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Keywords Everywhere - Keyword Tool

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Keywords Everywhere is a freemium chrome extension that helps you with Keyword Research.

Image from store Keywords Everywhere - Keyword Tool
Description from store Universal Keyword Planner box is a keyword acquisition Chrome extension. With this plugin, you can discover much more keywords for SEO purposes. Are you tired of looking for the best keywords across platforms? All you have to do is install the Universal Keyword Planner box instantly. *No bloat, no ads, no unnecessary permissions, just a simple way to search for seo keywords.* To use this automatic data extraction tool, you only need to put your root keyword into the search fields and click the "UK" icon. Then a broad panel will be expanded, on which it displays dozens of long-tail keywords and AI keyword suggestions based on your input. You can copy them or export them to Excel or CSV files (XLS, XLSX, CSV), with no registration or fees required! It integrates with both official APIs and third party APIs to explore keywords as well as their core metrics such as search volume. How to use it? 1. Install Universal Keyword Planner box extension onto your Chrome browser 2. Go to any website we support, and start searching 3. You'll notice a "UK" button (the logo of Universal Keyword Planner box) added next to the original search button 4. Click the button, and you will see multiple lists of keywords showing up underneath the search bar. 5. Free to copy or export the keywords you want Q&A -Q:Do I need to pay for downloading keywords from Universal Keyword Planner box? -A:Absolutely no need - you can use any function of this plugin for free. -Q:What eCom Platforms suppported? -A:We now support expanded keywords on Aliepress, Amazon, eBay and Etsy. -Q: Is Any more platform supporting? -A: We also supported expanded keywords on Google and Youtube search box ● Keyword data analysis,Marketing strategy tool,Pay-per-click performance,Search optimization,Targeting insights,AdWords ROI,Campaign ROI,Conversion tracking insights,Demographic data analysis,Keyword insights data,Marketing trends,Pay-per-click ROI,Search ranking insights,Targeting trends,Advertiser data,Campaign tracking,Conversion trends,Demographic tracking data,Keyword research data,Metrics data analysis,Performance data analysis,Search trends data,User behavior data,Campaign tracking data,Display advertising performance,Keyword volume data,Metrics tracking,Performance insights,User data,Advertiser performance insights,Competitor analysis tool,Display advertising trends,Metrics tracking tool,Performance tracking tool,Advertiser ROI data,Competitor data analysis,Display advertising volume,Keyword trend analysis,Navigation data,Performance trends data,Search volume insights,User targeting data,Conversion cost,Demographic data analysis tool,PPC analysis,Performance tracking data,Search volume tracking,User tracking data,Advertiser trend data,Conversion rate data,Cost per click,Keyword volume tracking,Pay-per-click trends,Performance tracking insights,Search engine optimization tool,User behavior insights,Advertising analysis,Conversion rate insights,Cost per impression data,Demographic tracking,Pay-per-click volume,Personalization data,Search engine ranking,Advertising data,Conversion tracking tool,Cost per lead data,Demographic volume data,Keyword volume insights,Pay-per-click data analysis,Search engine ranking data,User data insights,Advertising insights,Conversion volume data,Cost per sale data,Demographic volume insights,Landing page data,Pay-per-click performance data,PPC trend data,Search engine ranking insights,User trend analysis ● UnUniversal Keyword Planner box,keyword research tool,SEO,digital marketing,traffic analysis,online advertising,ChatGPT integration,search engine optimization,keyword optimization,long-tail keywords,competitor analysis,keyword density,search volume,keyword difficulty,keyword suggestions,search trends,keyword variations,search ranking,search engine algorithms,targeted keywords,niche keywords,semantic search,keyword performance,ad campaign,content creation,website optimization,keyword grouping,keyword filtering,keyword planner,keyword analysis,keyword metrics,keyword brainstorming,keyword ideas,keyword targeting,keyword discovery,keyword mapping,keyword tracking,keyword clustering,keyword tagging,keyword relevance,keyword research strategy,keyword distribution,keyword trends analysis,keyword intent,keyword competitiveness,keyword selection,keyword density checker,keyword research process,keyword tools,Keyword analysis,keyword strategy,keyword research,keyword planning,search engine marketing,organic search,paid search,Google AdWords,Bing Ads,Yahoo Gemini,AdWords campaign,keyword bidding,ad targeting,ad relevance,ad quality,ad rank,keyword match types,broad match,phrase match,exact match,negative keywords,keyword lists,keyword generation,keyword optimization tips,keyword research tips,keyword research tools,keyword research techniques,keyword research methods,keyword research software,keyword research analysis,keyword research report,keyword research guide,keyword research checklist,keyword research template,keyword research spreadsheet,keyword research document,keyword research best practices,keyword research metrics

Latest reviews

  • (2023-08-20) US Lab Unique Science Labs: It must gather keyword of related category. There is no option to select category. Otherwise this extension must auto detect the category which is selected by user on amazon website. So give useless data
  • (2023-06-18) majid vosoughi: i used this extension instead of keyword everywhere but it don't work, i'm going to unistall it. it's a useless extension for seo.
  • (2023-02-21) Lenin Zapata: Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, for example I put the word "Salinas Ecuador 2023" and it only sends me 1 suggested word when within the search there are many, and also related, but the extension only brought me 1 ▶️ https://recordit.co/UwJXjQw9j2
  • (2022-12-14) Ecom Expert Pro: Excelente extensão. Mas falta uma coisa: Cada palavra chave que aparece, deveria ter a quantidade do volume de quantas vezes aquela palavra chave foi digitada. E seria bom se também esses números da quantidade de palavras chaves vinhessem ordenados, do maior para o menor, ou seja, da palavra chave que tem a maior quantidade de busca para a menor...
  • (2022-11-05) Joel Smith: Amazing extension so nice and fantastic with this good extension I think you should promote your extension for more review https://www.fiverr.com/share/NYlaER you can promote your extension from this person is a great friend of my you won't have any regret working with him
  • (2022-10-25) Cheug Wade: Oh my Gold ! This is really great tool !


5,220 history
3.2857 (7 votes)
Last update / version
2023-03-25 / 0.0.5
Listing languages
en lt lv pl sk sr
