extension ExtPose

Image Finder for Bloggers

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Description from extension meta

Find free stock images for your blog article or website quickly without wasting time searching.

Image from store Image Finder for Bloggers
Description from store Introducing Image-Finder, the ultimate tool for bloggers and website owners looking to find free, high-quality stock images quickly and easily. Our newly updated Chrome extension now includes even more features to help you find and download the perfect image for your article or website without wasting valuable time. With our user-friendly interface, you can search for images by simply right-clicking on a word or sentence in your article. The extension will automatically generate a list of relevant images for you to choose from, and you can easily crop and download the image in your desired aspect ratio. We've also added the ability to load even more images than before, so you can be sure to find the perfect fit for your content. Plus, you can copy the alt text for each image to ensure your posts are SEO-optimized. Image-Finder is completely free to use, with no ads, and provides high-resolution images that are perfect for blog articles or website content. Whether you're a blogger, web designer, or marketer, this extension is an essential tool to help you save time and improve the quality of your content. If you have any suggestions or ideas on how we can improve this extension, please let us know. We are always looking for ways to make our tools more useful for our users. Download Image-Finder today and start creating visually stunning content for your website or blog! #Features ● Easy image search: Search for images by right-clicking on a word or sentence in your article, and let Image-Finder do the rest. ● High-quality images: Our images are royalty-free and high-resolution, ensuring that your content looks professional and polished. ● Alt text copying: Our extension allows you to copy the alt text for each image, ensuring that your blog posts are optimized for SEO. ● Image cropping: Easily crop your selected image to your desired aspect ratio, without the need for additional editing tools. ● Load more images: With our updated version, you can now load even more images to find the perfect fit for your content. ● Instant download: Download your selected image instantly with one click, saving you time and effort. ● Copy image link: Easily copy the image link to share with others or use in your content. With these added features, Image-Finder is even more versatile and user-friendly, making it the perfect tool for bloggers and website owners looking to enhance their content with stunning visuals.

Latest reviews

  • (2023-09-12) Praveen Madushan: This extension is an invaluable asset for students, and I wholeheartedly endorse it. Kudos to the developers for creating such a beautiful and functionally flawless tool. It has made my life easier, and I am genuinely grateful for that. <3
  • (2023-03-28) Tyrolead: Wow! It allows me to search for images by right-clicking on a word. I can search for images without leaving the Blogger editor. Great work 😍
  • (2023-03-10) stitchguider site: Nice work
  • (2023-03-09) Piyumi Navodya: love your work
  • (2023-03-05) Chethiya Dissanayake: very useful


305 history
5.0 (5 votes)
Last update / version
2024-01-08 /
Listing languages
