Vključite odgovore ChatGPT v rezultate iskalnika! Deluje z Google, Bing, Yahoo itd. Dostopajte do ChatGPT v pojavnem oknu.
GPT Search je razširitev, ki vam omogoča dostop do odgovorov ChatGPT poleg Googla, Binga, DuckDuckGo in drugih iskalnikov. Ta kopilot z umetno inteligenco vam bo pomagal hitro prebrati informacije iz spleta, ne glede na dolžino ali težavnost vsebine.
* Podpira vse priljubljene iskalnike
* klepet s ChatGPT o poizvedbi in odgovoru
* Podpira uradni API OpenAI (GPT-3.5-Turbo in GPT-3)
* Podpira ChatGPT Plus in GPT-4 (GPT-4 zahteva ročno omogočanje v možnostih)
* Dostop do ChatGPT iz pojavnega okna razširitve
* Upodabljanje Markdown
* Poudarki kode
* Temni način
* Povratne informacije za izboljšanje ChatGPT
* Način sprožitve po meri
* Kopiranje v odložišče
* Povzemanje videoposnetkov YouTube in spletnih člankov
**Kako uporabljati**
1. Razširitev namestite iz spletne trgovine Chrome.
2. V brskalniku Chrome odprite iskalnik.
3. Vnesite iskalno poizvedbo.
4. Odziv ChatGPT bo prikazan poleg običajnih rezultatov iskalnika.
5. S klikom na odgovor ChatGPT lahko odprete okno za klepet s ChatGPT.
6. V oknu za klepet lahko ChatGPT zastavite vprašanja o iskalni poizvedbi.
7. ChatGPT bo odgovoril na vaša vprašanja in zagotovil dodatne informacije.
8. Če želite povzeti spletno stran, desno kliknite na spletno stran in nato kliknite gumb "Summarize Page" (Povzeti stran). Na ta način lahko povzamete tudi videoposnetek v storitvi YouTube.
* Prihranite čas in trud, saj hitro in enostavno dobite informacije, ki jih potrebujete.
* S postavljanjem vprašanj ChatGPT dobite izčrpnejše in bolj informativne odgovore.
* Izboljšajte svoje raziskovalne spretnosti, tako da se učite na podlagi spoznanj ChatGPT.
1. **Kaj je Google Bard in kako je povezan z GPT Search?**
Google Bard je druga Googlova tehnologija umetne inteligence, ki ni neposredno povezana z iskalnikom GPT. Vendar tako kot iskanje GPT tudi Google Bard uporablja umetno inteligenco za zagotavljanje inteligentnih odgovorov na poizvedbe. Naša razširitev GPT Search deluje skupaj z iskalniki, kot je Google, in tehnologijami umetne inteligence, kot je Google Bard, da izboljša vaše brskanje in raziskovanje.
2. **I je GPT Search umetna inteligenca, kot sta Google AI ali Bing AI?**
Da, GPT Search je umetna inteligenca kot Google AI ali Bing AI. Dejansko uporablja ChatGPT, napredno umetno inteligenco, ki jo je razvila družba OpenAI, da bi zagotovila inteligentne in kontekstualne odgovore na vaše poizvedbe. Vendar pa lahko za razliko od Google AI ali Bing AI iskalnik GPT Search uporabljate neposredno v brskalniku poleg priljubljenih iskalnikov za hiter dostop do informacij.
3. ** Ali iskanje GPT Search ponuja podporo v klepetu Bing?
Iskalnik GPT Search je zasnovan tako, da deluje z več iskalniki, vključno z Bingom. Čeprav GPT Search ni neposredno integriran z Bing Chat, deluje podobno, saj zagotavlja vmesnik za klepet, ki ga poganja umetna inteligenca in v katerem lahko komunicirate s ChatGPT, umetno inteligenco, ki stoji za GPT Search.
4. **Kaj je Bard v kontekstu umetne inteligence?**
Bard v kontekstu UI se pogosto nanaša na modele UI, namenjene ustvarjanju ustvarjalnih vsebin, kot so zgodbe, pesmi in pesmi. ChatGPT v razširitvi GPT Search bi lahko primerjali z Bardom, saj lahko ustvarja vsebino in zagotavlja informativne odgovore na številne poizvedbe.
