Supports English voice engine for, making conversations more natural and interactions smoother.
Our goal: to create the best human-computer communication assistant
Version Upgrade:
2.4.3 (2024-04-25) makes opening the panel smoother and supports 47 languages.
🔥 Compared to traditional voice plugins, we offer excellent neural network voice services that allow you to converse with our chatbot as if talking to a real person. Even with prolonged use, you won't feel fatigued. Our product is permanently free to use, but for users seeking a superior experience and personalization, we also offer purchasing options.
Focused on enhancing input and output:
🧑💻 Compared to similar high-quality voice plugins, our focus is on optimizing input and output efficiency. Our plugin offers high recognition rate speech recognition, allowing you to interact more efficiently with chatbots. Additionally, you can open the voice assistant on any page through the ChatGPT sidebar. Download and use ChatGPT Voice Master now to boost your productivity!
Main features:
🖥️ Wide-screen display and optimized code area to help programmers view and copy code.
⬇️ Conveniently export conversation content, save it as an image, PDF, MD format, or generate a sharing link for communication with others.
🌟 Smooth communication mode: Interrupt the robot's speech at any time, issue new instructions without interruption.
🧲 Smart Correction: No need to re-record when making corrections. Simply select the part you want to modify and continue speech recognition.
🔑 Easy Wakeup: Wake up the assistant with simple English word "one", similar to "Hey Siri".
📌 Convenient Sidebar: Easily open the sidebar, interact with icons, and easily copy content or perform actions.
🔒 Secure Record: The local sidebar retains conversation history while protecting your privacy.
✂️ Segment Input: Supports segment input to process large amounts of content, facilitating more question and answer interactions.
🔊 Intelligent Reading: Automatically detect reply language and perform appropriate voice reading.
🌐 Multilingual Support: Supports 70 languages and dialects to meet different language communication needs.
🔄 Automatic Translation: Replies will be automatically translated into your native language to enhance understanding and response efficiency. Text selection also offers translation.
🔤 English Shortcut: Provides shortcuts for English queries to ensure faster and more comprehensive responses.
🪟 Floating window design: Similar to iOS phone assistant or Mac OS Dock, providing a non-intrusive experience alongside other plugins.
📋 Chat export: Easily export chat records for communication.
🔍 Quick Search: Quickly search through your chat history using keywords.
🔎 Query Retrieval: Retrieve previous questions using the up arrow to refine your query.
🔊 Speed and volume control: Use the slider to adjust the speed and volume of the voice, personalizing your experience.
⌨️ Keyboard shortcuts: Use keyboard shortcuts for simple voice input, and use the space bar and enter key to initiate recognition and questioning.
💼 Compatible with ChatGPT Plus version: providing unique features and experiences for Plus users.
📌 Download the voice plugin now and easily explore the world of interacting with chatbots! 🚀🚀🚀
Purchase information:
When you need to purchase more coins, we offer the option to pay using PayPal. With PayPal, you can securely and conveniently complete the purchase process. Simply select PayPal as your payment method and follow the instructions to make the payment. Thank you for your support!
Additional Features:
📒 This extension also supports recording, text editing, notes, messaging, navigation, etc., enhancing usability and richness of use.
🔖 Additionally, we have added options for recording, text editing, searching, note-taking, messaging, navigation, game selection, wallpapers, and themes.
🔍 Our extension is easy to download and compatible with popular browsers such as Google, Bing, Qwant, WeChat, etc.
💬 We've also added the functionality to locally save chat logs, allowing you to easily review past conversations and reference them offline. Just click on the extension icon above.
Latest reviews
- (2023-09-15) yanlong chen: 用过最好的语音插件!自然语音选择多而且跟像真人还免费。谢谢工程师,我把其他所有的插件都关了,还是启动不了,不知道什么原因,请尽快解决。辛苦了
- (2023-09-10) prestal prestalis: pas mal, seul gros bémol il parle très mal le français, il dit tous les "s"... "vous" se transforme en "vousse". il dit tous les "t" : "et" devient "éte". Donc imaginez: " vous et moi" devient "vousse ète moi"... Et il parle très vite. Assez inaudible en français, dommage.
- (2023-08-06) Henrique Alves: The voice is not so robotic like the others, but still have some bugs, sometimes miss a phrase or a word (usually at the beginning of a phrase), sometimes take a long time to start the next phrase, and can't read "e.g" or anything that's not a word.
- (2023-07-06) 任腾麟: 请问选中英语句子以后,为什么不直接在上面翻译成中文了,以前只要选中一些英文内容就会自动跟读英文并且翻译成中文在框中的内容上面。
- (2023-07-04) Nicolas Garcia: Las funciones son muy buenas, pero sin embargo, hay una notificación con el nombre "Use la función de traducción de forma gratuita, pase la verificación hombre-máquina Google Translate API"; que la verdad ya es muy molesto, lo cierras y vuelve a aparecer cada 5 segundos. Deberían de removerla ya que no es necesario, o en todo caso quitar la notificación, que a este punto ya es muy incomodo.
