Phishing detection tool on Chrome that leverages AI to scan every site and webpage you visit to prevent malicious attempts.
The extension notifies you when there are:
- Fake pages, money scams, or information scams
- Pages with malicious code, or depraved images
- Negative content that could affect children
- Fake pages, defamation of people's honor
- Reactionary pages, anti-government initiatives
The extension will pop up when you go to any page and inform you of blocking details to ensure a safe and secure browsing experience.
It doesn't affect your daily activities and requires no advanced installation/integration. Start by adding it to your Chrome, connect your wallet, and enjoy a secure browsing environment.
PhishKite is the first move in Red Kiteโs transformation into a Smart Launchpad.
Powered by Red Kite and SecuriChain.
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