add a button to check mails of imported accounts
# Gmail: Check External Mail
## Abstract
With this extension on Gmail, you can easily check new mail arrival for imported accounts.
**This extension is pre-alpha version, so there may be some bugs**. If you find them, please contact me with email or Google Forms.
**この拡張機能はpre-Alpha版であり、バグが残っている可能性があります。** もし発見した場合は、emailやGoogle Formsから連絡していただけると幸いです。
## Usage
By clicking added button newxt to refresh button, a new temporary window will be opened with new mail arrival for imported accounts checked.
After that, the open window will be automatically closed and then mail box will be refreshed.
## Future Work
- add option page where you can manage the texts to identify elements of HTML on Gmail. This enable you to use in any language. (In default, this extension works in English and Japanese.)
## Contact
Google Forms:
Mail: [email protected]