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OpenAI-Translator is a browser extension that uses the ChatGPT API for translation.
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这是一个使用 ChatGPT API 进行划词翻译、总结、润色、分析、代码解释的浏览器插件。借助了 ChatGPT 强大的翻译能力,它将帮助您更流畅地阅读、编辑外语。
Latest reviews
- (2024-04-23) Bambang Suhartono: saya membutuhkan translation inggris ke indonesia seluruh nya (full paper )
- (2024-02-22) jomoo: 兄弟们,额度用完了的,可以选一下 默认服务提供商 从ChatGPT换成ChatGPT (Web)就好了 要么就gpt充钱后其他的加Key也能用 还有一种情况,ip使用的人过多,切换ip。
- (2024-02-16) Daelvis KM: Can't work again.....
- (2023-11-07) Joy: You exceeded your current quota,please check your plan and billing details 请问这是什么原因?更新了API也没用
- (2023-11-06) Terrance Wang: Used to work well but no longer works. Translated content is always empty
- (2023-11-02) High powere: 用自己的api也显示没有配额?
- (2023-10-31) keicoeng lam: API额度共享收费,需要的+V:Loginchatgpt
- (2023-10-30) Dadyy Douda: Dear Program Owner, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to inform you about an issue I encountered with your program or application. It appears that the translation feature is not functioning properly, as the translations are not being displayed. I have been relying on your program for its translation capabilities, and this issue has caused inconvenience and difficulty for me. It would be greatly appreciated if you could look into this matter and resolve the problem as soon as possible. Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I look forward to hearing from you regarding the resolution of this issue. Sincerely
- (2023-10-29) Chaosguy: Chrome 118.0.5993.118 版 無法正常顯示翻譯結果,翻譯欄一片空白。
- (2023-10-29) Qi Wang (Kevin 琦): 之前好好的,这几天一直无法使用,只能显示翻译完成,却是空白
- (2023-10-27) Arash Khanmohamadi: لاباتتذات
- (2023-10-27) gg fan: 点击翻译提示Translated,但是翻译结果为空白,这种问题好几天了,大家有没有好的解决方法?
- (2023-10-27) TIROS CHEN: 目前已無法正常使用,無法顯示翻譯結果 It is currently unavailable and the translation results cannot be displayed. 現在利用できないため、翻訳結果を表示できません。 Il est actuellement indisponible et les résultats de la traduction ne peuvent pas être affichés. 현재 사용할 수 없으며 번역 결과를 표시할 수 없습니다. Praesens unavailable et proventus translationes exponi non possunt. В настоящее время он недоступен, и результаты перевода не могут быть отображены.
- (2023-10-26) 路飞: 显示翻译完成,但没有出现翻译文字,有人知道是怎么回事吗?
- (2023-10-25) SicksforMAD: 10/25 無法使用掛掉了 翻譯不出結果 也不知道怎麼設定
- (2023-10-24) Minhao Wang: 非常好用的插件,希望可以在用游览器打开PDF文件的时候也可以用划词翻译功能。
- (2023-10-24) YU Derick: 为啥突然无法使用了,点击翻译以后显示翻译完成,但是不出现译文了~~~有大佬知道是啥情况吗? 电脑,浏览器重启也咩有用,我选择的是chatgpt网页
- (2023-09-27) Jon Lepage: Le meilleur et gpt produit des translation beaucoup mieux que tous les autre
- (2023-08-31) pinki gerl: Это расширение срабатывает неплохо, однако имеются несколько нюансов. Время от времени, при переводе, всплывающее окно может выйти за пределы экрана. Это происходит очень редко. После последнего обновления интерфейса ChatGPT, перевод иногда не завершается полностью, если текст длинный. Если исходный текст на корейском или китайском, то язык переключается автоматически на английский, несмотря на то, что мне необходим русский. Конечно, также имеются некоторые баги, но я считаю, что они не связаны непосредственно с расширением. Например, не всегда выполняется инструкция, заложенная в него. Иногда текст содержит разбросанные цифры и точки, и он не всегда корректно их интерпретирует. Иногда он также производит перевод без учета указанных языковых предпочтений, например, если указано писать на русском, он может использовать английский. Вот эти последние баги, связанные с инструкциями, проявляются довольно часто.
- (2023-08-17) 枫影(枫影): 希望能添加到微软edge商店中,至少比通过chrome市场安装方便些。
- (2023-08-08) Caser: 以一個AI語言學習來說對於一些譬喻型的詞句仍無法翻譯準確,翻譯後的潤飾仍待加強 無法辨識日文漢字和中文的差別,造成翻譯失敗
- (2023-07-25) Dd Yu: 句子查詢時可以發音 但單字查詢時卻無法發音
- (2023-07-23) cheng yinxue: You did not provide an API key. You need to provide your API key in the Authorization header这个要怎么处理啊
- (2023-07-20) Melvin Hwang: 报错:typeerror: cannot destructure property 'finish_details' of 'e.message' as it is undefined.
