Translate words, phrases or texts on web pages with text-to-speech feature. Powerful language translator, dictionary for a…
Translator the best and easiest way to quickly translate part of the content that you need, such as words, phrases, or even menu items.
Highlight the word or text you want to translate and you will immediately see the translation into your language. All in one simple and understandable browser extension.
Reading an article on the Internet and don’t know a word? Just select any text on any webpage, press a shortcut and see the translation in an unobtrusive window right on the same page.
Need to type in some text by yourself and translate it? Just open the Translate pop-up window by clicking on the icon next to your browser address bar. It’s always by your side!
Why is this Translator the best of the rest?
► Web page Translation - full web page translation with mouse hover translation
► Dictionary - Word meaning, pronunciation, synonyms, hypernyms, hyponyms and more.
► Bookmarks - Keeps track of all the changes you made to your bookmarks. Saving translation history.
► Text to speech - Hear correct pronunciation and play words and texts with correct accent.
► Image translation (image recognition) - Just select the area on the monitor that you want to translate (the principle of work is as in the screenshot tool).
Now you do not need to install additional programs or applications to use Google Translate, all in one convenient extension, with all the features that are available for the Translator.
Translator for Chrome a professional translation extension to translate between languages using features like text translator, transcription, and text-to-speech.
Full-page translation
Extension can translate entire web pages within one mouse-click! Just select "Translate this page" in the context menu on any page to see it translated to your language.
Note for Full Translation!
The extension does a full page translation (on-click of the web icon in pop-up) by processing and redirecting through an internal server the URL of the developer's domain. This will help to make full translations of any pages in the browser faster and better.
Translation History
All translation history is stored in your browser's local storage. To find or delete your translation history, click the extension icon in the top right corner of your browser. Then click the "Show translation history" icon in the pop-up window. This translator does not use any cloud storage.
Translate while reading
Learn a language by reading whatever you like. Translate words & phrases live on any web page. Click words or phrases on any site to translate them.
Google Translate's proficiency isn't limited to one type of content. Whether it's news articles, social media posts, e-books, or academic journals, the tool provides reliable translations across different types of content. This page translator opens up a world of knowledge that was once beyond reach due to language limitations.
Additionally, the Google Translate extension features a user-friendly interface. This design emphasizes simplicity and ease of use, ensuring that even first-time users can easily navigate the extension. No need to juggle multiple windows or tabs—your translation appears right on the webpage you're viewing, providing a smooth and uninterrupted browsing experience.
And for those of you who find yourselves frequently translating between specific languages, Google Translate allows you to customize your settings to favor those languages. This personalized touch not only saves you time but also makes your translation process more efficient.
Not to forget, Google Translate’s seamless integration into your browser offers an always-available solution, whether you're reading, researching, or just casually browsing. You no longer need to disrupt your browsing flow to access reliable translation services.
Lastly, but importantly, Google Translate is committed to user privacy. Rest assured, your translations remain private, and no data from the content you translate is used to target ads.
By incorporating Google Translate into your browsing experience, you're embracing an extension that is much more than just an online translator. It's a dictionary, a multi languages translator, an accurate translate tool, and above all, it's your bridge to understanding and interacting with the limitless content on the web.
Google Translate, Translate, Translator, Bing Translate, Language translating, Translation, Dictionary, Accurate Translate, Translate Tool, Multi languages translator, Page Translator, Web Translate, Online Translator, Online Translation, Translation tool, Language translator, Text-to-speech, Full-page translation, Translation history, Grammar check translation, Translation app, Document translation, Grammar checker.
Google překladač, Překládat, Překladač, Bing překladač, Překládání jazyků, Překlad, Slovník, Přesný Překlad, Nástroj pro překlad, Překladač více jazyků, Překladač stránek, Webový Překlad, Online Překladač, Online Překlad, Nástroj pro překlad, Jazykový překladač, Text na řeč, Překlad celé stránky, Historie překladů, Kontrola pravopisu při překladu, Aplikace pro překlad, Překlad dokumentů.
Google Translate, Oversæt, Oversætter, Bing Oversæt, Sprogoversættelse, Oversættelse, Ordbog, Nøjagtig Oversættelse, Oversættelsesværktøj, Flersproget oversætter, Sideoversætter, Web Oversættelse, Online Oversætter, Online Oversættelse, Oversættelsesværktøj, Sprogoversætter, Tekst-til-tale, Fuldsideoversættelse, Oversættelseshistorik, Grammatik tjek oversættelse, Oversættelsesapp, Dokumentoversættelse.
