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This extension reschedules US Visa application appointment to an earlier date automatically.
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Description from store
Auto Rescheduler for AIS Visa Appointments
How to use it:
1. If you are installing the extension for the first time, select the extension will open the language selection page. Select the language and open the extension once the new page is opened. Then click the "Configure/Reset" button. It will clear the extension data and log you out of the portal.
2. On the AIS portal login page, add your email and password in the pop-up shown by the extension. This will enable the extension to auto-login when the AIS portal logs you out.
3. On the next page, the extension will ask you to select the application you want to work with if there is more than one live application. Otherwise, it'll directly skip ahead.
4. On this page, the extension will ask you to choose the city you want to check the slots. Select the city and that's it. Leave the browser tab open and the extension will take care of booking any available slot earlier than your current appointment. It will check for slots every 1 minute by default. You can increase or decrease this number from the extension settings.
There will be two warnings shown in the above process:
1. The first is when your language is not set in English. The date format matching is designed to work on the English website. While the extension should technically work on any language, it is strongly recommended to change the AIS portal language to English.
2. The second one is when the current appointment date is not properly formatted. In this case, simply enter your existing appointment date in the format mentioned in the pop-up box.
Regarding the credits:
The credits will only be consumed when any appointment date is found. In case no appointment is found or you're in a soft block period, the credits will not be used.
Soft block:
The AIS system shows you no slots for 5 hours when you check for the slots a certain number of times. Sometimes this is 70 checks and sometimes it is only 20. The extension identifies this and automatically adjusts the checking interval to prevent a hard block.
Hard block:
When in the soft block, if you keep checking for slots frequently, the 5-hour period will extend to 24 hours and sometimes will prevent you from accessing the site from an IP as well. it is best to stay out of this hard block state.
Extension settings:
1. Enable Autobook: If enabled, the extension will auto-book your slots. If disabled, you'll receive a browser notification when a slot is available. You can directly click book from the notification.
2. Frequency of checks: This setting controls how frequently should the checks be done. Best to keep it between 1 to 3 minutes.
3. Start Date: This setting tells the extension to not book any slots before this date. Default is today's date
4. End Date: This setting tells the extension to not book any slot after this date. Default is your current appointment date.
Important point to note: Do not use any other page refresher to refresh the calendar page. This extension comes with a handler to manager this automatically. If you spam refresh the site, the extension will not function as intended.
Fair warning: This is intended to help normal everyday people to move their appointment slots. and not for VISA agents to profit off of it. If I continue to notice multiple uses from IP, I'll start splitting the credits across the all accounts from the same IP.
v3.2 update:
1. New donation link for unlimited credits.
2. Added option for frequency checker to check anywhere between 30 seconds and two hours.
v3.0.0 update:
1. You can now select a date range for the extension to search for slots.
v2.4.0 update:
1. Added an FAQ Page.
2. Added an option to pick either the first date or the last date for ASC appointments.
v2.1.0 update:
1. Added support for Immigration Visa (partially tested).
2. Autobook option is disabled by default.
v2.0.0 update:
Added some process improvements and browser notifications. When Autobook is disabled you'll receive a browser notification with option to book or ignore it.
v1.0.7 update:
Bug fixes.
v1.0.6 update:
Bug fixes.
v1.0.3 update:
Thank you to everyone helping me out in debugging the dates issue. I have put in guardrails around it. I'm regretful for any inconvenience the bug would have caused.
1. Added a new option in the setting to enable/disable auto booking. If disabled you'll hear a buzzer (if your browser supports it) when a new slot is available and you'll just have to confirm the appointment.
