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来认识一下 Rio:人工智能作家和助理。支持搜索引擎/电子邮件/社交媒体/YouTube 摘要等,由 Open-AI Chat-GPT 提供支持。
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🎨🎨🎨 彻底改变您的 Rio 在线体验! 💻 💡 📩 这个强大的浏览器扩展由 OpenAI 的 ChatGPT 技术提供支持,为搜索引擎、电子邮件、社交媒体等提供无缝支持。快速获取 YouTube 视频摘要、一目了然地访问重要信息,甚至个性化您的右键菜单。使用 Rio 简化您的工作流程并提高生产力!
🧑💻🧑💻🧑💻 充分利用里约:
1- 在您的网络浏览器(Chrome、Edge、Brave、Opera 或任何基于 Chromium 的网络浏览器)上安装扩展程序。
1A- 对于 Brave:在 Brave://settings/shields 中禁用“防止网站根据我的语言偏好对我进行指纹识别”。
1B- 对于 Opera:在扩展管理页面中启用“允许访问搜索页面结果”。
2- 将扩展程序图标固定到浏览器的工具栏上以便于访问。
3- 重新启动您的网络浏览器或计算机以确保正常运行。
4- 登录您的 OpenAI 帐户以激活扩展。
5- 开始使用该扩展来提高您的工作效率并简化您的在线通信体验。
🎨🎨🎨 Rio 提供了一系列强大的功能来增强您的在线体验:
✅ 与 Google、百度、DuckDuckGo、Brave 等流行搜索引擎无缝集成。
✅ YouTube 内容的快速视频摘要。
✅ 原生支持在 Gmail 中撰写电子邮件。
✅ 轻松与 Twitter 和 LinkedIn 集成,轻松发布。
📝📝📝 定制和生产力:
✅ 支持浅色和深色模式
✅ Rio 个人协助侧边栏图标,用于快速访问 ChatGPT。
✅ 使用您自己的自定义提示来个性化右键菜单。
✅ 阅读标尺用于专注阅读模式。
✅ 屏幕着色器可减轻眼睛疲劳。
✅ 模式:将 Rio 主题模式设置为自动、浅色或深色。默认为自动模式。
✅ 文本大小:控制 Rio UI 文本的大小为小、正常、大。正常是默认值。
✅ Rio Assistant:此功能提供了一个浮动小部件图标,使您可以从网络浏览器侧边栏上访问的任何网站访问 ChatGPT。此选项使 ChatGPT 始终触手可及,并提供在不需要时隐藏小部件的灵活性。
📝📝📝 应用程序支持:
✅ 搜索引擎支持:Rio 扩展提供与 Google、Yahoo、Naver、Yandex、Kagi 等流行搜索引擎的无缝集成。它允许用户快速找到所需的信息,并提供三种自定义选项,使搜索体验更加出色。选项包括:
✔️✔️✔️“手动”:此选项允许用户通过单击搜索栏旁边出现的“询问 ChatGPT”按钮来手动发起 ChatGPT 搜索查询。
✔️✔️✔️“仅问题”:使用此选项,ChatGPT 响应将仅由以“?”结尾的搜索查询触发。如果您只想使用 ChatGPT 回答特定问题,这非常有用。
✔️✔️✔️“始终”:使用此选项,将为任何搜索查询提供 ChatGPT 响应,无论它是否是问题。
✅ YouTube 视频摘要:Rio 提供了一种方便高效的方式来快速总结 YouTube 视频。用户可以选择三种摘要格式:要点、书面文章或短段落。这使得无需观看整个视频即可轻松消费和理解视频内容。
✅ Gmail 集成:该扩展提供了在 Gmail 中编写电子邮件的原生支持,使您无需离开 Gmail 界面即可轻松撰写和发送电子邮件。扩展程序图标将随您编写的任何电子邮件一起出现,单击该图标将在电子邮件中显示一个小窗口,您可以在其中键入 ChatGPT 提示来编写专业电子邮件。
✅ 社交媒体集成:Rio 与 Twitter 和 LinkedIn 集成,使在这些平台上发帖变得轻而易举。扩展图标出现在 Twitter 的工具栏中,用于编写新推文,并为您提供一个集成在 LinkedIn 中的小窗口,用于创建您想要的任何类型的帖子。对于那些活跃在社交媒体上并经常需要即时创建帖子的人来说,此功能特别有用。
📝📝📝 新版本的 Rio 扩展提供了一种利用 ChatGPT 基于人工智能的技术的创新方式。通过选定文本的右键菜单功能,用户可以快速访问有关选定文本的信息,而无需手动输入问题。通过选择单词或短语,用户可以通过键盘快捷键使用以下选项:
✅ 创建测验 (Ctrl+Shift+C):要求 ChatGPT 根据所选文本创建测验。确保学生理解并准备考试的简单方法。
✅ 举例说明(Ctrl+Shift+E):用例子解释所选文本,使其更容易理解和记忆。
✅ 释义 (Ctrl+Shift+P):换句话说重新编写所选文本。提高使用单词同义词和不同写作风格的能力。
