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PDF Converter

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PDF Converter display PDF files in the browser with PDF.js (by Mozilla Labs). Send PDFs to any PDF viewer. PDF editor, pdf reader

Image from store PDF Converter
Description from store 適用於 Chrome 的 PDF 查看器是一款免費且非常有用的工具,可讓您直接在瀏覽器中查看和編輯任何 PDF 文件。 要使用此 PDF 查看器查看 PDF 文件,只需點擊瀏覽器工具欄中安裝的圖標,或只需單擊 Chrome 的上下文菜單並選擇“使用 PDF 查看器打開”。 PDF Reader 是業界領先的 PDF 解決方案。 直接在 Google Chrome 中使用 Acrobat PDF 工具以獲得最佳的 PDF 查看體驗並在瀏覽時完成更多工作。 您可以向 PDF 添加註釋,包括便簽、文本和高亮顯示——全部免費。 以下是選擇 PDF 閱讀器的理由: - 黑暗和光明模式。 - PDF 查看器的自定義樣式。 - 帶有“頁面”散列的頁面導航。 - 通過將 PDF 文件拖放到視圖中來打開它們。 - 顯示 PDF 簽名和未簽名的簽名。 PDF.js 是一個 JavaScript 庫,它使用符合 Web 標準的 HTML5 Canvas 呈現可移植文檔格式 (PDF) 文件。 它的實現使用 HTML5 中的 Canvas 元素,可以實現快速渲染。 PDF.js 由社區驅動並由 Mozilla Labs 提供支持。 如何使用PDF轉換器工具? 1. 安裝適用於 Chrome 的 PDF Acrobat 擴展程序。 2. 固定擴展以便快速訪問。 3. 在瀏覽器中打開任何 PDF。 4. 選擇 PDF Acrobat 工具。 我們的擴展 PDF 查看器提供 PDF.js 作為 Chrome 中的默認 PDF 查看器。 此 PDF 閱讀器支持在頂部框架上呈現遠程和本地 PDF 文件。 PDF 轉換器擴展包含以下工具: - 壓縮PDF - 將 PDF 轉換為 Word - 將 PDF 轉換為 Excel - 將 PDF 轉換為 JPG - 編輯PDF - 合併 PDF 微軟辦公軟件:Word、Excel、PPT 通過將 Smallpdf 添加到 Chrome 來提高您的工作效率! 即時訪問一套有用的工具以在線處理 PDF PDF轉換工具,支持PDF、Word、Excel、PPT、JPG。 一鍵將 PDF 轉換為不同格式,反之亦然。 直接從瀏覽器快速輕鬆地訪問 Free PDF Converter 可以處理 Word、Excel、PDF、PPT 和 JPG 格式的文檔。 只需選擇 Word 文件並按轉換為 PDF 即可採用所需的格式。 並且它支持 PDF 合併拆分和編輯。 PDF 工具和 PDF 轉換: - PDF 轉 Word、Excel、PPT - Word、Excel、PPT 轉 PDF - 將圖像與 PDF 相互轉換 - 減小 PDF 的大小 - 合併、拆分和提取 PDF 頁面 - 編輯PDF - 旋轉和刪除 PDF 頁面 - 簽名並發送 PDF 以供簽名 - 保護和解鎖 PDF 在線轉換 PDF 使用 pdfFiller Chrome 擴展程序,您可以將任何 PDF 文件轉換為 Word、Excel、PowerPoint 或 JPEG 圖像。 免費的 PDF 工具,用於編輯、轉換、壓縮、合併、組合、裁剪和編輯 PDF 文件。 通過添加 Xodo | 享受更好的 PDF 體驗 PDF.online 到您的 Chrome 瀏覽器! 訪問 PDF 轉換器、PDF 組合器、PDF 填充器、PDF 編輯器、PDF 合併器等,以在線提高您的工作效率。 強大的 PDF 轉換器和 PDF 工具可提高您的工作效率: - 將 PDF 轉換為 Word、PPT、Excel、PDF/A、HTML、JPG、JPEG 和 PNG - 將 JPG、JPEG、PNG 轉換為 PDF - 將 Word、Excel、Powerpoint 轉換為 PDF - PDF閱讀器 要使用此擴展程序,請右鍵單擊任何鏈接(指向 PDF 文檔的鏈接),然後單擊 - 使用 PDF 查看器打開和下載 - 上下文菜單中的項目。 PDF 文件將首先“下載”,然後在默認的 PDF 查看器(在選項頁面上設置的查看器)中“打開”。 請注意,PDF 文件將下載到您機器上的“默認”下載文件夾中。 網站和 PDF 的最佳突出顯示工具。 免費且易於使用。 使用 Weava 在線 Web 和 PDF 熒光筆突出顯示和組織您的研究。 繪畫工具和截圖工具 簡化您的研究過程。 專注於生產力。 不要浪費時間跟踪來源、複製和粘貼或引用。 繪畫工具和編輯器/截圖 • 使用我們的 PDF 轉換器工具將 PDF 與 Microsoft Word、Excel 和 PowerPoint 以及 JPG 和其他文件格式相互轉換。 • 從文檔或圖像創建PDF,包括將JPG 轉換為PDF。 • 將文件合併為一個PDF 文件或拆分一個PDF。 • 組織您的PDF。 刪除、旋轉或重新排序 PDF 頁面。 • 壓縮PDF 以減小其文件大小。 • 將文檔發送給他人以快速在線電子簽名。 • 通過添加密碼來保護PDF 文檔。 PDFOffice 是一個在線 PDF 編輯器,您可以使用網絡瀏覽器對 PDF 文件執行編輯操作。 谷歌文檔 它是處理 Google 文檔、表格和幻燈片的完美工具。 輕鬆訪問 Google 雲端硬盤文件,並有機會在工作期間選擇佈局和固定文件。 留下反饋並詢問有關我們產品 PDF 查看器的問題! 我們正在開發新功能並始終聽取反饋。 PDF viewer for Chrome is a free and very useful tool that allows you to view and edit any PDF files directly in your browser. To see the PDF file with this PDF viewer simply hit the icon installed in the browser's toolbar or just click the Chrome's context menu and select "Open with PDF Viewer". PDF Reader is the industry-leading PDF solution. Use Acrobat PDF tools right in Google Chrome to get the best PDF viewing experience and get more done while browsing. You can add comments to PDFs, including sticky notes, text, and highlights—all for free. Here are the reasons to choose PDF Reader: - Dark and light mode. - Custom styling of the PDF viewer. - Page navigation with "page" hash. - Opening PDF files by dropping them into the view. - Displaying PDF signed and unsigned signatures. PDF.js is a JavaScript library that renders Portable Document Format (PDF) files using the web standards-compliant HTML5 Canvas. Its implementation uses the Canvas element from HTML5, which allows for fast rendering speeds. PDF.js is community-driven and supported by Mozilla Labs. How to use the PDF converter Tool? 1. Install the PDF Acrobat extension for Chrome. 