5. **Izdelek GPT Search se lahko uporablja kot Youchat ali klepetalni robot?**
Vsekakor, razširitev GPT Search lahko deluje kot klepetalni robot, ki vam omogoča interakcijo s ChatGPT v klepetalnem vmesniku. Lahko si jo predstavljate kot neke vrste Youchat - zastavljate lahko vprašanja o iskalni poizvedbi in dobite izčrpne in informativne odgovore.
6. ** Ali lahko iskanje GPT uporabljate kot generator ključnih besed ali pregledovalnik slovnice?**
Čeprav je glavna funkcija iskanja GPT Search zagotavljanje inteligentnih odgovorov na vaše iskalne poizvedbe, lahko njegovo umetno inteligenco ChatGPT uporabite tudi za ustvarjanje vsebine, podobno kot generator ključnih besed ali pregledovalnik slovnice. Vnesete lahko grobe zamisli in dobite predloge za ključne besede ali preverite slovnico tako, da vprašate ChatGPT.
7. **Kako iskalnik GPT ustvarja vsebino in kako se lahko primerja s pisalnikom z umetno inteligenco?**
GPT Search uporablja ChatGPT, model umetne inteligence, ki je usposobljen na različnih internetnih besedilih. Zato je spreten pri ustvarjanju človeku podobnega besedila, zaradi česar je podoben AI Writerju. Uporabite ga lahko za ustvarjanje vsebine za različne namene, od povzemanja člankov in videoposnetkov do zagotavljanja kontekstno bogatih odgovorov na zapletene poizvedbe.
Latest reviews
- (2024-03-22) Eric Ketzer: Edit: March 22nd. It doesn't work at all. it works very well but the text is a bit small and the blue-ish background on the dark mode make the generated text almost illegible. Would be much better if we could make the widget at least wider. Otherwise it is a real complete extension that resumes pages, able to chat in the search engine widget, etc.
- (2024-03-17) Arif Kuyucu: Doesn't work! What is problem?
- (2023-11-27) Pierre Collenot: Chat GPT invente des informations complètement fausses, qu'il n'a pas vérifiées. Si on lui demande ses sources, il invente des titres de livres ou articles inexistants. Prenez le temps de chercher des sources. Ca prend un peu de temps mais vous en saurez plus que ChatGPT.
- (2023-11-25) Sujata Sudesh: A reliable source to go back to.
- (2023-11-14) Kithsiri Rathnayake: Excellent
- (2023-10-30) Josh Science (Teaching with AI): Very difficult activate, recreated and purchased the license twice.... WILL NOT ACTIVATE... why is this so hard?
- (2023-10-26) Tucker Smith: It is not working! It has not worked for about a week now.
- (2023-10-26) Samuel Kpassegna: Not working!
- (2023-10-20) Людмила: Отличное расширение, простое и понятное в использовании. Настоящая палочка-выручалочка, когда надо быстро выполнить заказ, а с идеями затык. Спасибо разрабочикам
- (2023-10-15) Mauricio Togawa: You can't write a second line without send the text. There's no Shift+Enter which is very useful for example: translate to Japanese "Text to be translated" Update: Now, it's in a whole new level of awesomeness! The copy button is not working though. lol Congrats to the devs!
- (2023-10-13) ruben dario sanchez brito: machete, aunque le falta aprender y no lo digo a mal puede y va a dar mas...
- (2023-09-28) Ana Manan: Love it, use it all the time to assist with email or wording
- (2023-09-21) Hongrui Zhang: Why does it set the opttion of " Occasionally delete all conversations"?
- (2023-09-14) Devansh Upadhyay: Hated it
- (2023-09-02) J P: it is only providing generic answers, and currently it has some technical issues, it is freezes on the page. i.e. it would not go off from last post
- (2023-08-12) Zoran M: There is a spate of extensions that provide a shell for accessing ChatGPT with minimal functionality, and this is one of them.