✅ 总结 (Ctrl+Shift+S):要求 ChatGPT 将所选文本总结为一个简短的段落,提供关键要点的快速简洁的总结。
✅ 除了这些选项之外,右键单击自定义功能还允许用户进一步个性化其右键单击菜单。通过添加适用于所选文本的自定义提示,用户可以优化其在线活动并提高生产力和效率。此功能包括以下选项:
✔️✔️✔️ 名称:新右键单击选项的名称,可以轻松识别自定义提示
✔️✔️✔️ 自定义提示:在所选文本上运行的自定义提示,允许用户根据自己的特定需求和偏好定制扩展的功能
✔️✔️✔️ 总的来说,此功能为用户提供了一种方便且用户友好的方式来利用 ChatGPT 的技术来增强他们的在线体验。
📝📝📝 阅读标尺(多动症友好):使用阅读标尺功能增强您的阅读体验,该功能会突出显示鼠标光标在屏幕上所在的线条。
✅ 掩模类型:从扩展程序提供的两种不同掩模类型中进行选择,以自定义您的阅读标尺体验。
✅ 标尺高度:轻松将读数标尺的高度调整到您喜欢的尺寸,确保最大的舒适度和易用性。
✅ 标尺亮度:根据所选蒙版类型,通过调整标尺内部或外部的暗淡程度来微调标尺的亮度。
✅ 尺子颜色:从一系列最适合您偏好的颜色中进行选择,个性化您的阅读尺。通过设置标尺颜色的功能,您可以优化您的阅读体验并确保最大程度的集中注意力和工作效率。
📝📝📝 屏幕着色器:此功能提供了一种在使用设备时保护眼睛的便捷方法。此功能允许您调整屏幕的色调和亮度,减少到达眼睛的光线量。
✅ “调整色调颜色”按钮:使您能够启用或禁用色调颜色并设置最适合您的特定色调。
✅ “色调亮度”按钮:允许您控制阴影级别并将其设置为您喜欢的照明级别。此功能使您可以更轻松地长时间使用设备,从而减少眼睛疲劳。
📖📖📖 Rio Web 浏览器扩展提供了一系列功能,旨在借助 OpenAI ChatGPT 提高用户的生产力、效率和整体在线体验。
📬📬📬 寻求支持:[email protected]
✅ 如果您需要任何技术帮助或有任何疑问,请随时通过 [email protected] 联系我们的支持团队。
✅ 您的反馈对我们很有价值,我们将尽力解决您在使用我们的产品时可能遇到的任何问题或错误。
✅ 请记住,这是测试版,感谢您的耐心等待,我们将继续改进我们的产品。
✅ 另请注意,某些翻译可能是使用翻译人员完成的。如果您遇到任何不正确的翻译,请告知我们,我们将为您提供帮助。
🌐🌐🌐 上述所有公司、应用程序、服务均为其各自公司的商标。这些商标的使用须获得其各自所有者的许可。
Latest reviews
- (2023-07-24) Kiril Okun: I was looking for a tool to summarize Youtube videos and was happy to discover Rio since it had more features in addition to the summarization. After installing i tried to summarize a 1 hour youtube video with very poor results. After selecting the Article format the window with some text started opening and closing, which is rather annoying. Either stay open or closed but not flicker like that. Best to give a progress indicator of the summarization though. Then it stopped doing that and stayed in a closed state, which i assumed meant that it finished. By clicking on the copy button and then pasting elsewhere did not paste any text. There was no summary. And there's no way i could find to show the summary. A very poor preformance and user experience i'm afraid to say. I'm using Chrome on Ubuntu and KDE Neon 5.27. Hopefully it's just a simple bug and can be fixed quickly. Otherwise it's not a good sign if one of the main functions of Rio had been released in such a unfuctional state.
