Neka Voice Remaker bude vaš najmoćniji pomoćnik za AI generator glasa i realistični tekst u govor (TTS).
Možete generirati realističan zvuk teksta u govor (TTS) koristeći naš online AI Voice Generator i najbolje sintetičke glasove. Trenutačno pretvorite tekst u govor koji prirodno zvuči i preuzmite kao MP3 audio datoteke.
● AI Text-to-Speech: generirat ćemo zvuk koji zvuči najbliže ljudskom glasu na temelju jezika, odabira glasa i teksta koji navedete.
● Povijesni zapisi: Pohranit ćemo vaše povijesne zapise u vašem pregledniku i omogućiti vam reprodukciju povijesnog zvuka kad god vam zatreba.
● Preuzimanje audio datoteka: Možemo vam pomoći u preuzimanju audio datoteka koje ste izradili u MP3 formatu na vaš lokalni uređaj.
● Brisanje zapisa: Možete koristiti značajku brisanja za čišćenje audio datoteka koje vam više nisu potrebne u bilo kojem trenutku.
Voice Remaker potpuno je besplatan alat za generiranje glasa s ugrađenom umjetnom inteligencijom, dovoljno je lagan i jednostavan, upotrijebite ga sada da vam pomogne da iskusite najbolji AI generator teksta u glas!
OpenAI,Artificial Intelligence (AI),Machine Learning (ML),Deep Learning,Natural Language Processing (NLP),GPT-3,GPT-3.5,Language Models,Reinforcement Learning,Neural Networks,AI Research,AI Development,AI Applications,AI Solutions,AI Technologies,Robotics,AI Ethics,AI Training,AI Algorithms,AI Innovation
Latest reviews
- (2024-01-22) Hunter Hogan: I can't get the voice to work
- (2023-11-02) Yoel Shafir: Limited
- (2023-10-14) Wrought Again: 1000 character limit
- (2023-09-26) Zineb Fdaouch: Limited
- (2023-08-14) Neil Ghorbel: I it is horrible. I need to write a speech instead of me automatically talking so I cant use on discord. Plus every male character sound like a AI and not realistic at all. In total my experience was absolutely horrible. 1/5.
- (2023-07-27) Susheela: Able to generate required voice. Like real voice . Thank you
- (2023-07-06) Héctor F Traducciones: It's not working.
- (2023-07-05) Amanda Eakins: The voice sounds pretty good. However, pauses are weak and getting the program to work every day is not likely. Support response is zero!
- (2023-06-08) Sven Bubach: Very good speech quality. Many voices and languages. But how do I insert a breathing pause?
- (2023-06-06) Alex Tom: very useful! You can't imagine this plugin having so many voices! That's amazing.
- (2023-06-06) Veysi Elle: The audio generated by this tool is really close to a real person, and I really like it!
- (2023-06-05) GG Jan: 好用!!!
- (2023-06-05) haijing dai: Good!!!
- (2023-06-03) Jiangtao Zhang: The voice is great, just like a real person, it can be used for dubbing game characters
- (2023-05-27) wang shiwei: This Tool is very useful. I like it!
- (2023-05-25) Bayram Sasmaz: Temel - temıl olarak okunuyor
2.7143 (35 votes)
Last update / version
2023-09-27 / 1.0.4
Listing languages