatever I dictate it duplicates the sentence.
  • (2024-03-21) Gary: It keeps having issues - which is odd: Microsoft owns this now...
  • (2024-03-15) Angelo: It's telling that the only recent positive review is from a scammer. Frequently doesn't work at all. This has been an issue for literally years, yet Nuance doesn't care enough to do anything about it.
  • (2024-01-18) David: I have to keep resetting in Chrome also. They don't even respond. Take the money and run.
  • (2024-01-03) Felecia: I have to keep reinstalling it every time I open edge. Can you fix it?
  • (2024-01-03) H.: The Dragon web extension for Microsoft Edge must consistently be reloaded for unknown reasons. Therefore, every time a user of Dragon uses Microsoft Edge, they will have to reload the Dragon web extension again. I hope this input is helpful.
  • (2023-11-14) Udo: Bis jetzt alles wunderbar
  • (2023-10-27) Jack: It's great when it works, but it seems to flip-flop from working on chrome or edge. I can understand some of the reviews. Just hope they fix it....... it really is a great product overall.... That's what counts.
  • (2023-10-19) F: I have to keep reinstalling it every time I open edge.
  • (2023-09-18) Carl: sick horrible satanic trash
  • (2023-09-05) H.: In Microsoft Edge the Addon keeps needing to reload. Works great with Google. Open to input. Thanks & I have used Dragon for many years. I love it.
  • (2023-08-29) Roy: Epic Add-on !!! My Dragon finally works in both EDGE and Google Chrome!!!! This is a very happy day. This new version of Dragon called Dragon-16 is just awesome. Thanks!! PS - This MS EDGE add-on extension allows all my browser based apps to work in the EDGE browser, and allows me to show links and navigate by voice control. I like it ALOT !!
  • (2023-07-25) james: not good, very slow, problems , hard to reach support
  • (2023-05-24) Reed: What does the extension do? I thought it might enable Dictation Box functionality in Edge, but apparently it's not that? The only thing I can detect that installing this extension does is it stops nagging to install the extension.
  • (2023-05-15) Roy: Epic Add-on !!! My Dragon finally works in both EDGE and Google Chrome!!!! This is a very happy day. This new version of Dragon called Dragon-16 is just awesome. Thanks !!
  • (2023-04-27) Karl: ichIch habe jetzt seit Dezember letzten Jahres etwa 1000 Seiten geschrieben – also Mainz geht (Hoppla ein Fehler – Gott sei Dank – so sind wir der KI doch noch ein wenig über) wer gar nicht zufriedengestellt werden kann, dem empfehle ich eine Kugelkopf Schreibmaschine mit Matrizen zur Vervielfältigung fünffach eingezogen mit verschiedenfarbigen Druckblättern. Allerbester Standard im Jahr 1980. Wer durch diese Folter gegangen ist, beschwert sich bestimmt nicht mehr.
  • (2023-04-07) Heinz: This latest Dragon Web Extension for MS EDGE work well, and saves me time. Now that version 16 of Dragon Pro Dictation is out, the performance is excellent. I give this 5.9 STARS !!!
  • (2023-04-04) Jon: Shows it's installed in Edge, but prompts to be installed constantly.
  • (2023-03-22) Christopher: Still sucks, constantly prompting me to reload the extension. You would think with a $16 billion purchase by Microsoft that the Nuance people Would get their act together and make a product that works consistently with Microsoft products. The extension constantly unloads in both Microsoft edge and Outlook 365. Pitiful
  • (2023-03-15) Saskia: Ich kann mich den vergangenen Bewertungen nur anschließen. Für einen so teures Produkt, das im professionellen Bereich genutzt werden soll und muss, ist die Funktionalität sehr unzuverlässig. Add-ins in müssen in allen Browsern und allen Windows-Programmen täglich neu installiert werden.
  • (2023-01-22) Vincent: The root of 90% of the problems is from using the Microsoft Edge browser. Change your browser to Chrome, and you will not get disconnected from Dragon web extension. That is until the next upgrade Edge does. Stay with Chrome when using Dragon. Yell at Microsoft.
  • (2023-01-04) Rösch,: Ich muss die plug-in-s auch in allen browsern ständig neu installieren. und häufig reagiert das Programm nicht auf sprachbefehle, obwohl mein rechner 16 MB arbeitsspeicher hat. solche probleme sollten bei so einem teuren produkt eigentlich nicht auftreten ...
  • (2022-12-28) Stephen: It constantly prompts me to add the Dragon Web Extension. I click the link and it takes me to the Edge Add-ons page, where the only option offered is to REMOVE the extension --implying that it's already installed. Even when I remove it and reinstall it, the behavior continues. Clearly, there is something seriously wrong with this extension.