- (2023-07-20) tracy: It recently appears the below message: Type Error:Cannot destructure property bla bla bla.... Can you please fix it? thanks
- (2023-07-14) SSSid W: It still asked for token even I logined into chatGPT web. Tried many times but not worked at all.
- (2023-07-14) fan sandy: 翻译窗口不能关闭,就离谱啊啊
- (2023-07-11) 王伟涛: 大佬牛逼!!!
- (2023-07-10) Yask Shelat: great tool, i have a question. for this extension when i select "chatGPT web" option, does it automatically identifies my exiting chatgpt subscription? so for example if i have plus subscription does it consider that? I dont have API key.
- (2023-07-05) physails: ok, but how to collect words?
- (2023-07-04) Yan Guimarães Almeida: Uso a extensão para traduzir novels chinesas para o português, e a qualidade é muito parecida com a de um tradutor. Claro que tem alguns erros aqui e ali, mas não incomoda. Único problema que eu tenho é o fato de não dar para colocar o português como língua padrão para a tradução do chinês, sempre vai para o inglês, e tenho que trocar manualmente.
- (2023-06-29) wf xu: You are directly connecting to OpenAI from HK, which is not a supported region of OpenAI. Continuing to use without extra network configuration may result in your account being blocked by OpenAI, regardless of your ChatGPT Plus subscription status or any remaining account balance. 这段话能不提示吗,很烦人的。
- (2023-06-26) nikko: The software is generally good, but there are a few minor issues: 1. The icon displayed when selecting words sometimes obstructs the text, which can be inconvenient. 2. The "Keyboard Shortcuts" and "OCR Keyboard Shortcuts" in the settings do not work. It would be great if there could be a feature to customize shortcuts for quick translation.
- (2023-06-26) 淺月深嵐: 有新的API模型了希望可以更新一下或者手動輸入自定義模型。希望新增自訂System Prompt,以及新增可以直接在輸入格上直接與ChatGPT對話(純粹詢問),然後最後希望能夠修復『繁體中文』變成『簡體中文』的問題,其實如果能夠自訂System Prompt也能夠自行解決
- (2023-06-20) Chun Lun Lee: super useful, but cannot use
- (2023-06-17) 水库野餐: v0.1.17 会在控制台的 user messages 里打印: `Translator-80667a6b.js:77 Could not find "window.__TAURI_METADATA__". The "appWindow" value will reference the "main" window label. Note that this is not an issue if running this frontend on a browser instead of a Tauri window.`
- (2023-06-14) Andy XU: 请问使用azure key 的话,相关内容该如何填写?敬请大佬答疑,不剩感激
- (2023-06-09) Daler Shavalon: 選取文字後翻譯不會跳出結果,叫出視窗輸入的話也只會跳unknown error
- (2023-06-09) 釜山倉鼠的狗: 5月底的某一天開始不能用了 不再運作了嗎?
- (2023-06-09) David Lam: 原本可以使用,几天前更新的版本有问题,后删除后重新安装后就无法正常使用了。主要是选项里的拓展程序选项点击后根本无法打开,所以无法填写api key,导致彻底用不了。
- (2023-06-06) minggang yin: 用起来很顺畅,体验不错,推荐一下
- (2023-06-06) Émile Huang: 和新評論一樣 You exceeded your current quota, please check your plan and billing details 看OpenAI還有額度可以用... 希望盡快修復
- (2023-06-06) Estela ccy: 之前一直能用,突然就显示You exceeded your current quota, please check your plan and billing details了,怎么回事呢?我换了一个API钥匙还是一样也。是开始收费了吗,也没看到哪里可以付费什么的呀?是出错了还是什么原因?
- (2023-06-05) Ziyun Zhou: It's the BEST translator ever!
- (2023-06-04) FENG KONG (KONGFENG): 超棒的,加油!
- (2023-06-03) niu niu: 新版本更新之后,界面大小和字体大小好像都变大了,感觉不习惯了,而且代码解释模块和动作管理器模块还得点下拉才能点开,希望作者能够修复一下
- (2023-06-02) ming fang: 旧版本本来用的好好的,下午卸载重新装新版后,就一直出现这样的错误:You exceeded your current quota, please check your plan and billing details.到底时什么原因,请大神指教。
- (2023-05-31) xiaoyang feng: chrome上安装了十几个插件,突然出现object 问题,所有的代码都编程了object。一个个禁用,最后开启。发现是本插件问题。 希望修复这个bug. 另外这种定位到底是哪个插件问题有没有高效的方法。或者有官方交流群吗
- (2023-05-31) FAN PEI: 这插件是不是会更改网页内容呀? 这插件把 Flutter 官方文档所有的代码改成了 “[object Object]” 了。比如
- (2023-05-30) Ree XM: exceed quota是要付費嗎 也沒看到要去哪付啊? 還是要買chatpgt的API?