Google translate, Traduire, Traducteur, Bing translate, Traduction de langues, Traduction, Dictionnaire, Traduction précise, Outil de traduction, Traducteur multilingue, Traducteur de page, Traduction Web, Traducteur en ligne, Traduction en ligne, Outil de traduction, Traducteur de langue, Texte à parole, Traduction de page complète, Historique de traduction, Vérification de grammaire dans la traduction, Application de traduction, Traduction de document.
Google Übersetzer, Übersetzen, Übersetzer, Bing Übersetzer, Sprachen übersetzen, Übersetzung, Wörterbuch, Genau Übersetzen, Übersetzungswerkzeug, Mehrsprachen Übersetzer, Seitenübersetzer, Web Übersetzung, Online Übersetzer, Online Übersetzung, Übersetzungswerkzeug, Sprachübersetzer, Text-zu-Sprache, Ganzseitige Übersetzung, Übersetzungshistorie, Grammatikprüfung Übersetzung, Übersetzungsapp, Dokumentenübersetzung.
Google translate, Tradurre, Traduttore, Bing translate, Traduzione di lingue, Traduzione, Dizionario, Traduzione accurata, Strumento di traduzione, Traduttore multilingue, Traduttore di pagine, Traduzione web, Traduttore online, Traduzione online, Strumento di traduzione, Traduttore di lingue, Text-to-speech, Traduzione di pagine intere, Cronologia delle traduzioni, Controllo grammaticale della traduzione, App di traduzione, Traduzione di documenti.
Google translate, Tłumacz, Tłumaczenie, Bing translate, Tłumaczenie języków, Przekład, Słownik, Dokładne tłumaczenie, Narzędzie do tłumaczenia, Tłumacz wielojęzyczny, Tłumacz stron, Tłumaczenie stron internetowych, Tłumacz online, Tłumaczenie online, Narzędzie do tłumaczenia, Tłumacz językowy, Tekst na mowę, Tłumaczenie całej strony, Historia tłumaczeń, Sprawdzanie gramatyki w tłumaczeniu, Aplikacja do tłumaczenia, Tłumaczenie dokumentów.
Google Tradutor, Traduzir, Tradutor, Bing Tradutor, Tradução de idiomas, Tradução, Dicionário, Tradução precisa, Ferramenta de tradução, Tradutor de vários idiomas, Tradutor de página, Tradução na web, Tradutor online, Tradução online, Ferramenta de tradução, Tradutor de idiomas, Texto-para-fala, Tradução de página inteira, Histórico de tradução, Verificação gramatical de tradução, Aplicativo de tradução, Tradução de documentos.
Google Translate, Traducir, Traductor, Bing Translate, Traducción de idiomas, Traducción, Diccionario, Traducción precisa, Herramienta de traducción, Traductor de varios idiomas, Traductor de página, Traducción web, Traductor en línea, Traducción en línea, Herramienta de traducción, Traductor de idiomas, Texto a voz, Traducción de página completa, Historial de traducción, Verificación gramatical de traducción, Aplicación de traducción, Traducción de documentos.
Latest reviews
- (2024-06-18) Vũ Tuấn Anh: ok
- (2024-06-15) Riquelme Prussiano: this is pretty useful
- (2024-06-12) Bsi Nam: ok
- (2024-06-11) Gung Gia57: very good !
- (2024-06-03) Zaeem muhammed: best thing ever to study arabic
- (2024-05-30) Marcos Vinícius: the best we have
- (2024-05-25) kkk 104: 좋습니다
- (2024-05-19) alfredo rivera: useful extension
- (2024-05-18) دانيال دانيال: It's great
- (2024-05-07) Bernardo Brotelli: It's great
- (2024-05-01) Ahmad Kamal: A BIG EASE FOR TRANSLATION
- (2024-05-01) Elias Hrebik: Negativ ist dieses ständige Umstellen der Sprache und ewiges scrollen nach einer Sprache, die man doch so oft verwendet. Auch dieses ständige betteln um eine Bewertung ist sooo nervig, warum kann man das nicht abstellen? Hier habt ihr dafür eure Bewertung, rätlich verdient!
- (2024-04-27) hydro ssj: Helps me studying.
- (2024-04-19) Farshad Ghadam: a nice translator. I like it.
- (2024-04-11) Tin Goncharou: Работает как надо, результат достойный.
