extension ExtPose


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Enjoy YouTube with your voice

Image from store VoyceeTube
Description from store Have you ever thought of controlling YouTube with voice!! control YouTube while you exercise, Drive, If you are specially abled and cant operate YouTube with your hands. Here's an extension for you!!. With this you can enjoy YouTube with voice just by simple voice commands given below : 'sam Hello' : This will wish hello messages to user, 'sam mute' : Wil mute video, 'sam unmute' : Will unmute video, 'sam play' : Play video, 'sam stop' : pause video, 'sam pause' : Pause video, 'sam next' : Next video would be played, 'sam previous' : Previous video would be played,, 'sam show captions' : Enable captions, 'sam hide captions' : Disable captions, 'sam (show) description' : shows video description, 'sam mini player' : Play video in miniplayer, 'sam movie (mode)' : Play video in theaterMode, 'sam default (mode)' : Play video in defaultMode, 'sam full screen' : FullScreen, 'sam vminimize' : Minimize video, 'sam like' : like video, 'sam dislike' : dislike video, 'sam subscribe' : Subscribe channel, 'sam (scroll) down' : scrolldown, 'sam (scroll) up' : scrollup, 'sam unsubscribe' : unSubscribe, 'sam search (for) *text': search for anything on YouTube with voice, 'sam skip (ad)' : skipAd, 'sam visit ad' : visitAd, 'sam join (channel)' : join, 'sam trending (videos)' : show trending videos, 'sam speed *tag(x)' : speeds video by argument you pass eg:- "speed 1.5" : This will speed up video by 1.5x "speed 2x" : This will speed up video by 2x 'sam volume 25%' : change volume to 25%, 'sam volume 55%' : change volume to 55%, 'sam copy (video) (link)' : copies video link, 'sam (my) liked videos' : Shows your liked videos, 'sam (my) subscriptions' : Shows your subscriptions, 'sam watch later (videos)' : Shows video added to watch later, 'sam library' : goes to library, 'sam history' : shows history, 'sam expand' : expands miniplayer to default player, 'sam share' : copy, 'sam save (to watch later)' : save video to watchlater, 'sam autoplay (on)' : autoplay on, 'sam autoplay (off)' : autoplay off, 'sam visit channel' : visit channel, 'sam go to music' : shows music, 'sam go to gaming' :shows gamming, 'sam go to movies' : shows movies, 'sam go to news' : shows news, Note: Round brackets in voice commands are not mandatory while saying commands. You can Ignore them.


21 history
0.0 (0 votes)
Last update / version
2022-03-29 / 1.0.0
Listing languages
