Description from extension meta
顯示 OpenAI ChatGPT 對搜索引擎結果的響應並增加 ChatGPT 提示。 彈出窗口上的 Chat GPT。
Image from store
Description from store
現在您可以兩全其美。 您的搜尋結果會與聊天 AI 答案並排無縫增強。
🔎 擴充功能與 Google、Bing、Yahoo 和 DuckDuckGo 一起顯示回應。 您還可以在得到答案後立即開始與 AI 聊天。 SearchGPT 是一款瀏覽器擴展,可利用聊天 AI 的功能增強搜尋引擎。 它的工作原理是在正常的搜尋引擎結果旁邊顯示回應。
SearchGPT for Chrome 還可讓您在彈出視窗中快速存取。 使用此擴充功能來詢問任何問題。
這個免費且方便的工具可以直接從您的網頁瀏覽器快速存取聊天機器人的高級人工智慧功能。 提出任何問題並即時獲得準確、簡潔的答案。 立即使用此 Chrome 擴充功能獲得終極 AI 體驗。
⚙️ 以下是此擴充功能的一些主要功能:
🔓 透過 Chrome 瀏覽器訪問
- 從瀏覽器的擴充功能彈出視窗輕鬆存取。
- 無需導航到單獨的網站或應用程式。
✏️ 代碼亮點
- 可以識別並突出顯示對話中的程式碼片段。
- 這使得您可以在討論的上下文中輕鬆閱讀和理解程式碼。
🌓 深色模式
- 提供深色模式選項,在低光源環境下提供更舒適的觀賞體驗。
- 這也有助於減輕眼睛疲勞。
🔗 剪貼簿複製選項
- 擴充功能可讓您輕鬆地將文字從對話複製到剪貼簿。 這對於將資訊貼到其他應用程式或文件中非常有用。
我們希望您發現我們的擴充功能很有用! 我們正在等待您的回饋和評分! 如果您遇到問題或無法正常運作,請聯絡我們。
Latest reviews
- (2024-09-12) Eric Ketzer: (Edit: Sept 11th 2024) The box in google search always searching, and we don't seem to be able to hide it, at least. The plug-in works in the browser, though. So to use it, we are stuck to see that useless box on google search... (Original evaluation) The widget in google search page doesn't always appear. Sometimes we need to reload the page once, twice or more before seing the widget appearing...
- (2024-06-06) Laura: es perfecto
- (2024-05-30) CJ: Flat-out does not work.
- (2024-05-21) John Tobin: Did not work, window appeared but never a ChatGPT response. I pay for ChatGPT. Running a Mac.
- (2024-05-16) 원풍연: 챗지피티, 고맙고 무섭다~~
- (2024-05-15) Ayush raj Singh: did not work
- (2024-05-12) Editing Platform 2.0: did not work
- (2024-04-26) Mazen Ismael: Did not work
- (2024-04-18) Aleksei: очень круто спасибо всей команде за этот шикарный продукт.молодцы
- (2024-03-25) Joel Torres: I just love it... It assist me in my work world to my personal world.
- (2024-03-23) Polytryp: Add the Ukrainian language, please.
- (2024-03-14) Nicoleta Malinici: Diciamo che mi trovo bene, mi aiuta molto essendo una studentessa al serale, con i compiti. L'unica pecca è che faccio fatica ad utilizzarla sul PC come estensione di chrome . non si apre proprio. mi chiede praticamente i miei dati personali, che sono inseriti già nel mio account e poi mi chiede una foto del mio documento, ciò che non mi va di fare. Appena si risolverà tutto, darò 5 stele
- (2024-03-11) abdo elostora: it is good and useful tool
- (2024-03-10) M.NAZIUR SARDER: love it
- (2024-03-06) alessandra magni: Ottimo
- (2024-03-03) Koray: doesn't work
- (2024-02-29) David Matos: Sadly, it does’t work… At least on Question mode. (Not) running on a Mac.
- (2024-02-29) Abdalrahman Kasem: NOT WORK
- (2024-02-28) ROCÍO: Ya no funciona
- (2024-02-27) Areeba Ghanniaiman: STOPPED WORKING.................AND I PAY THE MEMBERSHIP, IT DONT MAKE SENSE
- (2024-02-26) Eugene Burow: the extension does not work. I logged in to chat gpt, but extension is refused to connect
- (2024-02-26) Pranav P: nice.
- (2024-02-26) 전원배: 좋아요
- (2024-02-22) Mladen Misetic: Super
- (2024-02-21) Stefan Bozik: Keep receiving an error for connection. Website has no troubleshooting help and "contact us" goes to a bogus email.
- (2024-02-17) MIKEL ARRIETA: ¡Tengo dos días usándolo y ya lo amo! Es una maravilla.
- (2024-02-14) Leonel Lazo: La estoy probando y vamos bien
- (2024-02-13) Rick Kincer: Made sure Experimental AI was off in Chrome and it still won't connect.
- (2024-02-11) Logan Strader: Refuses to connect
- (2024-02-10) Dun-Dery Elvis Jnr: Great tool
- (2024-02-08) A C: No iformation after Jan 2022
- (2024-02-07) Awesome Sauce: Does NOT work
- (2024-02-07) Scp-953: en my escula ya no funciona
- (2024-02-04) Jack Dong: It used to be working properly, but it stops working from 1 Feb, which is annoying
- (2024-02-04) MD Rifat: Very useful
- (2024-02-02) Jake Diaz: Tried today but doesn't connect.
- (2024-02-01) ANIRBAN DAS: Always refuses to connect
- (2024-02-01) Apk apk: Its very nice and helps me a lot give one chance and use it .
- (2024-01-17) Jiří Plavecz: jestli nevíte co vařit a jak, nebo sháníte odpovědi, vše tam najdete :-))
- (2023-12-27) Dieter von Elm: Sehe keinen Mehrwert! Wieder entfernt!
- (2023-12-19) 서우석: 많은 도움이 되었습니다. 저는 창의적인 대답보단 정의 혹은 기능에 대해 많이 물었는데, 검색하는데 드는 불필요한 시간들을 많이 줄여줬습니다.
- (2023-12-02) Timbila Guillaume YANOGO: Good answers to google researches and many requests.
- (2023-11-29) James Gillard: Why does it by default have access to all sites? I discovered this as it was affecting a different website by making a chunk of the right hand of the screen white, which is itself a bug
- (2023-11-29) Animish Dutta Saraf: Not able to access in chrome
- (2023-11-27) Momo Ding: I Love This :)
- (2023-11-11) HOSI MASAHIKO: 今後ともによろしくお願いします。
- (2023-11-09) rajeshxuser: I have purchased the gpat subscription few months back. It many times don't work for me. From last 24 hours it is showing different errors and these errors are very common. Sometimes it shows high usage due to which getting error but for how long. Please make it usable.
- (2023-11-07) weeky Loop: 就是把gpt的页面变成小窗口吗,意义在哪呢
- (2023-11-06) Astor Zero: не работает