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NewTranx Subtitler - Real-time voice recognition and AI translation

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Description from extension meta

Learn while watching overseas play series with the help of NewTranx Subtitler — a browser-based subtitle translation tool.

Image from store NewTranx Subtitler - Real-time voice recognition and AI translation
Description from store Do you find it annoying? 1. You want to learn international cutting-edge technology to enhance yourself, but suffer from understanding video tutorials/materials in foreign languages. 2. You wait for so long to finally watch video of the launch event of your favorite products, but there is no subtitle in your language. 3. You also wait so long for the updates of American drama, foreign variety shows, and Japanese animations, but still need to wait for subtitles in your language. ... The NewTranx Subtitler — AI subtitle translator plugin can help you solve all the annoyances above! The NewTranx Subtitler, by NewTranx Tech, can realize the real-time speech recognize, and automatically translate it into bilingual subtitles, export subtitles and audio, and support online editing With advanced speech recognition and AI translation technology, the NewTranx Subtitler can quickly complete the recognition & translation, and automatically generate the corresponding subtitles. Whether you are listening to lectures, watching courses or dramas, or listening to songs, you will not have a fear of understanding foreign languages or feeling confused. Instructions for Use: 1. Which languages are supported? Supports recognition and translation of 130+ languages/dialects around the world. 2. How can the user set up the recognition and translation of languages? English is the default language of speech recognition. If your current video is in another language, you can alter the source language in the subtitle window.You can set up the target language, which is to be translated, in the subtitle window. In addition, you can use smart recognition to automatically identify the language of the video. You can specify the language range for intelligent recognition and set up to 5 languages. 3. Can the user be able to export subtitles and audio? Supports exporting the text that has been recognized and translated in the current subtitle window, or you can view historical subtitles and export subtitles and audio. Subtitle text supports exporting to TXT or SRT format, and audio to MP3 format. The premise is that you need to enter the personal center page and manually turn on the "Automatically save subtitles" switch. 4. Can the user be able to choose the monolingual or bilingual subtitles? Yes, we regard bilingual subtitles as the default subtitle, but you can select “source language” or “translation” in the subtitle window or user center. 5. Can the user set up the display style? It supports three preset display styles, which can be switched as needed. You can also use custom display styles to set your favorite font size and color, stroke color, background color, and background color. 6. About the usage fee? The NewTranx Subtitler includes an in-product purchase. After the new user installs and logs in the plug-in, he can get a certain amount of free usage. After the free amount is exhausted, he needs to pay to purchase the amount before continuing to use it. If you have any problem or suggestion for use, please contact us: [email protected]. If you have any questions or suggestions, please email us at: [email protected], or click "Contact Customer Service" on the NewTranx Subtitler settings page.

Latest reviews

  • (2024-05-30) FUDA YI: 很好用,但是免费时长有限,要付费。
  • (2024-05-08) Mercury Du: 好用 巨好用!!
  • (2024-04-23) Loo Xoo: 挺好用的,翻译首选
  • (2023-12-29) Ta sia: 很好用 看生肉就用它
  • (2023-11-09) Owen Du: 不注册就用不了?不好用哦
  • (2023-10-22) YE XIE: 免费的30分钟,老是覆盖原语音
  • (2023-10-21) chenchen wu: 不仅要登录还弄什么额度,恶心
  • (2023-09-27) 韩夏天: 无法登录,没有注册的选项
  • (2023-08-04) Ray Chan: 实时转写日文很不错啊!听广播的好助手
  • (2023-07-24) Kon Tei: 快跑,只要想用就要注册,而且不准👎
  • (2023-07-16) Horizon: 要錢要註冊就別放應用商店了,垃圾。
  • (2023-07-05) Assistant PreAngel: 第一,不准。第二,太慢。
  • (2023-07-04) Cotes: 要注册才能用的就别发布到Chrome商店了
  • (2023-06-14) Vincent W: 登入才能用 垃圾
  • (2023-06-09) Sonia L1ang: 从隔壁智译翻译平台过来的,这个用来看生肉还不错,偶尔实时翻译的速度会慢点,不影响体验,用来学习外语正好,希望早日能够有导出字幕功能~
  • (2023-06-06) Z W: 试了下德语不行,完全是浪费时间
  • (2023-05-29) Finley SU: 语音识别不错,做到了实时转写,声音小、带口音的英文也可以很好的识别。 现在知识迭代太快了,经常要上海外慕课平台,有字幕精灵看课程节省时间,应用前景很大。 略有瑕疵,译文会有延迟,不过影响不大。 期待产品迭代,做得更好
  • (2023-05-19) xumin zhang: 超级棒的插件工具,虽然也会出现少许语法错误,但是完全在可承受范围内,很理解开发者的不易,希望可以越做越好。
  • (2023-05-17) yin yu: 喜欢,希望可以增加一个生词本功能,方便遇到一些生僻词做个记录,感谢~
  • (2023-05-16) 静静静: 很好用,价格也比较亲民,如果能接入Chatgpt对译文增加润色功能就更棒了!
  • (2023-05-16) 王猛: 不错,非常好用,妈妈再也不用担心我看不懂外语啦!
  • (2023-05-15) Ying Tian: very good
  • (2023-04-26) E Ale: Please add translate to arabic language .. and thx
  • (2023-04-26) xuanju wang: 最近再看《最后的生还者》 发现没有中文字幕,装上这个直接英中双语字幕,解决了看不懂外剧的问题。
  • (2023-04-25) nana ly: 新版本双语对照字幕很赞~ 窗口能调大,显示多行,适合上线上课,前几天好像是有点对不上,更新后又可以了!希望开发者增强稳定性。 ps:从他家网页翻译插件过来的,简单好用
  • (2023-04-16) ねばき: 骗钱的 又慢又不准 不知道写出来的字幕是什么东西
  • (2023-04-16) jie cui: 字幕不是实时显示的,落后好多秒呢,与声音不同步,,,白费15元。
  • (2023-03-08) Vic Li: 装了一圈,还是这个价格最便宜,翻译的最好,还有客服态度真的超级好!点赞!
  • (2023-03-06) Ruxin Lee: 同学安利的,能翻译老外的lecture,并显示成字幕,还挺准,后面的专业课程有救了。
  • (2023-03-04) jun liu: 赠送的免费翻译豆根本用不了,浪费时间,一来就让你充钱
  • (2023-03-03) 一束阳光: 骗取个人信息的诈骗公司,根本打不开无法使用
  • (2023-01-21) Liang Tian: 很好用的自动字幕添加工具,看海外视频的时候,能够给自动的翻译结果,便于理解。另外,字幕边框如果能允许自行调节大小和位置就更完美了。


30,000 history
3.7429 (105 votes)
Last update / version
2024-07-23 /
Listing languages
