A recruiting sourcing extension for use with Paraform
Source easier and faster than ever with Paraform's extension!
Paraform makes freelance recruiting accessible to anyone. Our product is a recruiting marketplace where actively hiring companies post bounties for their open roles and anyone (professional recruiter or otherwise) can collect it by successfully referring a candidate. Use your network to its fullest potential on Paraform. Go to paraform.com to learn more about how you can get started.
Once installed, our extension will automatically list your approved roles from which you can pick a role to start sourcing for. Start browsing LinkedIn profiles to automatically save your interested candidates and all their details to Paraform, along with any additional notes you may have to help you follow up with them on our platform at a later time. These saved candidates will be listed on your Paraform dashboard where you can track them through the subsequent hiring phases.
Paraform is now powered by AI! Using our extension, you can generate personalized cold intro messages to any potential candidates using information drawn from their LinkedIn profile and the requirements for the current role you have selected with a simple click of a button.
Detailed setup guide: https://www.paraform.com/help/article/chrome-extension
Latest reviews
- (2024-07-31) samuel kwak: Written 7/9/23: I have come across many free tools but I think Paraform's tool for sourcing is amazing when it comes to providing an easy way to save candidates, add notes, and write a quick customized message to send to the candidate whether email or otherwise... Who wouldn't want to utilized that? Great tool. It's free so definitely worth a try but even better for Paraform users. **Edited/ Added 7/31/24: They improved the product where you can now retrieve emails which was a very subtle but awesome update!
- (2023-03-29) Jeffrey Li: Awesome tool
4.6 (5 votes)
Last update / version
2024-12-16 / 2.0.16
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