Description from extension meta
Project selected Bible verses (works for parallel as well) from YouVersion
Image from store
Description from store
This extension will help you project Bible verses in your Church, You decide which version to display and also can project parallel versions or in 2 different languages.
- Install this extension
- visit (or click on extension icon)
- new actions (💬, 🛠, ❔, 📌) should be visible in top/left corner
- for more features login
💠 Features & Usage
- 🔤 Project selected verses (+/- parallel text)
- `Search` Book and Chapter
- `Click` on verse number to display it on projector
- `Up/Down/Left/Right` arrows to navigate to next/preview verses
- `CTRL + Click` to add verse to selection (multi select)
- `Shift + Click` to multi select between last selection
- `ALT + Click` on verse number or Pinned reference, to force project window to be on top (in case is not visible)
- `ESC` to show blank page (hide all selected verses)
- `F11` to enter/exit fullscreen projector window (first focus it)
- 💬 Project `live text`
- input any text to be projected
- `CTRL + Enter` to project live text (inside textarea)
- 📌 List/Pin some verses (references)
- 💾 Store verses (references) for future selection and project them faster
- `Enter` to add one/more references (`,` or `;` as separator) in 'Pin verses' input 🔍
- `Enter + Enter` to project added reference to List/Pin
- `Shift + Enter` to add and project full reference (Mat 6:7-13)
- `ALT + Click` on Reference - force project (on top)
- `CTRL + Click` project all verses from pin (Mat 6:7-13)
- 📝 `Edit All` to Copy/Paste/Edit multiple references
- ➕ will pin current Reference if search input is empty
- Search pin: 16, 2-4, 2:4, 2 4, `+Enter` - pin current chapter or verses
- ↕ drag & drop to reorder verses
- 🖱 Context menu (right click) for more actions inside pin list
- 📄 Copy all pin verses to clipboard
- ✖ Clear all
- Change Reference 🔍 from Projector tab - works same as Add Ref's 🔍
- `Tab` inside projector tab to see bottom dock-bar
- 🖱 move mouse at the bottom edge of projector tab
- Type any reference and use same shortcuts to project it (Enter or Shift + Enter for multiple verses)
- 🛠 Projector Screen Settings (Advanced / Slide master)
For more details or Advanced features check
PS: Pls don't email me with marketing mails like: "Elevate Your Chrome Extension: Guaranteed Installs & Enhanced Visibility...", or "...campaign in getting your extension great positive feedbacks". Simple Read Bible instead!
Latest reviews
- (2023-05-14) ANITA OREZI OBIEROMA: Thank-you for making such a convenient application. It is a blessing to us! God Bless you Dear Brother!
- (2023-04-11) Ovidiu Chis: Very usefull. Even if you don't use it for projection one of the most clever features is the "search" within using "smart snipplets" like Luke 22, or Mark 10:10 which will direct you exactly to that text without having to further select chapters and such (something is seriously lacking).
- (2023-01-02) Nicolae Matei: Usefull in my Church, now we project in 2 languages with latest versions of Bible, from one of the best sources ( .😀