Say goodbye to the hassle of manually enrolling in offers!
💡 Don't miss out on $1000+ in savings per year from discount and cash back offers attached to your credit cards ever again! With Max Offers, managing your credit card offers and rewards has never been easier. 💡
Say goodbye to the hassle of manually enrolling in offers for each credit card. Our powerful Chrome/Firefox extension automatically adds the latest offers to your cards with just one click after logging into your credit card account.
Plus, with a centralized location to filter and search for offers on our official website or through the convenient extension, you'll never miss a deal again. And with personalized alerts reminding you of your savings and rewards whenever you visit a website with an offer, you'll always be in the know!
Latest reviews
- (2023-02-11) DraKe Xavior: Great simple extension that does what it advertises. Already gaining much value from it!