extension ExtPose

Unfold Research

CRX id


Description from extension meta

A tool for linking academic research together

Image from store Unfold Research
Description from store This is a tool for scholars and science enthusiast to easily discover and share relevant work and resources, in order to speed up scientific advancements. You can leave reviews and notes, link other papers, useful data, notes, slides and videos, projects,... Use it to promote your own work, improve discoverability of research in general or gather opinion of the entire community in a single place, right on the papers themselves where they can always be found. All contributions are curated with the help of a voting mechanic so the most relevant content is quickest to spot and knowledge around a topic grows over time for everyone to access and use. Have a single account across all of different websites and paper servers, and be able to contribute regardless of the features present on that specific page - leave reviews and report wrong research in time to help your peers.

Latest reviews

  • (2022-05-29) Samuel Klein: Smooth experience for highlighting and discussing papers. Clean interface, nice upgrade to the desktop version. Better and faster than folding @ home!


43 history
5.0 (1 votes)
Last update / version
2022-08-14 / 1.7.10
Listing languages