  • (2022-12-19) John: My computer worked perfectly and the biggest mistake I ever made was to download Microsoft Edge. Ever since that dreadful day I have had nothing but problems. They automatically deleted and uninstalled many of my apps and files. Now all I get from them is pop-up menus from the Microsoft Store. They also made it impossible for me to use my Skype as it is controlled by Microsoft now. I was told by a technician. I would have many problems if I tried to uninstall the Microsoft browser. I am really thinking about switching over to Mac. Disappointed and Disgusted... John
  • (2022-12-16) Kathy: I cannot tell you how disgusted I am with the quality of this product. I have used it for number of years, but recently, it is less accurate, the PowerMic III keeps timing out, stops working, and I have to close the program and open it up again, and hope it works for at least a while. The extensions keep disappearing and I have to keep reinstalling them.
  • (2022-12-16) Hogan: I echo all of the sentiments below. I paid $500 for the Dragon Legal Suite and it doesn't work in half of the applications I need it for online and on my desktop. They must be managed by Elon Musk at this point because there is no reason for them to be this far behind the technology that I can get through extensions from the Internet for free. But I also don't understand how they don't have another big off-line competitor that crushes them in the marketplace. I am a quadriplegic and cannot use my fingers to type, so a software that is accurate and quick is essential. And I have to restart Dragon several times a day. As someone with a disability, I am used to paying twice as much to get half the functionality, but I do expect the little bit that does work to actually work on a consistent basis. Pitiful bordering on shameful.
  • (2022-11-29) Howard: I do not get why my $50 cell phones are more accurate than my $350 Dragon Individual Professional. Why is that? I did order a new microphone from Dragon and it helped a little bit but not a lot. Why do not we have access to 15.71.200???? I do not care we have to pay extra, I need this to work at least as well as my $50 cell phone……
  • (2022-11-11) zeming: I had never seen a software application that are both (1) absolutely necessary; and (2) absolutely doesn't work. This Dragon Web Extension is exactly that. I've been using DNS speech recognition for many years and I need this to work. There is not an even an alternative now.
  • (2022-10-31) Roy: Epic Add-on !!! My Dragon finally works in both EDGE and Google Chrome!!!! This is a very happy day. Thanks for making this work in Dragon v15.71.200. Keep up the good work, and please give us a public beta for Dragon v-16 !!! We need to test this with Windows-11 and make sure it works well !!!
  • (2022-10-27) Zimmer,: Dragon is not transcribing well. Then it won't let me use my mouse or keyboard. So I end up being doing more clicking and keyboarding than I would if I had used Dragon in the first place. It's more trouble than it's worth. Dragon should work like the microphone on the cell phones - when you want to dictate a text!! We have the technology - just not with Dragon. and it needs to work with ALL of my work programs.
  • (2022-10-20) McPhillip,: I have used Dragon for over five years and am very unhappy with the most recent upgrade I use that word loosely. It is slow --- glitchy--The whole point of being able to transcribe your work is so that you can move more quickly.
  • (2022-05-05) Melvin: how did you get a hold of v15.71.200? looks like they're letting us individuals hanging out to dry
  • (2022-05-02) Fletcher: Just like William, the extension doesn't work until I say I'd like to add it. Then it tells me I've already got it and gives me the choice to remove it. If I then simply close the window, it seems to work.
  • (2022-03-23) Doug: I am an assistive technology specialist who trains people to use Dragon NaturallySpeaking. The Dragon Extension has been broken for a long time now. It will not allow for say what you see commands, entering text and several other features. It does work in Google Chrome, and I thought Edge ran on chromium, but it doesn't work in Edge. I have tried installing the chrome extension, but it did not fix the issues. If you need to be able to use say what you see commands for clicking links then the only other option is Chrome or Firefox.
  • (2022-03-21) Olaf: Es ist schon erstaunlich, dass für den Preis, den die Professional-Version dieses Programms aufruft, es nicht gelingen soll, ein stabiles PlugIn bereitzustellen, welches nicht bei jedem Öffnen des Browsers wiederhergestellt werden muss. Diese Fehlerhaftigkeit liegt im Übrigen auch in Firefox vor. Ergänzung vom 21.03.2022: erstaunlich und bezeichnend ist auch, dass der Herausgeber es nicht für nötig hält, auf die vielfältig vorgebrachte Kritik an der Erweiterung in irgendeiner Form einzugehen.
  • (2022-03-01) william: It keeps telling me that it's been removed or disabled from Edge (which it hasn't) then when I click to restore it, it comes up and tells me it's active and my only option is to remove it. Doesn't matter if I remove it or not. I've removed and reinstalled it multiple times, and still getting this kludgy error message.


155,490 history
2.3 (122 votes)
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2024-10-23 /
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