- (2024-04-08) катя иванова: зачем пакостить обычным людям. рискните мстить тем кто сделал жизнь простых людей и без того невыносимой.переводчик это творение человека создавшего его и оно олицетворяет мысли и желания того кто его создал. ваш транслейтор не переводит ничего от слова совсем. желаю вашим кофемашинам производить мочу вместо кофе. а автомобилям портить дороги.а вам удивляться и недоумевать по поводу происходящего.
- (2024-04-03) naeco: A useful tool, love it.
- (2024-04-01) S. K.: Bin zufrieden, ein punkt abzug, da mir noch so allgemeine sprichwörter fehlen
- (2024-04-01) Stela Ortiz: Perfeito e fácil de configurar :)
- (2024-03-29) seok beyaz: 텍스트를 입력하면 엔터나 버튼 누를 필요없이 real-time으로 번역되면 좋겠네요.
- (2024-03-29) Idowu Businessplanwriter: This is good and helpful a lot
- (2024-03-29) 흙집사: 정말 좋은데 웹사이트 전체 변환 기능이 있다고 해서 깔았는데 그건 아무리 봐도 안보이네요 제가 바란건 웹페이지 마우스 우클릭하면 페이지 전체번역으로 변환하기가 될줄 알았습니다
- (2024-03-04) Shady Ali: شكراً wow
- (2024-03-04) Bertram Stämmler: Es ist ja schön, wenn ich sehen kann, wie ein Wort oder Satz in Arabisch, Hindi oder Thai geschrieben wird. Noch viel hilfreicher wäre es aber für mich, wenn ich die Übersetzung auch wahlweise in der Schrift meiner eigenen Sprache nachlesen könnte. Ich wundere mich, daß ich dazu noch keine anderen Kommentare gelesen habe.
- (2024-03-04) Dino: not bad
- (2024-02-26) Huynh Hoan My (FPL HCM): dùng để học tập là tuyệt vời luôn các cháu ơi
- (2024-02-25) Elen Forteddo: Отличный переводчик, рекомендую!
- (2024-02-15) Gustavo Canals: Me resulta muy ùtil y àgil
- (2024-02-14) Volodymyr Sakharov: The best that I've ever used
- (2024-02-09) Sérgio: É bom, mas algumas vozes estão falando na velocidade errada.
- (2024-02-08) S7N XII: perfeito , ajuda muito <3
- (2024-02-02) Matias Sotelos: la verdad, no me funciono- Nose porque, tengo envidia, a la mayoria le funciona, a mi, no. Encima queria jugar un juefgito de roleito con mis colegos que estaba en austraco indonesia fanatismo de Alaceda, y no me funciono. Disculpenme, fuerte pesame. One star - Harry Stiles
- (2024-01-28) Adwoa Agyei: Very great tool. I just wish it was a little bit more intuitive and would translate automatically when I highlight something. I also it would wish what my output language so I don't have to reset it after every 3 translations.
- (2024-01-13) Alishan BCR24: very useful, there is a dictionary and translator.
- (2024-01-13) Ngọc Minh Nguyễn: ok
- (2023-12-22) Ivan NeGrozni: не все функции работают по крайне мере в браузере Cent в остальном быстрый хороший переводчик.
- (2023-11-20) Misterio Profundo: Muy practica y útil.
- (2023-11-12) Sung Jin Woo: Le texte traduit est devenue blanc clair on voit plus rien
- (2023-11-10) HS Hasmot: Very Useful Translator
- (2023-11-07) Nguyễn Thành Trí: I really like this app but it crashes when I click on the Vietnamese voice pronunciation button
- (2023-11-07) Adam Peter: This is a very useful and accurate translator.
- (2023-11-04) Karen Oviedo: Es buena, me ha ayudado en la pronunciación de diferentes idiomas :D
- (2023-11-03) Goi Yi Han: SS
- (2023-11-01) Jay Smith: Great product.
- (2023-11-01) Try Me: Great
- (2023-10-31) Margin wings: Great, this is what i looking for so many days. Only problem is it can't auto translate sentences more than 15 words, But we can manually translate it. other ways it is perfect for me in everything. It is a dictionary and a voice speaker and a translator also.
- (2023-10-26) Elly Ngoc Vo: This product is so useful, save time for me in reading different language documents.
- (2023-10-25) masrur zakaria: its really good and translation level is very high and speedy.
- (2023-10-21) 윤천: 좋습니다.
- (2023-10-19) Caren Alegre: Muy buena lo unico que cambiaria es la voz del traductor, se escucha con eco y se dificulta entender