- (2023-06-29) A Rezaee: Love it. Please add the option to repeat reading aloud the generated text again. Sometimes i need to hear the text more than once. Thanks
- (2023-06-26) Yask Shelat: your reading algorithm is great. it creates a very natural voice. it helped a lot to learn a language. I tried all other extension and none of them offers a voice qualify as you are offering. thank you for creating this.
- (2023-06-06) Barış Velioğlu (barisvelioglu): I was hoping to have a plugin similar to this one. It's fantastic! I simply want to carry on a conversation without touching anything on my keyboard or mouse, or at least, I'd like an easy method to be defined. I don't want to do more than one action to send a message. It can be really good to have enabling voice control for sending messages, we can use special wake-up words like "Voice Master, send the message."
- (2023-05-16) Odysseus: Compared to other voice extension of chatgpt, I really like the extension your team creats. Thank you for your effort and time to devise the extension. But I have two suggestions. Hope that your team can make the extension even better. One is when I ask chatgpt to create an fill-in-blank collocation question, Voice Master will keep reading "underscore, underscore, underscore, underscore" where the blank should be filled. The other advice is that I am wondering if you can let Voice Master automatically send out the questions right after I stop talking. Thank you for your tremendous effort.
- (2023-05-13) Qin Steven: Hi, Your Voice Master is almost perfect. It must be one of my the best extensions to work with ChatGPT. But there is an issue with Speech Rate - it works for the first few changes, but not after that. Also the Voice occasionally switches to to a robotic voice, doesn't revert to a natural voice despite my efforts. Restarting the extension usually brings back the natural voice. Could you flep fix these problems? Thanks for your good job!
- (2023-05-03) Yukon W (Y.K.): 提個建議,將語音輸入與輸出的選項分開,比如我喜歡台灣妹子發音的英文但是在交流的時候又使用不了英文,除非轉換到英文識別,否則識別效果非常差經。
- (2023-04-24) so cool: bug太多了。无数次打开chrome 才能有极少的概率能呼出界面。 界面上语音功能有问题,用一会他就会自己乱读一气。设置语言有点鸡肋,你可以根据当前提交问题的文字语言去判断接下来的返回语言这样就完美了。有些时候 讲一句中文,有时候讲一句 英文。 还的切换太累 ---------------------- 用了很久接近完美了
- (2023-04-24) 锡安山读经团契: 原来这是非常好用的语音识别,感谢开发者。之前不太懂用,差点卸载了
- (2023-04-19) 李家俊(吃虾一族之李家俊): 特别好用!非常赞,大家一起用起来! 最近由于chatgpt或者chrome升级,导致chatgpt网页版的部分浏览器扩展不可用,可能的原因是扩展本身没有通过chrome审核或者被屏蔽,其他扩展通过github自主下载更新版本已经恢复使用,而ChatGPT Voice Master这个最好用的语音扩展却一直没能找到方法恢复,希望开发者尽快找到原因,解决问题吧,感谢! 感谢开发人员的辛苦付出,再一次的可以使用了,功能越来越完善了,就是不知道那个显示的次数是什么意思,以后是需要付费买次数吗?是的话费用标准是什么?另外是否可以为语音朗读增加一个自动识别功能,就像微软的沉浸式阅读里的朗读一样,遇上中文用中文发音,遇上英文自动切换到英文发音,要不然,选择中文发音时,文档里有英文那个发音很难听,选择英文时,文档里有中文就读不出来了。感谢,愿插件越做越好!
- (2023-04-11) Wade Wang: 功能很强大很符合学习需求,但是美中不足的UI太别扭,希望能把那几个按钮放在右边固定位置,且用滑块表示开关,增加气泡提示功能。刚开始用真是摸不着头脑
- (2023-04-10) M C: 选学习英文,输入框上面是英文,下面是中文,在下面的输入行输入文字后不能发送,只有在上面的英文栏才能发送。所谓学习不应该是我打中文,发送时用的英文发布,gpt用英文回答并朗读吗?
