extension ExtPose

Snap Screen Record

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Enhance Your Productivity with This Screen Record Browser Extension

Image from store Snap Screen Record
Description from store S Snap Screen Recorderem můžete snadno zachytit obrazovku vašeho počítače nebo konkrétní kartu ve vašem prohlížeči pouhým stiskem několika tlačítek. Můžete dokonce přidat video webové kamery a zvuk mikrofonu do nahrávek nebo se rozhodnout nahrávat pouze webovou kameru a mikrofon. A s podporou obou formátů mp4 a webm získáte flexibilitu pro výběr formátu, který nejlépe vyhovuje vašim potřebám. Funkce Snap Screen Recorderu: * Nahrajte obrazovku svého počítače nebo konkrétní kartu ve vašem prohlížeči * Přidejte video webové kamery a zvuk mikrofonu do nahrávek * Vyberte možnost nahrávání pouze webové kamery a mikrofonu * Podpora obou formátů mp4 a webm pro zvýšení flexibilty Ale jaké jsou skutečné výhody používání Snap Screen Recorderu? Pojďme si to rozdělit: Zvýšení vaší produktivity: Ať už jste student, profesionál nebo jen někdo, kdo chce zůstat organizovaný, Snap Screen Recorder vám může pomoci s prací rychleji. Můžete nahrávat tutoriály, prezentace nebo dokonce schůzky a sdílet je s vašimi spolupracovníky nebo spolužáky. To vám může ušetřit čas a pomoci vám vyhnout se opakujícím se vysvětlením. Zlepšení vaší komunikace: Někdy je jednodušší ukázat než říct. S Snap Screen Recorderem můžete zachytit obrazovku a přidat svůj hlas pro vysvětlení složitých nápadů nebo demonstrování procesu. To vám může pomoci komunikovat jasněji a efektivněji, ať už spolupracujete s týmem, prezentujete klientům nebo učíte třídu. Zlepšení vašeho učení: Ať už jste vizuálním učitelem nebo prostě jen preferujete prohlížení materiálu vlastním tempem, Snap Screen Recorder vám může pomoci efektivněji se učit. Můžete nahrávat přednášky, poznámky si brát a opakovat si klíčové pojmy, kdykoli budete potřebovat. A pokud při hodině něco přehlédnete, vždy si můžete nahrávku přehrát později. Celkově je Snap Screen Recorder mocným nástrojem, který vám může pomoci pracovat chytřeji, ne tvrději. Tak proč to nezkusit a vidět, jak vám může pomoci dosáhnout vašich cílů? Stáhněte si ho dnes a začněte nahrávat! Make Screen Recording Easier than Ever with Snap Screen Record! Do you need to record your screen quickly and easily? Look no further than Snap Screen Record! This powerful Chrome extension makes it easy to capture your desktop screen or a specific tab in your browser with just a few clicks. You can even add webcam video and microphone audio to your recordings, or choose to record just your webcam and microphone. And with support for both mp4 and webm formats, you'll have the flexibility to choose the format that works best for you. Benefits of Snap Screen Record: * Record your desktop screen or a specific tab in your browser * Add webcam video and microphone audio to your recordings * Choose to record just your webcam and microphone * Support for both mp4 and webm formats for added flexibility Boost Your Productivity: With Snap Screen Record, you can capture tutorials, presentations, or even meetings and share them with your colleagues or classmates. This can save you time and help you avoid repetitive explanations. Improve Your Communication: Capture your screen and add your voice to explain complex ideas or demonstrate a process. This can help you communicate more clearly and effectively, whether you're collaborating with a team, presenting to clients, or teaching a class. Enhance Your Learning: Record lectures, take notes, and revisit key concepts whenever you need to. And if you miss something during class, you can always go back and watch the recording later. Overall, Snap Screen Record is the perfect tool for anyone looking to make screen recording easier than ever. Download it today and start recording! With Snap Screen Record, you'll be able to screen record with ease, making it easier to boost productivity, improve communication, and enhance learning. So why wait? Download Snap Screen Record today and start experiencing the benefits of screen recording!

Latest reviews

  • (2023-06-24) Thinuka: Every review seems like a bot LOL.
  • (2023-05-17) Eric Carey: I didn't notice any distortions in the recordings. The weight of the file turns out to be quite small, the quality is very decent.
  • (2023-05-17) Denis Benson: It can record in MP4, AVI, MKV and other popular formats. The quality of video and audio transmission is very decent.
  • (2023-05-17) Trevor Foster: Very small output file size. At the same time, the video quality does not suffer in any way. You can record in absolutely any resolution.
  • (2023-05-17) Kiel Baker: There are not enough settings for manipulating the video format, but otherwise the extension is pretty good. I am completely satisfied with the quality of the recording. I use it often.
  • (2023-05-16) Maxim Fisher: Bravo! A great plugin for recording video content directly from the screen. Consumes very few resources, does not slow down absolutely.
  • (2023-05-16) Lois Donaldson: I would really like the developers to port this plugin to Android. A high-quality recording tool, there are no comments.
  • (2023-05-16) Kaden Gibbs: A lightweight, simple and convenient plug-in for recording video from a webcam. The sound captures and transmits qualitatively. Absolutely no bugs.
  • (2023-05-16) Juan Charlson: In the first version there were minor problems with sound transmission, but the developers quickly fixed this bug. At the moment, everything is working fine.
  • (2023-05-16) Valery Baker: I would like the developers to add editing functionality at the post-processing stage. And if you judge in general, I give an excellent rating.
  • (2023-05-16) Mark Gardner: I advise everyone to try it, a great plugin for recording video from the screen. It is important that it is undemanding to resources and the quality of the picture is on top.
  • (2023-05-15) Paul Green: As a basic means of recording from the screen - very good. This is more convenient than installing full-fledged Windows programs for these tasks.
  • (2023-05-15) Caroline Gilbert: A good recording medium. Optionally, you can choose the quality and the final format, which is certainly a positive thing. I advise you!
  • (2023-05-15) Ryan Edwards: I put 5+. A great extension for creating videos involving screen recording. The transmission of video and sound is at a height.
  • (2023-05-15) Dmitriy Carrington: I would be grateful if the developers add recording editing functions at the post-processing stage. If in general, then it is quite a good extension for creating videos.
  • (2023-05-14) Eva Martinez: A fairly small file size at the output, a large selection of video formats and the possibility of post-processing using standard tools. A good plugin for recording videos.
  • (2023-05-14) Cecilia Anderson: If compared with other means of capturing and recording the browser screen, then this is by far the best extension. In particular, due to the convenience and a variety of post-processing options.
  • (2023-05-14) Michael Baker: With this extension, I record various manuals in video format. Very convenient, as the plugin is simple and reliable. I recommend everyone to try it.
  • (2023-05-14) James Gilbert: I use this recording tool on a regular basis. Rendering is done quickly, while there is practically no load on the system. I thank the developers for the high-quality plugin.
  • (2023-05-14) Werner Shapard: Recording video from the screen has become much more convenient and practical with this extension. I am pleased with the large selection of formats and the minimal load on the system in the process.
  • (2023-05-14) Ben House: Of course, this is a very decent extension for capturing the screen and recording its contents. The video turns out to be of high quality, while the file size is relatively small.


3,000 history
4.7241 (29 votes)
Last update / version
2023-11-28 / 1.0.4
Listing languages
