Description from extension meta
Wiseone 是您提高网络搜索和提升阅读效率的终极人工智能工具。
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Description from store
⏱ Summarize:通过提供需要记住的基本事实,帮助您更有效地阅读而不丢失信息。
💬 Ask Anything:您可以在正在阅读的任何网页上提出任何问题,并从顶级搜索引擎获取相关的来源答案,以简化任何信息。
🔎 Focus:让您理解任何网页上的复杂概念和单词,100% 掌握阅读能力。
✅ Cross Check:帮助您访问有关同一主题的事实和可靠的来源报告,以获得不同的观点。
📰 Explore:提供多个来源的新闻、学术资源和视频,以加深您对任何主题的理解。
Wiseone 还提供两项高级功能:
⚡ Deep Summary,解锁我们下一级摘要模型的全部潜力
⚡ Deep Ask Anything,以获取高级人工智能搜索功能
准备好升级您的网络搜索和阅读效率了吗? 立即获取Wiseone!
❓ 常见问题
• Wiseone 是免费的吗?
是的,Wiseone 是一个免费工具。 然而,虽然 Wiseone 仍然免费使用(每天 10 次查询),但升级到 Wiseone Pro 可确保您充分利用该扩展,享受高级功能和无限制的使用。
• 什么是Wiseone Pro?
Wiseone Pro 是我们浏览器扩展的高级版本,它通过提供高级功能和无限制的使用而进一步发展。 您还可以获得更长的 PDF 分析和我们的法学硕士的扩展上下文,以增强您的答案。
• 如何安装Wiseone?
要开始使用 Wiseone,请单击“添加至 Chrome”按钮,安装扩展程序并创建帐户。 确保将扩展程序固定到导航顶部栏,然后您就可以访问任何网页并开始使用 Wiseone 的功能。 我们还建议观看 Wiseone 的教程视频。 这个简短而富有洞察力的视频介绍了如何使用该工具及其功能。
• Wiseone 是否适用于所有网站?
是的,Wiseone 可以在任何地方在线工作。 单击扩展程序菜单中的“Enable Wiseone”按钮。
• Wiseone 收集关于我的什么信息?
您的数据是保密的,不会用于广告或商业目的。 它将仅用于调试和改进我们的产品。
• 我需要ChatGPT/OpenAI 帐户吗?
不,您不需要 ChatGPT 或 ChatGPT+ 帐户即可使用 Wiseone。
• 如何联系我们?
要向我们发送您的反馈或建议,请使用应用程序上的反馈按钮或发送电子邮件至 [email protected]。 我们很乐意听取您的意见,并将快速回复您的电子邮件和反馈。
Latest reviews
- (2023-10-30) teona: i installed the extension, i signed with an account but i have no prompter or search button to use it
- (2023-09-23) Serio Mize: I wish I could review it with 5 stars, but the lack of languages makes it almost useless for me.
- (2023-08-19) SAURABH NIRWAN: Currently i can open the wiseone in the extension toolbar with keyboard shortcut. Kindly add a functionality to open the hovering icon also with keyboard shortcut. Edited: Its working perfectly now. Thanks.
- (2023-08-02) Tucker Howard: This is really an incredible tool. It provides accurate and informative summaries within specific web pages but also aggregates data across the web to provide answers and research to broad questions
- (2023-07-13) Edgar O'Cat: Ive been using this app for a while and it really helps me for my work, I hope it stays free even after the beta!
- (2023-07-13) Radja Nada Boucetta: it's amazing!! it can do what Bing does, ask PDF files,it's super fast, it provides sources, works on every tab , highly recommended
- (2023-07-08) Ciarán Bürmann genannt Siggemann: The extension seems to be great. But the amount of data needed to be processed made me think. A free version with such a wide range of functions got to be paid somehow. Im not convinced that my data is safe. If i could finde an Legal Disclosure or something like that i might come back. The tool seems pretty strong though.
- (2023-07-05) José Scire: Promete buena experiencia, pero solo disponible en ingles. Al visitar cualquier pagina de noticias en español, te mostrara sus resultados en inglés. Para resumir el articulo, debes ingresar a "Ask Anything", seleccionar la opcion "This Article" y pedirle que haga el resumen en español. Esperaremos que incorporen otros idiomas.
- (2023-07-03) A A: There is a problem, I I signed up twice , but it does not let me sign in, saying "Failed to fetch", this happend many times, tried to reset the password, but did not get any mail.
- (2023-07-03) Thien Thai: Good. I hope the extension stay free or cost about $5 or less. I am living in developing country and can't paid that much.
- (2023-06-25) Simone Frosini: Please allow us to change the language and then will be 5 stars!
- (2023-06-09) Mae Paltingca: Wow, this is free. Thank you so much! God bless you all.
- (2023-06-09) Alex W: Sometimes it misses things or cannot answer simple question that are in the text
- (2023-05-29) Varnit Professional: Its been a week since installing this addon and till now it hasn't shown me any info only a random to login and logout where I have already done the login process. Dev hasnt checked or provided us guide on how it works. Bad.
- (2023-05-29) Foobar Yorozuya: I can't believe this is completely FREEEE! Thanks a million to a dev
- (2023-05-18) François Huet: C'est dommage qu'on ne puisse pas choisir la langue, Chat GPT nous fait les résumés en anglais.
- (2023-05-18) N C: This extension collects web history and user activity like keystrokes, per Privacy Practices section. Merlin doesn't, nor does Sciscpace, nor do the other extensions I use
- (2023-05-18) Simon Harris: Added immediate value and time management improvement instantly for me... Outstanding Extension I wish I had earlier in life...
- (2023-05-16) erduo Da: wonderful work! a review from china friends,may be you can consider chinese language.
- (2023-05-01) Reinerys Delgado: NO esta en español y toca activarlo en cada pagina
- (2023-04-23) Joe Nance: Absolutely worthless and useless. It is quite apparent that it doesn't use any sort of LLM (or if it does, it uses a very primitive one like GPT-2), but instead searches google for keywords that appear in the text and creates a "summary" of those keywords. I made a better tool with openAI's api in a single afternoon. I don't know what these clowns are doing with this "product", but I've since uninstalled. Be a Wiseone... Don't waste your time.
- (2023-04-21) Dawid G: Proszę zróbcie polską wersje.
- (2023-04-18) Beltagy Designs: Excellent extension and work without Chat-gpt account.
- (2023-04-16) sun go (35): 凄すぎる。サマリー機能は日本語に対応していないけどAsk anythingは対応してる。つまり日本語で内容を聞いて、回答もしてくれる。そのうちサマリー機能も対応するだろうし、あとはマネタイズがどうなるか・・・
- (2023-04-12) Mike: Outstanding! This is one of those apps where after you get it, you'll ask yourself, "how did I get by without this app".
- (2023-04-07) 徐伟泽: A very useful plugin, but I have a small suggestion. You could enable stream mode to display the content in real-time generated by ChatGPT, reducing the waiting time for users. This may result in a more user-friendly reading experience.
- (2023-02-22) Chaimae sakhi: such a cool tool, a game changer! I found suggestions and cross-checking super useful for my articles readings especially i like to check other sources
- (2023-02-21) Radhia Ben Abdallah: Amazing tool! It has helped me so much understand the articles I'm reading, I love the summary feature, and I highly recommend it!
- (2023-02-20) Jonas Petit: Great tool for news reading!