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Description from store
🤖 使用openai GPT3.5 api, 对已保存的页面数据提问, 获得的回答将会带上参考网页。比如,你可以提问:如何做奶茶?拓展将会搜索你的数据库,找到最匹配的页面并回答你奶茶的制作方法。 (如果你不喜欢这个功能,你可以关闭它。)
🔍 更好的浏览历史搜索工具。
💾 存储并索引所有访问记录,并全文检索,再也不怕找不到看过的某个网页。
🦉 给微博加书签并且可以被搜索!
🥇 全文检索结果展示在搜索引擎结果页面(支持 baidu/bing/google)。
📎 同时支持在浏览器地址栏搜索(输入关键字 kw 后输入你想要搜索的东西)
📜 你也可以点击地址栏右侧的拓展小图标在popup界面进行搜索以获得更多结果,并对结果进行排序。
😺 所有东西存储在本地,没有账号,没有云存储,没有隐私问题,完全免费。(当你使用Ask GPT功能时会发送数据给OpenAI API)
✉️ 支持发送书签页面或浏览历史到自定义API。
⌨️ 备份功能正在开发中。
v1.1.3: 修复一些bug, 提升中文分词性能
v1.1.4: 修复已有书签索引的问题
v1.2.1: 增加Ask GPT功能
v1.2.2: 修复一些bug
v1.2.3: 修复一些bug
Latest reviews
- (2023-11-06) Catherine Oborski: **An absolute gem.** It's simple and it works. I don't bookmark things as much as I used to because I know I'll be able to find them by searching my history--I also don't use the bookmarks bar anymore because getting to my bookmarks is so easy. I used to use an extensive system of tags and folders to manage my bookmarks, which was a pain to keep up with, so I could search through them, but this extension removes the need for all that work. Bonus, everything is stored locally so you arn't sending out all your search history. I'm looking forward to the in progress backup feature. I'd also love to see some form of encryption option so you can keep your history secured. Adding an optional password or pin to the extension would be nice as well. Edit: I've been using the extension for a few months.