A free web filter that blocks explicit content within Chrome.
Web filter that blocks explicit content and forces safe search, all 100% free and privacy friendly.
Have issues with porn? This porn blocker will help.
It's important to note that porn filters work on a per website basis--not per image/video. This filter is not an exception.
Most porn blockers send a request off to some remote server, and you're left wondering what else they might be doing with your browsing data. This porn blocker is different. This is the most privacy friendly porn blocker on the web. We took our database of millions of pornographic and malicious sites, and compressed it down to a few megabytes. That data is shipped with the chrome extension itself. When you visit a site, the chrome extension uses the local data to check if it's pornographic or not.
Latest reviews
- (2024-01-17) Cam H: Love that it's privacy friendly.