Description from extension meta
Gestione fácilmente las cookies, el almacenamiento local y el almacenamiento de sesiones para la pestaña seleccionada.
Image from store
Description from store
StorageAce provides user-friendly UI that helps the user to easily manage Cookies, Local Storage and Session Storage.
☄️Manage different storage types - Cookies, Local storage and Session storage
☄️Add new storage items via
✦ Import JSON
✦ Add button
☄️Edit selected storage items via
✦ Inline Edit
✦ Edit using UI controls like textboxes, checkbox etc.
✦ Edit using custom Editor in JSON format
☄️Delete selected storage items
☄️Search storage item
☄️Sort storage items via table columns click.
☄️Import storage data in JSON.
☄️Protect cookies (non-editable)
☄️Export storage items via different formats:
✦ Local/session storage - JSON
✦ Cookies -
⋆ Netscape HTTP Cookie File
⋆ Semicolon separated name=value pairs
⋆ Perl::LWP
☄️Incognito mode Supported
☄️Beautified JSON View for storage items
☄️Choose path for download.
☄️Ability to Remember last download path.
☄️Extra feature to allow copying JWT using "Copy JWT" button.
Latest reviews
- (2023-08-02) Kenjya Yorokobi: ストレージエクスプローラーと之と、または ~/.config/google-chrome/Default/Local Storage/leveldb を単純にgdにバックアップと。 どれがいちばん簡単なのか。目的は閲覧履歴データの削除などしたときにローカルストレージのデータを喪失しないようにバックアップすること。
- (2023-06-16) Surajitk Routh: Very very useful extension