extension ExtPose

Full Page Screenshot: ScreenTool.io

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Description from extension meta

Take Full Page Screenshots effortlessly, snip specific areas, and share in seconds.

Image from store Full Page Screenshot: ScreenTool.io
Description from store Jednostavno napravite snimku zaslona web stranice u cijelosti jednim pritiskom na gumb. Proširenje će automatski pomicati web mjesto i snimiti snimku zaslona cijele stranice. Tada ćete je moći kopirati ili preuzeti kao jednu sliku. ❤️ Kako radi? Prati ove korake. - Preuzmite proširenje i prikvačite proširenje gore desno. - Idite na stranicu s koje želite napraviti snimku zaslona, a zatim kliknite ikonu proširenja u gornjem desnom kutu. ❤️ Privatnost i kompatibilnost? - Snimka zaslona koristi se samo u svrhu koja je ovdje navedena. Možete ga kopirati i dijeliti s kim god želite. Ove podatke ne koristimo ni za što drugo. - Kada je u pitanju kompatibilnost, ovaj alat možete koristiti zajedno s drugim popularnim alatom za snimanje zaslona. Neki od onih s kojima smo testirali uključuju Nimbus Screenshot i Apex Screen recorder te GoFullPage. Naše bi proširenje trebalo sigurno raditi s ovim alatima. ❤️ O nama i budućim planovima? Naš je cilj s ovim alatom postati razboj za snimke zaslona. Nadamo se da ćemo poboljšati produktivnost u vašem svakodnevnom životu. To je to, trebalo bi vas odvesti na snimku zaslona cijele stranice. Original desciption in English: Easily take screenshot of a website in full with a single click of a button. The extension will automatically scroll the website and will capture the full page screenshot. You will then be able to copy or download it as a single image. ❤️ How does it work? Follow these steps. - Download the extension and pin the extension on the top right. - Go to the page you want to take screenshot off, and then click the extension icon on the top right. ❤️ Privacy and compatibility? - The screenshot is only used for the purpose mentioned here. You can copy and share it with anyone you choose. We dont use this data for anything else. - When it comes to compatibility, you can use this tool along with other popuplar screenshot tool. Some of the ones we have tested with includes Nimbus Screenshot and Apex Screen recorder, and GoFullPage. Our extension should work safe with these tools. ❤️ About us and future plans? Our aim with this tool is to become the Loom for screenshots. We hope to improve productivity in your daily life. This is it, it should take you to the full page screenshot.

Latest reviews

  • (2023-05-22) Marie Antoinette Go: very useful for everyday use
  • (2022-11-10) Mackey Wallace: Loved it! This extension is more helpful than I expected.
  • (2022-11-08) Paolo Domingo: This extension answers my need to take screenshots for long pages. And I dont need an editor anymore to save multiple screenshots and combine them. Genius!


7,000 history
3.7 (10 votes)
Last update / version
2024-02-26 / 2.7.0
Listing languages