2. Pin the extension for quick access. 3. Open any PDF in your browser. 4. Select an PDF Acrobat tool. Our extension PDF Viewer provides PDF.js as the default PDF viewer in Chrome. This PDF Reader supports rendering remote and local PDF files on top frames. The PDF converter extension contains the following tools: - Compress PDF - Convert PDF to Word - Convert PDF to Excel - Convert PDF to JPG - Edit PDF - Merge PDF Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, PPT Power-up your productivity by adding Smallpdf to Chrome! Gain instant access to a suite of useful tools to work with PDFs online PDF Converter tool that supports PDF, Word, Excel, PPT, JPG. Convert PDF to different formats and vice versa in one click. Quick and easy access right from your browser Free PDF Converter processes documents in Word, Excel, PDF, PPT and JPG. Just select Word file and press convert to PDF in order to take needed format. And it supports PDF merge split, and edit. PDF Tools and PDF Convert: - PDF to Word, Excel, PPT - Word, Excel, PPT to PDF - Convert images to and from PDF - Reduce the size of your PDF - Merge, Split and Extract PDF Pages - Edit PDF - Rotate and Delete PDF Pages - Sign and Send PDFs for Signature - Protect and Unlock PDF Convert a PDF online With the pdfFiller Chrome extension, you can convert any PDF file to Word, Excel, PowerPoint, or a JPEG image. Free PDF tool to edit, convert, compress, merge, combine, crop, and redact PDF files. Enjoy the better PDF experience by adding Xodo | PDF.online to your Chrome browser! Access PDF converter, PDF combiner, PDF filler, PDF editor, PDF merger and more to supercharge your productivity online. Powerful PDF Converters and PDF tools to boost your productivity: - Convert PDF to Word, PPT, Excel, PDF/A, HTML, JPG, JPEG and PNG - Convert JPG, JPEG, PNG to PDF - Convert Word, Excel, Powerpoint to PDF - PDF Reader To operate with this extension, please right-click on any link (a link to a PDF document) and then click on - Open and Download with PDF Viewer - item from the context menu. The PDF files will first be "downloaded" and then "opened" in a default PDF viewer (the one which is set on the options page). Please note that the PDF file will be downloaded in the "default" download folder on your machine. Best highlighting tool for Website and PDF. FREE and easy to use. Highlight & organize your research with Weava online Web & PDF highlighter. Paint Tool and Screenshot Tool Simplify your research process. Focus on Productivity. Don't waste time on keeping track of sources, copying & pasting, or making citations. Paint Tool and editor/ Screenshot • Use our PDF Converter tool to convert PDFs to and from Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, as well as JPG and other file formats. • Create a PDF from a document or image, including converting JPG to PDF. • Combine files into a single PDF file or split a PDF. • Organize your PDF. Delete, rotate, or reorder PDF pages. • Compress a PDF to reduce its file size. • Send documents to others to e-sign online fast. • Protect a PDF document by adding a password. PDFOffice is a PDF Editor online from which you can perform editing operations over PDF files but using your web browser. Google Docs It’s a perfect tool for working with Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides. Easy access to Google Drive files with opportunity to select layout and pin the file during your work. Leave feedback and ask questions about our product PDF Viewer! We are developing new features and always listen to feedback.

