A personal moderation tool! Tune out annoying people and distracting content on facebook, twitter and youtube.
You absolutely need a personal moderation tool! A very easy to use one with no social media account.
Install the extension and visit Twitter's Twitter page to see it in action.
Use NoMo FoMo to tune out personalities, annoying people and other distracting zero calorie content on FB, Youtube and Twitter and reach a peace of mind again.
Get rid of Faux News and Tucker Carlson from your feeds. It's making you crazy. It is very very tiring and boring to read low quality provocative flame bait. You aren't missing out on anything important and now it is the time to enforce it. We have to stop making unproductive crap viral. NoMo watching their videos or viewing and replying to them!
Get the extension today and start picking people to tune out of your social media life.