- (2023-07-16) brady: Very useful, there should definitely be a dark mode to match with youtube though. EDIT: It used to work perfectly but recently it hasn't worked at all. It is stuck on "Loading...", please help!
- (2023-04-26) Rafael Kasinski: Oh. My. GAWD!!!!! This is a 🤯!!!!!! 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
- (2023-03-04) Jose Salgado: Hola, califico de esta forma porque no es posible chatear con la IA, pide que haga login y a pesar de estar logueado sigue solicitandolo, es un circulo vicioso.
- (2023-03-04) F L: Fantastic, simple but so useful.
- (2023-02-27) papa LI: 有时候搜索计算机代码时,插件会闪退和中止他的行为
- (2023-02-26) John Champlin: I was pretty unimpressed by it's ability to tweet. If I am not breaking any rules or harming anyone it shouldn't censor what we want it to write. If I want it to write me a tweet criticizing a TV show it should and not give me some corporate feedback about by opinion. It's pretty ridiculous that this extension is doing PR for corporate networks in its censorship.
- (2023-02-24) Syd Jay Suaring: love it
- (2023-02-18) Giant Heron: I can't get it to work, it keeps saying "No transcript found" and then closing, I have done all the steps and refreshed and reinstalled but for every video I go on it says that.
- (2023-02-15) gut4rin (EdArt): Довольно удобно
- (2023-02-14) Haye Monique: 非常方便
- (2023-02-12) Nyimbo Okar: Sometimes it is a bit basic, sometimes it gives not very helpful responses to the point I would rather watch the video. Please can you also add language support for other languages. Sometimes it gives me errors and messes with the youtube page layout making it a disturbance. Please also improve the styles, it's a bit cluttery. Maybe make a setting page like YoutubeDigest extension. Thank you.
- (2023-02-11) henry grey: it just doesn't work, i've tried everything from disabling other extensions to different chromium-based browsers. can you make a website instead that does this functionality, it would be more error free and would be able to be accessible by everyone.
- (2023-02-11) Bassel Saleh: it's one of the best tools but it needs dark mode urgently. it looks so bad when everything is dark, but it is gray on white.
- (2023-02-09) Umberto Roselli: Doesn't work, it continues asking to log in
- (2023-02-07) frank tang: how to login chatgpt?
- (2023-02-06) Abel: Doesn't work anymore, it was good at first but now I can't get it to work no matter how much I try
- (2023-02-05) Bernard Zimmermann: Very excited to try it as it looks good. One suggestion immediately could you put times before the youtube points
- (2023-02-05) A: This extension is one of the best I've seen for GPT. Thank you for making this available to us and I hope there will be a few more updates in the future. I also have to add that the Youtube/Google feature strangely doesn't work. Can you fix this?
- (2023-02-04) Vlad Vlad (L1NKS): The extension is cool! Is there any way to tie the DALLE-2 in here?
- (2023-02-04) Toad J: It says "Please login to" but I'm already logged in.
- (2023-02-03) Richard Willette: I haven't been able to get this to work on several computers. I'm not sure what is wrong. I have installed the extension. Logged into ChatGPT. Restarted the browser. It has not worked for me. Even when restarting the computer. I've got ChatGPT Plus, is this not able to work with Plus accounts? I can't think of any other reason why this might not work on Chrome. -Browser is fully up-to-date.
- (2023-01-14) Moshe Lugasi: Can you please add "Rewrite" to the menu list? (Ask, define, rewrite, translate) Or let add the ability to customize this list? (this will be a game changer)
- (2023-01-14) Levent Kina: Works very good!
3.5152 (33 votes)
Last update / version
2023-07-18 / 0.7.0
Listing languages