Description from extension meta
Extension for saving media from Instagram's web version
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Description from store
Easy Saver will help you to easily download photos, videos and live streams from your or your friend's account. It adds download button on all media of web version of Instagram.
Using this extension, you can download photos and videos from your feed, from your friend's profile, or from your own profile with one click. You can download reels, stories, and even whole carousel posts.
Easy Saver creates "easy-saver-folder" in your Download folder. All videos and photos will be saved in subfolders like this: "%Downloads_folder%\easy-saver-folder\%friends_username%\", so it will be very easy to sort photos from different accounts.
After the download is finished download button will blink green, if it was successful, or red if it wasn't. (usually because it's a private video or because you cancel the download yourself)
New feature🔥🔥🔥: now you can record Instagrams live stream which is currently online. Open streams page, find record panel, click "Start recording" button. That's it. The stream will be recorded and saved automatically at the end. Or you can click "Stop and save" button and currently recorded part of a live stream will be saved right away. While the stream is being recorded you can minimize the recording panel and continue to browse the Instagram. Yes, you can leave live stream page and browse your feed, stream will be recorded anyway (But don't reload Instagram page with browser reload button, it would stop the recording. Basically, if you see a recording panel then the stream is being recorded) You can record 🔥several streams simultaneously🔥 in one tab. Just open the other stream you want to record and another record panel will be added. At the end of the stream you will receive two files: one with video .m4v, one with audio .m4a. Extension can't merge these files by itself, but you can use video player (VLC for example) to open video and add an audio track. Or you can use "ffmpeg" program to merge these files into one video file (I prefer this way) Or you can find some online service to merge it, it's up to you.
Note, that if you want Chrome to automatically download photos, you need 'Ask where to save each file before downloading' option to be turned off, otherwise it will ask you where to save every single photo. It's not bad, but it's not as convenient as originally intended.
And don't forget, that all videos and photos belong to their creators. Don't download it without the owner's permission.
Latest reviews
- (2023-08-14) Marilyn Scya: IT'S NOT WORKING
- (2023-08-04) Alejandro Escohotado: UPDATE: Doesn't work for videos published as posts or content in carousels. It also doesn't work when opening the URL of a specific post, that's why I'm deducting a star. Creo que es la ÚNICA extensión para Chrome (he instalado unas 20) que actualmente funciona 80% correctamente. Descarga fotos, vídeos, stories y directos de una forma sencilla (la flecha para descargar aparece tanto en feed como visualizando post concretos) y agregando el nombre de usuario al comienzo del fichero. Algo FUNDAMENTAL si sueles hacer muchas descargas, para no volverte loco tagueando mientras descargas para poder identificar cada fichero 👍🏼
- (2023-07-13) Swill Klitch: Awesome! Except, why does it save filenames of 15000 characters, like: "Photo shared by (USERNAME) on July 10, 2023 tagging @RANDOM SHOP, @RANDOM SHOP, @RANDOM SHOP, @RANDOM PERSON, @RANDOM PERSON, @RANDOM PERSON. May be an image of 1 person, drinking tea or maybe it's a two persons sleeping in the bushes or maybe it's a dog with parachute.jpg" Where did he get all this trash? Does extension know that even NTFS have a char limit for the filenames?
- (2023-06-18) Canliox: Şu ana kadar gelmiş en iyisi budur. Hem hızlı, hem kullanışlı.
- (2023-05-12) Алина Горбачева: thank you!!!)
- (2023-04-10) Soner Şen: Hello developer first of all thank you very much for keeping the plugin up to date. If you leave only the file name to us, for example, it would be much better if we specify the file names.
- (2023-03-09) Fu Sheng Kok: when I download some picture remain the same although in the post is different image
- (2023-02-14) MANDRILL Gaming: Best IG downloader..
- (2022-12-12) Wiped Out!: It's really good
- (2022-10-22) Екатерина Алешина: Works as described. Edit: still works great after recent Instagram update👌👍
- (2022-09-01) Олег Олегович: top
- (2022-08-31) Ritzier W: This extensions is good as fuxk. It will create new folder for saving different user's photo.
- (2022-08-28) Cosmic Gate: ¡Justo lo que buscaba! La extensión funciona correctamente, descarga las imágenes con el nombre de usuario y en su resolución original. ¡Mil gracias vadimb88! 👍
- (2022-08-12) Renata Gomes TPM: É ótima!! Só gostaria que respeitasse o folder padrão de download do meu Google Chrome, sem criar um segundo folder dentro desse folder padrão. Já configurei diversas vezes desabilitando esse folder secundário criado pela extensão, mas a extensão continua criando o folder dentro do folder padrão para salvar as imagens e vídeos.
- (2022-07-14) Seshwesh: The king has arrived, Just ignore all other extensions. THis is the best
- (2022-07-13) Антон Такойантон: Wow, this extension actually records Instagram's live streams. I don't know any other extensions which can do it. It's not very convenient to use video and audio track separately, but it's better than nothing, I guess