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Izboljšajte svojo izkušnjo Roblox! Združuje veliko funkcij, kot so Ro Pro, BTR roblox in druge
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Dodajte nove funkcije spletnemu mestu Roblox.
Izboljšajte Roblox z orodji v tej razširitvi.
Roblox Chrome Extension je zmogljivo in preprosto orodje, ki omogoča igralcem Roblox hiter in enostaven dostop do spletnega mesta Roblox in vseh funkcij, ki jih ponuja. Z razširitvijo lahko igralci hitro odprejo svoj profil, si ogledajo lestvico najboljših in vidijo, kaj igrajo njihovi prijatelji. Igralci se lahko tudi hitro pridružijo igram, klepetajo z drugimi igralci in kupijo Robux, valuto v igri. Razširitev za Chrome omogoča igralcem tudi hiter dostop do forumov Roblox, trgovine v igri in kataloga Roblox. Poleg tega razširitev igralcem ponuja tudi obvestila in nagrade, kot so darila Robux in ekskluzivne ponudbe. Razširitev pomaga igralcem, da ostanejo povezani in sodelujejo s skupnostjo Roblox ter olajša iskanje in pridružitev igram.
Roblox je odlična igra za tiste, ki cenijo domiselna in edinstvena kraljestva.
Ro Pro je razširitev za chrome, ki uporabnikom ponuja zmogljiv nabor orodij, ki jim pomagajo poenostaviti delovne tokove in povečati njihovo produktivnost. Ro Pro ponuja vrsto funkcij, vključno z avtomatizacijo opravil, vodenjem projektov, sodelovanjem in več. Funkcije Ro Pro uporabnikom omogočajo avtomatizacijo procesov, spremljanje napredka, dodeljevanje nalog in sodelovanje s člani ekipe v realnem času. Z Ro Pro lahko uporabniki racionalizirajo svoje projekte in povečajo rezultate ter prihranijo čas in energijo.
Postanite uporabnik Robloxa Professional, naredite svoje življenje na Robloxu veliko boljše s funkcijami, kot je statistika iger za vaše najljubše igre! To je ena redkih razširitev, ki bo izračunala, koliko denarja zaslužijo igre na Robloxu. V prihodnosti bomo izdali več funkcij, ostanite z nami! Roblox je idealna igra za tiste, ki uživajo v ustvarjalnem in izjemnem okolju.
Razširitev za Chrome z uporabo BTR Roblox je razširitev brskalnika, ki uporabnikom omogoča igranje iger Roblox v njihovem brskalniku Chrome. Razširitev se integrira z uradnim spletnim mestom Roblox, kar uporabnikom omogoča enostaven dostop in igranje svojih najljubših iger, ne da bi morali odpreti ločeno aplikacijo ali spletno mesto. Z razširitvijo BTR Roblox Chrome lahko uporabniki hitro in enostavno dostopajo do svojih najljubših iger in komunicirajo s prijatelji na Robloxu. Razširitev BTR Roblox Chrome prav tako omogoča uporabnikom, da enostavno prilagodijo svojo izkušnjo Roblox z različnimi funkcijami, vključno s prilagojenimi avatarji, preoblekami in še veliko več. Z razširitvijo BTR Roblox Chrome lahko igralci Roblox preprosto uživajo v svojih najljubših igrah, hkrati pa ostanejo povezani s prijatelji.
Roblox je že sama po sebi odlična igra, zato se lahko razširitev brskalnika BTRoblox sliši predobro, da bi bilo res. Ta brezplačni vtičnik za Google Chrome, znan tudi kot Better Roblox, trdi, da naredi točno to, kar piše na pločevinki – izboljša igro. Ampak, ali je Better Roblox varen? Tukaj je kratek opis prenosa in uporabe BTR Roblox na osebnem računalniku. Roblox je odlična igra za tiste, ki občudujete domiselne in nenavadne svetove.
RoBoxova razširitev deluje na nizki ravni in odklene veliko funkcij, ki so jih razvijalci iger prej skrili ali pa so bile izgubljene zaradi posodobitev. To igralcem odpira številne priložnosti, da uživajo v svoji najljubši igri in izkusijo bolj razburljivo vsebino. Razširitev RoBox bo omogočila dostop do funkcij, ki prej niso bile na voljo, kot tudi funkcij, ki so bile umaknjene iz igre. Razširitev RoBox bo naredila igro bolj prijetno in igralcem omogočila, da izkusijo nove in razburljive vsebine. Razširitev RoBox bo igralcem omogočila tudi dostop do skritih vsebin in funkcij, ki so bile prej nedostopne. Z razširitvijo BTR Roblox bodo igralci lahko sprostili polni potencial svoje najljubše igre in kar najbolje izkusili svojo igralno izkušnjo.
Latest reviews
- (2024-06-06) It non stop opening up my invetory when opening my profile, this sucks!
- (2023-11-15) Find4 U2Go: Use at risk. It redirects to, which is a malicious advert website. Delete at all costs. Use alternatives like BtrRoblox and Roblox+
- (2023-11-05) Brigham Thompson: Makes the experience pages look way better, I loved it.
- (2023-10-24) Errol Portier (A Discarded TV): Just a Copy of btr and when you go to your profile it makes you go to you inv
- (2023-10-17) Not sharing my name: this is just btroblox but with a different ui. stupid
- (2023-10-05) Kamil Latief Sugiarto: This extension is bad. First of all, it has a malicious website called "suppjacob". If you dont know what is "suppjacob" then here I will copy and paste this text from Google : " is a harmful website that is typically accessed through other domains that advertise malicious content or advertisements. Once permission is granted, it will show pop-up adverts to website visitors, frequently by redirecting them to other pages or using the notifications tab. " -Google So if you want to use this extension, you use it at your own RISK.