Latest reviews

  • (2024-03-24) Alex Ladynin: Дает возможность выделять текст и сразу переводить его с помощью любого переводчика (напр. расширения google translate)
  • (2023-11-12) Axel karma (Ryusei): Je ne comprend pas comment surligner le texte du pdf que j'ai ouvert, hors c'est pour cette raison que j'avais installer cette extension
  • (2023-11-11) Ivan Ivanov: Заявлено - Convert PDF to JPG. Нет этого. Вообще нет никакой конвертации. Один обман.
  • (2023-10-18) Miguel Martinez: es una mentira, no convierte ni hace nada...
  • (2023-08-07) Nicole Ahmed: No editing - just a rip off the established pdf.js project Reporting to Google and original developers. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/pdf-viewer/oemmndcbldboiebfnladdacbdfmadadm https://github.com/mozilla/pdf.js
  • (2023-05-25) Jordan Clear: How do you edit the pdf? Says you can do it...
  • (2023-05-15) Dima Tuzov: This is a very useful extension. The ability to follow links inside the document, opening pages in different browser bookmarks. The ability to use a context translator and convenient search tools for documents. That's great!
  • (2023-03-28) VTC NNR (KOEL): รองรับภาษาไทย ใช้งานง่าย รวดเร็ว
  • (2023-03-27) Jean-Baptiste Lesage: The viewer works perfectly when opening a local file however I can't make it open PDF files directly from Chrome (without downloading them) as it opens Chrome's default PDF viewer (which is slow and awful), compared to other PDF viewer extensions. Is it user error or can it be fixed?
  • (2023-02-25) R B: I can't believe it it's so goood! It even takes into account the first pages where there is the summary and it helps you find exactly the page you're looking for ! I'm so amazed it runs my 1000 pages pdf smoothly. My only regret is not discovering it sooner
  • (2022-12-25) 長女起業家育成コンサルタント・崎本正俊: It's what i've been looking for but crashes all the time when I open a pdf file. Please fix this
  • (2022-12-25) Sonia Araujo: to my experience the main problem is that it change the link in the path and if I want to copy the link after PDF page was openned it's a bit challenging.
  • (2022-12-17) A K: What is the shortcut to toggle sidebar .
  • (2022-12-11) Maria Elisa Favretto Moro: It works great! Thank you!!!!
  • (2022-12-08) Conmigo, Billie Addrieanne: Love the bookmarks, but the text spacing is weird in some documents.
  • (2022-12-04) carlos alberto rojas gonzales: Sometimes defaults to wrong zoom in chrome but still better than everything else out there. nnPlease add some simple annotation tools and merge function and be my hero!
  • (2022-12-02) Ville Granlund: cant compete this.... its unique....
  • (2022-12-01) loermli: Very good. I have been looking for an Acrobat Reader alike for long time. This is it.
  • (2022-12-01) ازرينا ابو بكر: Love it! I would appreciate an update to update the underlying PDF.js library, though ;)
  • (2022-11-29) Isaac Andersen: Loved it. Did all i wanted it too. Right now I am a happy man.Easy to use, set and forget. I loved it.
  • (2022-11-27) Oliwia Sowa: Love it. Fixed my problem, now I can see PDF files displayed within the browser correctly!
  • (2022-11-27) 4 in 1 Property Services (4in1ps): Great extension. Just love to use this one
  • (2022-11-24) Khương Huy Trần: I only got a black screen but this extension worked just fine. A representative from Chrome helped me in finding the problem!
  • (2022-11-09) Алина Чугуева: Great Actually replace the default Chrome PDF viewer Include an option to resume reading PDF files where left off.


1,000,000 history
4.7124 (372 votes)
Last update / version
2023-11-16 / 1.0.6
Listing languages