2. When the extension has trouble identifying your current appointment date it'll pause and throw in a pop-up asking you to confirm your current the appointment date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
v1.0 update:
Substantial under-the-hood changes in the extension. After tons of debugging, identified issues with non-English interfaces. While many of the issue are fixed, it's strongly recommended to switch to English version when the option is presented via plugin.
v0.8 update:
Additional bug fixes.
v0.7 update:
Bug fixes.
v0.6 update:
1. Streamlined the automation to ensure no errors and faster process.
2. Added frequency control.
3. Checks will happen only for dates that are at least 7 days away from current date. This can now be controlled.
4. Now works for ASC appointments as well.
If extension doesn't work hit "Reset" button in the plugin.
This plugin just does one thing- check for earlier available dates and book the first slot that's available.
Log out from the appointment portal > Install the plugin > Refresh the portal page and follow the on-screen instruction.
Use at your own risk. The extension doesn't mess with AIS servers. It only mimics the user behaviour.
Latest reviews
- (2024-05-07) Rukunya Alex: Thanks for the great plugin. My credits are used up, I would like to buy you coffee for more but unfortunately I cant get passed the confirmation page where the ID check is supposed to send me a OTP to activate the Pay Button. Please look into it.
- (2023-11-08) D T: hello, I just want to know how to add credits
- (2023-11-02) Amrit Pal Singh: The extension is great, but my autobook feature is not working. It always get stuck on confirm the date while I've enabled it to book the slot automatically?
- (2023-10-24) Abe: Hello, the extension says I've run out of credits. How could I get more? Thanks
- (2023-10-23) Aries: Great tool! Just one bug with the latest version. I previously had one appointment and trying to reschedule. It asks me for the recent appointment location and after that, it will no longer look into other appointment location but only the entered location. I am not sure if this is intended.
- (2023-10-19) Deep Patel: great extension. Please check if this is Bug - After recent update, Autobook option disable by default, however I turned enabled and click on configure. then it asked me login detail and I entered all, but when I opened extension after login, autobook option is still showing disabled. could you check is everything working well or not?
- (2023-10-17) hilda chuks: Great plugin!
- (2023-10-17) Syed Sajjad: i am using this for canada and its works. one suggest is to add between days to book the appointment rather than "away days option"
- (2023-10-12) Darkar Alatriz: The extension does what it says. Awesome!
- (2023-10-07) Uğur Çevik: Not enough credit There is no credit left in my account and no new appointment has been created during this period. Can you please upload credit, I need credits.
- (2023-09-11) H G: hey bud! I think I am being soft block according to your last comment, anyway I could be unblocked? thanks!
- (2023-09-10) Saif Patka: Hey Buddy, it shows me that I need credits. Can someone please help how can I tackle this?
- (2023-09-09) Shuang Li: Is anyone having a similar problem? The little pop-up notification always says "Checking after 30 minutes" regardless of the 'Frequency of checks' slider I set in the plug in. And no checks were performed after the initial loading. So far I had to manually refresh the page to get the plug in to check, but am I missing something here?
- (2023-09-05) Shadul Usman: Please help. It was working for first couple of days and now it shows UNAUTHORIZED ERROR. please change the number of days from 30 to 300 atleast.
- (2023-09-01) Shihaan Hussain: Great extension. First got a date in sept 2025. Then pre-poned to May 2024 and now march 2024.
- (2023-08-29) Ayan Singla: I disabled auto reschedule button but extension has scheduled appointment without taking permission. please try to solve this bug.
- (2023-08-27) Ishita Shreshtha: It has been greatly helpful to move appointment to more than a year before. Works like a charm. Usually updates between 6-11 PM EDT
- (2023-08-20) J N: It works like a charm! Amazing! My appointment moved 18 months earlier!!
- (2023-08-10) Yunus: Works perfectly! Managed to auto-reschedule a friend's appointment with this extension, super helpful!
- (2023-06-02) Daniele Lemos: It works!! After about a week it found an earlier date for me. And it books the new date automatically. I'll keep using to try and get an even closer date lol.
- (2023-05-21) Karen Galstyan: Has worked for me so far I moved my appointment to 4 month earlier. Update: in a week or so it moved up from one year from now to one week from now lol, big thanks to the creator