Description from extension meta
Hide the Amazon cart sidebar while browsing on Amazon.
Image from store
Description from store
This extension hides the sidebar on the right-hand side of the page that appears when there is at least one item in a user's cart on Amazon. This sidebar typically appears when viewing individual items on Amazon. This is great for improving focus while online shopping and limiting impulse purchases.
You can view the list of supported domains via this link:
This does not hide the cart itself from view or disable it. It only hides the sidebar.
You can view the source code here:
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Latest reviews
- (2023-10-11) Cre8ionz: Not working for me somehow :/ I guess it`s bc the extension uses only *://* but not other country`s.. so for Germany it`s not working (.de) I use UBlock Origin - My Filters (the star * also does the job) (the two above or below are both working.. idk why some ppl use different ones so I use both LOL) amazon.*###nav-flyout-ewc, #nav-flyout-anchor amazon.*##body:style(padding-right: 0px !important)*##.nav-ewc-content*##.nav-ewc-arrow*##body:style(padding-right: 0px !important)