New Tab personal dashboard
Highly customizable new tab page
This New tab lets you set your new tab background wallpaper to one of seven options:
1) Solid Color: Pick a solid color of your choice
2) Gradient: Pick a gradient color and angle
3) Unsplash: Get photos from Unsplash and pick any tag you wish.
4) GIHPY: Get gifs from GIPHY and pick any tag you wish.
5) Custom URL: Enter any URL you wish and get photos from it. If it directly shows an image include no path. If it is from a rest api include the path to the image file. For example data.image.url if the image url is found in the {data: {image: { ur : "";}}} location.
6) Local Images: View one of 6 pre-loaded images.
7) Upload Images: Add your own images and view them.
We also have a drag and drop feature for
- Solid shapes
- Text
- Settings button