Smart AI Tweet & Reply Generator - get inspired in a click
Important: please reload any Twitter / 𝕏 browser tabs for the extension to activate.
New: Tweet AI extension now works with 𝕏 Pro (formerly TweetDeck)
Contributing to conversations has never been easier!
Boost engagement and sales from X with the help of
Inspire your next tweet, thread or reply in a single click with
Use this extension for a seamless integration with Twitter / X User Interface to tweet faster than ever before. can help you with:
- Replies: inspire your tweet replies in a single click
- Single tweets: inspire your next tweet in seconds
- Threads: inspire your threads
- Rewriter: rewrite your popular and evergreen tweets to add a touch of novelty
- Tone of voice: use custom tone of voice to match your or your brand's voice
Start using it today and never run out of ideas what to tweet next.
TweetAI is a Smart AI tweet generator that will help inspire and suggest what you could tweet next. Please use responsibly and always add your personal touch to all inspirations.
Latest reviews
- (2023-09-28) Expert Mentor: I like the features but would like to inform you that whenever I try to add " Tags " it shows me a popup saying " To activate extension please enter your activation key in the extension. You need to click on our extension in the upper right corner of the browser (puzzle icon) and select “Access key” " even I have activated api key... tell me what should i do