extension ExtPose

ChatGPT Toolkit

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Description from extension meta

Enhances your ChatGPT experience with useful features like a Auto-Fill prompt text from URL, common prompts after response, and…

Image from store ChatGPT Toolkit
Description from store The ChatGPT Toolbox provides some useful additional features for the ChatGPT website, which can enhance the user experience. Currently, two features are available: 1. Automatic prompt filling from URL: This allows you to save commonly used prompts as bookmarks and quickly fill them in when needed. 2. Automatic prompt button in the ChatGPT response field: These commonly used prompts can be automatically entered through a button. 3. You can directly edit the prompt by double-clicking on the user icon or prompt text. 📢 This extension adds support for AutoFill and AutoSubmit functions for Gemini, Claude, phind and Groq on 2024-03-11. Please make use of the ChatGPT Prompt Link Generator: https://blog.miniasp.com/ChatGPTToolkitExtensionUrlGen.html to automatically generate links. More useful features will be launched in the future, and everyone is welcome to provide ideas and suggestions. Instructions 1. Add `#autoSubmit=1&prompt=your_prompt_text` to the URL bar, for example: Open the ChatGPT website and fill in "hello" without automatically submitting (`autoSubmit=0`): <https://chat.openai.com/chat#autoSubmit=0&prompt=hello>; Open the ChatGPT website and fill in "hello" with automatic submission (`autoSubmit=1`): <https://chat.openai.com/chat#autoSubmit=1&prompt=hello>; 2. Set it as the default search engine in Chrome / Edge, for example: Refer to the [Set your default search engine & site search shortcuts](https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95426?hl=en) document for instructions! Example settings: ```txt Search engine: ChatGPT Shortcut: g URL with %s in place of query: https://chat.openai.com/chat#autoSubmit=1&prompt=%s ``` Just type `g` in the URL bar and press the Tab key, and ChatGPT will automatically open and fill in the prompt text. GitHub Repo: https://github.com/doggy8088/ChatGPTToolkitExtension

Latest reviews

  • (2023-09-01) BOLIN WU (580): 0.9.0 按鈕不會出現了@@
  • (2023-05-08) william xiao: 希望能增加更多提示词,或者增加用户自定义功能
  • (2023-05-02) Shuwn Hsu: 第一次安裝使用 1. 自動從 URL 填入提示 這個功能正常,很好使用! 2. 在 ChatGPT 回應的地方出現自動提示按鈕 我的對話都無法顯示按鈕,不知道是否有需要設定的地方嗎? 另外也希望以後可以自訂常用按鈕內容
  • (2023-04-16) hu david: 少數能用且實用的擴充功能
  • (2023-04-12) Eric Li: 很實用,謝謝您。
  • (2023-04-04) swim: 四功能無法出現
  • (2023-04-04) Subaru Natsuki: 有使用ChatGPT必裝,感謝作者
  • (2023-04-02) Renhao Lu: 回報一下狀況 現在好像四大功能無法出現了,重新安裝也沒用 不知道是不是只有我有這個問題
  • (2023-04-01) Eddie Xu: 工具真的很不錯,回報個狀況,3/31之後下述的功能常常沒辦法顯示 ChatGPT 回應的地方出現自動提示按鈕:有時候 ChatGPT 沒辦法顯示完整的內容,我們會輸入「繼續」讓 ChatGPT 繼續完成,這些常用的提示詞可以透過按鈕自動輸入。
  • (2023-03-09) Ryan Tsai: 很實用工具,但這幾天使用 "網址後面加上#autoSubmit=0&prompt=內容" 這功能會導致頁面顯示"Your session has expired"彈跳視窗。
  • (2023-03-07) Info Kimx: cool! 太好用了
  • (2023-03-07) 四文魚: 還行,但給推
  • (2023-03-03) Rory CHANG (isRory): 超棒
  • (2023-03-03) Daniel: 很實用的工具! 如果是付費版的用戶,可以先去ChatGPT選擇Legacy模式後,將網址複製起來在後面加上#autoSubmit=0&prompt=內容, 就可以自動將回答模式改為Legacy喔!
  • (2023-03-02) 張順宗(阿宗): 超好用 !
  • (2023-03-02) nalisa chu: 實用! 感謝!
  • (2023-03-01) 林思翰Hans Lin: 感謝樓主 一生平安
  • (2023-03-01) Sophie Chang: 實用
  • (2023-03-01) Taiwan No.1: This tool is great as you can easily use the URL bar to search for common technical and crafting queries and ask CHATGPT to respond to your questions.
  • (2023-03-01) 蔡奇倫: 方便好用 減少作業時間
  • (2023-03-01) Andy Chung: 工具方便使用,推薦安裝
  • (2023-03-01) 邱俞凱: 非常實用的工具,一定要安裝
  • (2023-02-28) 林威任: 方便的小工具,讚讚
  • (2023-02-28) Tsung Yu Chen: 實用!
  • (2023-02-28) jAc: 方便的小工具。推薦安裝
  • (2023-02-28) 蔡家承: 蠻方便的


10,000 history
4.9388 (49 votes)
Last update / version
2025-03-03 / 0.40.0
Listing languages