- (2023-08-10) Hal Henke: Deleted all my Chat History in ChatGPT - really angry
- (2023-07-23) Robert Francis Beck: Caution! This extension is NOT an Open AI product! It might be useful but use at our own risk!
- (2023-07-12) Youngseob Cha: Great !!!
- (2023-07-11) Leon Kim: Helped me a lot. To be honest, this is just... amazing.
- (2023-06-07) Cyro Wing: its the best extension since you are able to uses the chatGpt api instead of the normal chat in the web. this prevents you chat gpt history from spam. however if the " Remove dialogs generated by search" option is turned on. it clears all you current conversations. So take care of this and please fix this.
- (2023-05-24) Jean-Baptiste Hayter: DO NOT INSTALL ON EDGE BROWSER Deleted ALL my chat history. Very important information lost for ever.
- (2023-05-17) RICHARD JUNIOR: Having interacted with ChatGPT, I can say that it is one of the most remarkable language models I have ever seen. It has excellent question-and-prompt-handling skills and can provide appropriate responses in most cases. This is a great resource for both your personal and professional writing since the answers are always well-written and relevant. ChatGPT is an excellent service, and I promise you won't be let down.
- (2023-05-17) Altamiro 673: Responses to questions were very well written, but somewhat generalized. Will continue to analyze my results as I continue to use the extension.
- (2023-05-14) Anderson Czismoski: It's by far the most amazing extension here. I am in love with it.
- (2023-05-14) Tatiane de Souza: Absolutely amazing, I wasn't sure if this extention was gonna be what I thought it was, but it delivered.
- (2023-05-13) Rafael Gustavo: Great Idea Great ExtensionnShows solution instead of links to many sitesnEven I found direct solution to use phone as webcam using droidcam but it was not working and ChatGPT said it sometimes does not work on a browser so try another browser so I tried firefox and it worked
- (2023-05-05) Sena Nur Bozan (Sall): Very helpful and very fast. Enjoyed it and use it in my everyday life!
- (2023-05-04) Rmassola Diversao: totally awesome and most helpful
- (2023-04-30) Metin SARAÇ: Thanks for making this awesome extension
- (2023-04-29) Serhat Ebil: Easy to install/use, free, and is very useful. I see no reason why you would not want to install it.
- (2023-04-28) Bruno Santos: This is a search engine beast!nAgree with the guy who said that this is Googling in steroids!
- (2023-04-27) Troy Pyne: It is just incredible to say the least.. it needs to be consistent in citing references in the middle of a write-up
- (2023-04-25) Miriam Kawakami: OMG what a time saver :) Simply fantastic!
- (2023-04-25) Marlova de Vargas Minato: So far its brilliant, always provides access to chatgpt results and much needed extension if you want to augment your work with AI. Results are slowish, but that is ChatGPT and not the extensions fault.
- (2023-04-24) OCP TECNOLOGIA: Thanks! I was about to mention that option to you :)
- (2023-04-21) Norihisa Yamada: thanks for creating such a great tool!!!
- (2023-04-21) João Guilherme Guimbala Berberi: So helpful for those oddly specific questions you run into, although I recommend setting the plugin to only offer ChatGPT responses when requested otherwise you will quickly chew through your hourly free responses from OpenAI.
- (2023-04-19) Anderson Santiago: Excellent blend of 2 great tools
- (2023-04-19) pancho pistolas congregado: Loved it. Works like a charm.
- (2023-04-18) زينب فيصل مزهر سلطان: Thank you for your chatgpt chrome web store.
- (2023-04-15) 조영석: Just amazing, a bit slow but I'm sure it will get much better.
- (2023-04-12) Emna Kriaa: 最新版本baidu样式错乱了n* {n box-sizing: border-box;n}n看了好像这个引起的改成content-box
- (2023-04-11) Mayki Santos: should enhance with updates
- (2023-04-11) Lucas Costa: auto logout again and again
- (2023-04-08) vinicius farinha: very helpful and useful this is the best extension on the webstore thanks for making this you are awesome
- (2023-04-08) Lucsiana Etienne: the best tools
- (2023-04-08) Junior Lexis: It's a very good extension.
- (2023-04-07) Sabrina Gama: the extension is down and can not connect to OpenAI server