Tool for case tracker
The tool has been created to help you to track the cases you are working with, and to avoid the use of external tools that can take you even more time.
When the extension has been installed, you will see a new bar menu at the top of the site, where you will have all the options you need to have track of your case.
When the selection of the options has been done and as soon as you click submit, all the selections will be stored in your clipboard. This will let you paste it later on, into your tracker**.
Once you click submit button, the tool will reset and let you select your next set of options for your following case.
The data copied to your clipboard will be the same data you chose, with a character that will work as a separator ("{", ":", "|"). The idea is to later on we will be able to split the info with those separators. That's why if you type any of these 3 separators characters, you will see a floating message that alerts you that you have typed one of these. Don't worry, you can go back to the text input options and delete them, or replace them.
**NOTE: If you don't paste the data on your tracker right next you hit the submit button, the information might get lost because any of that information isn't stored internally or externally (Like a database).