Easily browse and download all stunning images on a web page.
馃梻 讛讜专讚转 转诪讜谞讜转
鈽戯笌 诪爪讬讙 讻诇 转诪讜谞讛 讘注诪讜讚 讬讞讚 注诐 讛拽讬砖讜专 砖诇讛
鈽戯笌 诪住谞谉 转诪讜谞讜转 诇驻讬 专讜讞讘, 讙讜讘讛 讜讻转讜讘转 讗转专
鈽戯笌 讗驻砖专讜转 诇讛爪讬讙 专拽 转诪讜谞讜转 诪拽讬砖讜专讬诐
鈽戯笌 讘讞专 转诪讜谞讛 诇讛讜专讚讛 注诇 讬讚讬 诇讞讬爪讛 注诇讬讛
鈽戯笌 讻驻转讜专讬诐 讬讬注讜讚讬讬诐 诇驻转讬讞转 转诪讜谞讛 讘讜讚讚转 讘讻专讟讬住讬讬讛 讞讚砖讛
鈽戯笌 转讜诪讱 讘讻诇 讗转专讬 讛讗讬谞讟专谞讟 讛讙讚讜诇讬诐 (讗讬谞住讟讙专诐, 驻讬讬住讘讜拽, 讟讜讜讬讟专, 驻讬谞讟专住讟) 讜注讜讚 专讘讬诐 谞讜住驻讬诐
Image Downloader 讛讜讗 转讜住祝 讚驻讚驻谉 讛诪讗驻砖专 诇讱 诇讛讜专讬讚 讘拽诇讜转 讻诇 转诪讜谞讛 诪讻诇 讚祝 讗讬谞讟专谞讟, 诇诪注讟 讚驻讬 诪注专讻转, 讞谞讜转 Chrome 讜讚祝 讛驻转讬讞讛.
Image Downloader 讛讜讗 驻专讜讬拽讟 拽讜讚 驻转讜讞 砖讛转讗驻砖专 讛讜讚讜转 诇拽讛讬诇讛 砖诇 转讜诪讻讬诐 诪讚讛讬诪讬诐.
讗诐 转专爪讛 诇转诪讜讱 讘讛诪砖讱 讛驻讬转讜讞 砖诇 讛转讜住祝, 讘讚讜拽 https://github.com/fgerschau/image-downloader
讛转讜住祝 诪爪讬讙 转诪讜谞讛 诪诪讜讝注专转 砖诇 讻诇 转诪讜谞讛 砖谞诪爪讗转 讘注诪讜讚, 讜诪讗驻砖专转 诇讛讜专讬讚 讗转 讻讜诇诐 讗讜 专拽 诪讘讞专.
讝讛 谞讜讞 诇讛讜专讚转 讻诇 讛转诪讜谞讜转 讘砖转讬 诇讞讬爪讜转 讘诇讘讚: 专讗砖讬转, 诇讞抓 注诇 住诪诇 讛转讜住祝 讜诇讗讞专 诪讻谉 诇讞抓 注诇 讻驻转讜专 讛讛讜专讚讛 讘讞诇讜谉 讛拽讜驻抓.
诪讚讜注 讛转讜住祝 讛讝讛 爪专讬讱 讙讬砖讛 诇讻诇 谞转讜谞讬 讛讗转专 砖诇讬?
讻讚讬 诇讛讜专讬讚 转诪讜谞讜转 诪讚祝 讗讬谞讟专谞讟, Image Downloader 爪专讬讱 诇拽专讜讗 讗转 讻诇 讛转讜讻谉 讘讚祝 讝讛 讻讗砖专 讗转讛 驻讜转讞 讗转 讛讞诇讜谉 讛拽讜驻抓. 诇讗 谞砖诇讞 谞转讜谞讬诐 诪讛诪讞砖讘 砖诇讱.
诇驻专讟讬诐 谞讜住驻讬诐, 注讬讬谉 讘诪讚讬谞讬讜转 讛驻专讟讬讜转 砖诇谞讜: https://sites.google.com/view/image-downloaderpp/home.
Latest reviews
- (2024-01-08) Johnny B.: L'estensione ha un BUG, il browser all'avvio va in freeze per 2 minuti prima di sbloccarsi. Se disabilito questa estensione invece il browser parte immediatamente. Se si risolve questo bug l'estensione 猫 buona, ma finch猫 non si risolve non si pu貌 usare
- (2023-11-10) Tony Jefferson: serve pra nada...
- (2023-10-19) Luis Luna (Gigi): excelente!
- (2023-08-23) Andy Mak: Does not work
- (2023-08-05) norio norio: Fantastic comfortable for bulk downloading full pictures from product gallery such as wildberries.
- (2023-07-21) Xue Fu: very helpful
- (2023-07-14) Brickstin: This extension is not trusted by Enhanced Safe Browsing. I don't trust this extension anymore.
- (2023-06-21) juan andres lamas rojas: se le puede cambiar el idioma? esa es mi unica queja, el resto es muy bueno
- (2023-05-16) 膼膬ng Tr岷: Pros: - Fast and thorough detection. - Intuitive interface. - Small. Cons: - If you close the popup (by clicking anywhere) the image extraction stops, so if a page has lots of images and you don't want to stare at your computer you have to activate sidebar mode. - No queue or zip batch ability, so initiating a download of a large number of images will freeze the browser. - Images downloaded are split into subfolders but I don't know why.
- (2023-05-07) kaleu josh: n atendeu minha necessidade
- (2023-04-28) Korazowsky: best!
- (2023-04-04) Md Shanwarul Islam: It's really great!
- (2023-03-22) Lenny Kennie: I have 449 images on a Pinterest board. It can only find 69.
- (2023-03-04) Firdous Jalil: The best wextension i have ever seen
- (2023-03-03) erick ramos: exelente funciona perfectamente
- (2023-02-22) Pasion Tuerca: <EL MEJOR
- (2023-01-25) Muriel Prieto: Nao funciona
- (2023-01-16) Leandro (Piu): in煤til. n茫o serve pra nada n茫o reconhece as fotos, ent茫o, n茫o presta pro que foi feito
- (2023-01-12) YaraTV2000: it stopped showing photos to download. sad it was one of the best ext.
- (2023-01-05) Jonathan Xero: Seems to work for the most part, has some finicky things about it and I would like to have a little more control over where to save things and such. Would like to see support for video files.
- (2023-01-03) Derek G: This is one of the best image downloaders that I have used! I have downloaded in tried hundreds of extensions! And nothing has ever worked! But this is one of the best I have used so far! It does everything I asked for! I highly recommend this app! It even downloads videos that I didn't expect it to but it did. I hope this app stays around because this is my number one downloader extension! I can now uninstall all the BS so-called image and video downloaders. good job on the publisher on this one!
Latest issues
- (2023-10-30, v:0.1.3) Melinda Mauroni: Starting a web business.
I have a name picked out. I would like to have a Italian feel to the whole look but I'm not finding that... .special idea .... I - (2023-05-25, v:0.1.3) Vince Wilson: doesn't work
not working, luckily i found one that works https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/image-batch-downloader-20/ahjnaaikoafjphilfjmafhhofgflccde - (2023-04-17, v:0.1.3) Angel Herrero Sanchez: He formateado el ordenador y he vuelto a instalar google chrome y la extension solo carga 5 fotos en instagram. He desintalado chrome y lo he vuelto a instalar
He formateado el ordenador y he vuelto a instalar google chrome y la extension solo carga 5 fotos en instagram. He desintalado chrome y lo he vuelto a instalar. En edge no falla