- (2023-04-07) Anoir Ben Tanfous: A lot of features but they are not well implanted, the UI is confusing! it would be great if the dev rething about how to implant them and make this extension compatible with some other popular ones for ChatGPT
- (2023-04-07) Bickle Travis: 翻译和朗读用完500次就没了,
- (2023-04-05) Officer Prior: 安装这个扩展但是始终无法显示出那排选择语音的工具栏。
- (2023-04-05) zhang shihao: 这个插件真的牛,自带翻译不说,它的回答也非常自然和流畅,几乎感觉像在与人类交流。就是操作起来有一定的学习成本,但是他功能实在强大,作者的水平真的很高。如果能加入回车发送语音就真的完美了👍
- (2023-04-02) 雨方景: 能否增加一个简单模式。仅仅像Voice Control for ChatGPT一样。我说英文,chat-gpt回我英文并读出来。这就足够了。 现在这个版本,就像是什么都想做,什么都没做好。各个功能互相冲突,几乎把我气笑了。 试举几例: 1.比如最基本的替代Voice Control for ChatGPT功能 1.1.默认是中英双语,打开”英语更快“,语音输入英文,结果chat-gpt回复我还是中英双语。这会拖慢回复速度,并没有更快。 1.2.打开英语更快,打开朗读,语音输入英语,结果插件的朗读人变成中文了(由此造成的更多问题后面会提)。 1.3.接上文,chat-gpt回复我后,插件居然从我的提问开始朗读,这是不需要的,因为提问者清楚自己问了什么,朗读提问会浪费时间和朗读次数。 1.4.接上文,朗读完我的提问后,插件开始将回复部分的中英全部朗读。问题是这时候朗读人变成中文了,不能朗读英文,强行读起英文效果非常差。 1.5.接上文,语音输入英文后,发送键是灰色的。需要手动移动到输入框的末尾,点击并输入空格,才能发送。建议增加一个发送键,点击直接发送;增加一个文本键,点击直接转换为文本。或者改成空格输入语音,松开发送;E键转换为文本。 1.6.为了修复”朗读人自动换成中文“的问题,手动将语言学习换成英文。此时朗读人恢复为英文,但是输入框又变回中英双语了(由此造成的更多问题后面会提)。于是手动再次打开”英文更快“,此时输入框恢复为英文单行,结果朗读人又变回中文了。(我:???) 1.7.考虑到朗读人问题,只能尝试使用中文双语输入框来进行纯英文语音输入,结果此时又出现了新的问题。 1.7.1.首先是小问题。英文语音输入后,和刚刚一样需要手动移动到英文区末尾,点击,输入空格,才能发送。由于现在有两个区域,操作更加麻烦了。 1.7.2.接上文,点击发送后,此时中文区自动清空,然而chat-gpt开始输出后,中文区却蹦出了翻译。这并不是卡顿,因为刚刚语音输入英文的同时,插件已经同步翻译出了中文。只是清空英文区后,中文翻译又回来了。 1.7.3.接上文,此时,语音识别已经关闭,红框已经消失。但是插件突然开始重复”没听见你说的话“。然后插件开始朗读chat-gpt的回答,朗读到一半又开始说”没听见你说的话“。这个问题相对于前两个小问题来说,是比较大的问题。 1.8.插件锁死了默认语言(猜测是浏览器语言,即中文),对于一些场景不太方便,比如尝试使用英文学习法语。此时将学习语言换成法语,但是使用者语言仍然是中文。没有办法快速更换使用者语言。如果每次都要更改浏览器语言,稍微慢了一些。当然,个人最希望的是使用者语音和学习语言都是英文。 先写这么多吧,本来列了几项,后面删了。 这个插件使用的神经网络语音,对比Voice Control for ChatGPT非常好,如果能实现Voice Control for ChatGPT的功能,我觉得完全可以收费。但是目前还是只能用回Voice Control for ChatGPT。非常遗憾。
- (2023-04-02) Brandon Bernard: could really use a new input word for english. "One" is a pour way to start a conversation. perhaps an option to add your own phrase or at least give some options that flow a bit better. "Hey Chat" would be self explanatory enough. it no longer sends the text input when finished speaking now either...
- (2023-03-27) 李Li明穎Ming-Ying: 太棒了 這比voice control for chatgpt 準確些也更多細項可以調整,我覺得可以設幾個模式例如長回答模式或短回答模式或是增加點情境,實際做法可能是speech recognition 的文字後可以自動加上please reply me in one to two sentences ...., assume I am a saleperson
- (2023-03-27) Alexander YIng: 感谢,这款插件非常适合平民学习外语,提供非常好的语言环境和交互的对象,再次感谢
- (2023-03-27) Chen Lin: good extension, but I have used all text to speech credit, can i pay for more usage?
- (2023-03-25) Diamond Huang: good extension, I just hope there is a place to switch off the Chinese input bar, and translation.
- (2023-03-25) shade moon: 应该提供快捷键来控制语音输入,比如按住space键启用麦克风录入,松开后发送给chatgpt,不然如果音箱播放会一直录入音箱播放的内容
- (2023-03-24) yongqi cui: 无法正常使用,不限制设置栏。傻了吧唧的在那语音乱读
- (2023-03-21) 765 OnionP: 哥们非常感谢您的付出,有个建议是希望能加入文字转语音的语调滑块,个人非常需要这个功能,谢谢!
- (2023-03-19) bruce lee: 牛!!!功能比较多可是让人不会调整,手忙脚乱,希望作者可以出一个详细介绍各个功能的教程
- (2023-03-14) DaniWo!: good
- (2023-03-10) Showxr: niubi
- (2023-03-04) sz x: 新版本好用一点了