Description from extension meta
VideoMark是一個能讓你在YouTube, Coursera上直接做筆記的小工具。
Image from store
Description from store
== 現已支援ChatGPT輔助總結視頻摘要==
== 現已支援Udemy視頻筆記!! ==
== 現已支援Coursera視頻筆記!! ==
== 現已支援將筆記輸出到谷歌文檔!! ==
== 🪄 功能 ==
✓ 直接在視頻上塗塗畫畫和標注
✓ 直接在觀看YouTube, Coursera, Udemy的時候做筆記
✓ 一鍵保存視頻截圖和字幕到筆記
✓ 方便易用的速度和AB循環控件
✓ 自動保存到谷歌雲盤
✓ 使用標籤來管理筆記
✓ 支持導出PDF或TXT, Word格式文檔
== 🌝 如果你是一個… =
🎓 學習者
你可能正在通過YouTube, Coursera, Udemy這樣的在線平台學習一些技能、知識、樂器,那一個可以讓你專注於筆記內容本身的視頻筆記應用正是你所需要的。VideoMark希望可以幫助到正在努力改變自己的你。
🎥 Youtube博主
== 🛠 正在開發中 ==
★ 正在支持更多的雲盤同步,Dropbox, Evernote, Notion等
★ 筆記全文搜索
== 📨 支持 ==
== 😘 喜歡VideoMark? ==
支持我們就請給個 ★★★★★ 五星好評吧!
Latest reviews
- (2024-05-16) C C: 可邊看影片邊截圖,很方便的軟體,但輸入文字功能無法使用,因為當在畫面上輸入中英文字,想按空白鍵將字確定下來或空格時,剛好和Youtube的空白快捷鍵衝突,所以按下空白鍵變成是影片的暫停/播放功能, 導致無法輸入文字有點可惜,不知是否有改善方法?
- (2023-03-07) Ich Du: Should youtube changing anything, how is this handled or guaranteed, that my money goes not only in one release? i was not able to find anything about that, wondering that also not even one name, or team, community, forum, chat, even no documentation, nothing. But what i found is the small text behind 'click / buy / accept' - By proceeding, you agree to our Terms and Privacy Policy ... in accordance with the laws of China. - "we respecting privacy, we comply with GDPR, Terms & Policies could change at anytime, we may inform you." may? yes, it may ok for private users. as private user its may also ok that to disagree cookies on your website (GDPR???) is not possible. Someone could also ask , why is Google Cloud Sync so important? May it a good time for a "Life-time deal? Hope all the money goes into some more standards of paid apps, and maybe you agree to relocate the data-pipeline of all code/cookies/user-data in a some more, or even lesser monitored region. Did you heard about PIPL? (the GDPR equivalent for Chinese citizens) Cheers
- (2022-12-28) Ahmed Farrag: I WANTED TO CONTACT YOU BUT YOUR WEBSITE IS DOWN! Chrome refuses to open it because it is not " a safe website". please fix! (contact me here please: [email protected]). (I wanted to ask you if Videomark works also with Udemy! or only Youtube and Coursera?! Udemy is really important, i use it all the time!). Update: thank you for the support! everything is working now and yes people! Udemy support is coming soon! which is really good!
- (2022-08-19) Sandy Chang: 1. 在YouTube深色主題外觀下,在Youtube右側筆記區修改筆記內容的樣式為H1或H2後,筆記內容會不見。 2. 導出筆記為PDF檔案後,時間戳無法跳轉。 3. 希望單獨增加一個時間戳功能。
- (2022-05-30) Dill: everytime i pause and want to play my video instead it annotates it. wish there was an option to just turn off annotation stuff bc i just want to write notes
- (2022-05-10) ys lau: Works great...
- (2022-04-27) Sam: It's a very beautiful UI designing and useful function. I love it.