- (2023-09-21) Pedrionaneira: gente para abrir as configurações esta naquele quebra-cabeça clica no icone da extensão ai vai abrir as configurações ai tira a opção embed inventory. tem que estar no site da roblox. esta extensão é apenas uma remasterização da extensão btroblox.
- (2023-09-15) bryce hunter: great works well with ropro
- (2023-09-14) Moussa_Ahmed 2012: It copied btroblox not only that but some of the features in btroblox dont work in it like show last online and it doesnt work well with other extensions it just lags so you are forced to only use it the ui is nice which is the only thing nice about it and pretty sure its got a virus idk I might be wrong (not recommended just get btroblox)
- (2023-09-06) Lol Tao: NOT WO
- (2023-08-30) antonia romanovignoli: Esta bueno aunque no la entiendo mucho,pero esto no te dan robux,o si?Porque no me an "llegado"
- (2023-08-23) Võ Thiên Phúc: siêu tệ
- (2023-08-03) skibidtoiletfan69: id suggest not using because it's entirely stripped down limb to limb from BTR roblox. its basically just a copy of BTR just with a different UI. if you compare it you'll be what i mean.
- (2023-07-29) Timerlan Valid: Its a complete copy of BTRoblox, and every time I click the extension my Antiviruses all warn me about it sending me to suspicious websites because of this extension.
- (2023-07-01) Lautaro Silva: I received an alert from my antivirus that it was infected by URL:Blacklist.
- (2023-07-01) Alekey Ortiz: It looks so awesome! I hope it will be a lot better in the future!
- (2023-06-30) qindao poop: I LOVE IT
- (2023-06-27) Furkan Ali: Not too much features, auto opens my inventory when i click to my profile.
- (2023-05-21) Kishka Bluds: lol copy of BTRoblox but worser for a bit
- (2023-05-07) Supermoneo: It was kinda bad because the features that it has are ok but when are you gonna realize it. The only good thing is, is the gui the gui is pretty nice congrats on that.
- (2023-05-05) Loudpack Jk: podia ser bom só que quando eu entro no perfil de alguem vai automatico pro inventario eu odiei isso
- (2023-04-25) cloen 330: literalmente btroblox mas so que pior
- (2023-04-19) Elana Mosse: It's good i might keep using but idk why on the last online it says failed and i refresh nothing happened and i turned last online off and on and it still says failed
- (2023-04-15) Misterio Gamer: nesta extensao como acha as configuraçoes?
- (2023-04-07) Jindra “JinŠeK” Hašek: RoBox: Hey BetterRoblox can I copy your code? BTR: NO! RoBox: *ignore*
- (2023-04-05) DaniVel_: BTRoblox 2.0 lol
- (2023-03-22) Jackie Young: Question whenever i go into someones profile it send me to their catalog/items how do i fix this?
- (2023-03-19) Yui_FrFr: just a copy of btr roblox with different ui trash overall
- (2023-03-16) Badr Ahmed: hmm maybe if you lost your robux you have a private server that uses your robux every month about 25-500 so check that B)
- (2023-03-16) Erivam Cardeal: it helped so much with removing friend. it was so easy for everything
- (2023-03-16) Gabriel “gabツ” Ryzinski: Just got it, i see the new Roblox logo so looks promising!
- (2023-03-16) bing chilling: robox: can i copy your work btr: yes, but dont make it obvious so the teacher wont be suspicous robox:
- (2023-03-14) Haydz6: Source code entirely ripped from BTRoblox Source code is just BTRoblox but just webpacked This is just literally BTRoblox but with a different coat of paint
- (2023-03-13) Info Taxes: It Helps Me A lot Of Times, Its The Best To use I Would get if i where you
- (2023-03-13) ZERØMAX: This is the best Roblox extension out there. Combining this with Roblox+ can make everything a lot better although the themes can sometimes clash which is why I don't use the built-in themes. It's honestly a great extension and I would highly recommend it to improve your Roblox experience.
- (2023-03-11) Gervásio Júnio Souza Santos: IT WORKS FOR HAIR COMBOS THX SM AHHHH
- (2023-03-11) Eleuza Ribeiro: Pretty good. Now, I can see how much robux i've bought. The amount of clockworks headphones.
- (2023-03-11) Anizio Filho: First This used to be great but the updates are slowly ruining it Please Please Please make The Roblox and Legacy themes Compatible again i used to have black background and orange text but that was taken away so now i just have to use basic black And the icon at the top right was taken away Super Annoying and finally For some reason the home page / individual game pages and a few other pages are now pushed al the way to the left instead of being centered ( Annoying ) And if i Check - Keep Side Bar Open - It somewhat recenters the page but i don't like it open and it also messes up the catalog / games pages bc now there pushed to the right Fix these and i will be happy
- (2023-03-11) Juan Pablo Saracino: This extension is very good and helpful! recommended to my friends!
- (2023-03-10) Leandro Renato: cool but why was it installing themes make it stop
- (2023-03-09) Gustavo Blaudt: it works but, it lags my catalog and inventory idk why, it freezes my whole browser.
- (2023-03-09) Roberto Trocoli: really helps me grind in games like jailbreak or mad city so i can go to an empty server and not have to pay robux :)
- (2023-03-08) 박종현: Flawless! Just makes viewing stuff WAY more easier, and it is very tidy too! I like how you brought back the Last Online feature. You could add more themes, but it is not needed.
- (2023-03-06) 増本たかえ: Very epic imma make a tiktok on this
4.7804 (929 votes)
Last update / version
2024-09-16 / 1.1.2
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