extension ExtPose

Felo字幕: ChatGPT跨語言翻譯實時字幕

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Image from store Felo字幕: ChatGPT跨語言翻譯實時字幕
Description from store 🔑關鍵性功能 • 即時自動轉錄&翻譯會議記錄 • YouTube直播即時自動轉錄&翻譯 • 隨時可在Zoom/ Google Meet /Microsoft Teams Meeting中使用自己的筆記、即時翻譯功能(無機器人加入,隨啟動隨使用,不干擾其他人) • 將Zoom/ Google Meet /Microsoft Teams Meeting字幕保存為txt檔案 • 支援10種語言:英語、法語、德語、印地語、日語、韓語、葡萄牙語、俄語、簡體中文和西班牙語 Felo字幕(Zoom/ Google Meet /Microsoft Teams Meeting)即時翻譯,利用AI技術提升您的Zoom會議、Google會議、Microsoft會議體驗。Felo字幕運用最新的人工智慧技術,為您提供最準確、可靠的轉錄&翻譯結果。無論您與同事、客戶還是朋友交流,Felo字幕轉錄&翻譯為您解決跨語言交流問題。從而告別做會議筆記的煩惱~ Felo字幕直播即時翻譯(beta),支援各類直播影片網站提供字幕及即時翻譯功能,如YouTube Live、Twitch Live、Facebook Live等等。從而觀看外語即時直播就不再有任何困難了~ Felo字幕YouTube直播即時翻譯(beta),可為您在YouTube上觀看的任何直播節目添加字幕。它為那些想要理解直播節目中的對話或內容,但由於語言障礙、聽力障礙或其他原因無法完全理解的觀眾提供了便利。 啟用字幕功能後,此擴充功能會自動識別語音並將其轉換為文字。 ⭐️適用場景: 同一個會議多種交流語言 國際會議 國際研討會 跨境貿易展覽會 跨國會議 英語培訓會議 日語培訓會議 中文培訓會議 與印度人的會議 與日本人的會議 YouTube直播 Twitch直播 🔒安全轉錄 • 所有轉錄都安全存儲在您的瀏覽器中 • 了解更多隱私信息,請訪問 https://felo.me/privacy.html ➜幫助和建議 請查看 https://meet.felo.me 獲取更多信息 訪問我們的幫助中心,Discord鏈接:https://discord.gg/ZQSRU3uNku V 2.3.0 版本更新日誌: 1、增加推薦碼兌換功能 2、增加支援設定專用詞彙功能

Latest reviews

  • (2023-11-06) neo yang: 功能很不错,推特也能用。就是有点贵。
  • (2023-11-04) Philipp Luis: awesome feature to watch live stream and other activities where you have to speak in a foreign language. Currently i use it to watching twitch streams and to understand all of spoken content which not understand in past
  • (2023-11-01) 果比: 定价太贵了,完全没有可用性
  • (2023-10-25) Ольга Осматеску: Качество распознавания русской речи оставляет желать лучшего. 10.23
  • (2023-10-21) David Liu (西昆仑): 很好用,对于个人用户来说有点贵了,能不能对于个人和企业用户分开定价,个人用户可以便宜点!
  • (2023-10-20) Mingyang Gao: Pretty good experience.
  • (2023-10-18) Linus Komnick: Buena primera impresión pero despues de 10 o 15 minutos ya no te deja usar la aplicación y tienes que pagar. Lo raro es que los precios aparecen en yenes.
  • (2023-10-15) Brayan Andrés Rodríguez Navas: Great tool.
  • (2023-10-14) Oi: This is extremely helpful when watching foreign videos and livestreams. I just wish that there is an option to set the captions to be displayed at the bottom, and more clear distinction between the two languages subtitles(customization maybe). Keep it up!!!
  • (2023-10-12) 商琦: 很好用 2023年10月13日05:25:08
  • (2023-10-12) wenchao ding: 非常非常好,great!
  • (2023-10-12) ackley guo: 非常棒,初步感觉,英翻中还可以。背后是chatgpt4驱动吗
  • (2023-09-12) Heydee w: 一直在转圈加载不出来,不管怎么关闭重开都是一样的
  • (2023-09-09) Hom Rogers: Does it support translating tiktok videos?
  • (2023-09-08) Rollvend Bryoee: I was pleasantly surprised by how well this works; it's exactly what I've been looking for. I use it on a smaller screen while watching live streams because my listening skills aren't quite at a native level yet. Sometimes, when the streamer talk too fast, I miss important information, but this captures everything. The translation feature is a bonus, but I had to use it on a larger screen because the text moves from bottom to top. Unfortunately, the Felo box doesn't fit on my 18" 120Hz monitor, so I had to switch to a 27" monitor just to use it. I wish the box is resizable to fit the screen or there is an option to change the text from top to bottom.
  • (2023-08-16) 101hg Gavin: Awesome stuff, very nice work.
  • (2023-08-11) L Z (LoshaDeath): 字幕服务初始化失败 ,请重新打开字幕扩展
  • (2023-07-30) 23 1: 死贵
  • (2023-07-15) bz z: 可惜只能支持指定网站
  • (2023-07-15) Frank Xie: 虽然但是,,teams开会还是没有反应,没有字幕出现
  • (2023-07-01) 吳其龍: Good application. I would like to request the addition of Traditional Chinese (zh-tw) language support. Also, I'm curious why I don't need to provide my OpenAI API key. If I have the key and am willing to provide it, would it help the app work more quickly?
  • (2023-06-21) xuan he: 这很酷!!!创作者们辛苦了。也许我可以期待未来在TWITCH直播网站上也可以使用该插件吗?💕
  • (2023-06-19) Tracy Smith: I discovered a home renovation show on YouTube from China that I've been watching for years. As an English speaker, I've always struggled with understanding the dialogue. I searched for a translator solution and almost considered paying for one. However, I finally found an application that solved my problem. The live captioning is fast, clear, and perfect for me to follow along with my favorite Chinese home renovation show. 😍😍😍😍
  • (2023-05-22) pell wong: I've used it at Google meeting and it looks good, but I don't know if it will support Zoom/Teams.
  • (2023-05-22) 王志明: Oh, this is really amazing! I will never have to worry about videos without subtitles again.
  • (2023-05-22) Karl Hong: I would highly recommend this extension to anyone who frequently participates in virtual meetings and would like to have an easy time communicating in different languages. It is the ideal solution to bridge the language gap and foster effective communication. Keep up the excellent work!
  • (2023-05-22) lee user: I am thrilled to express my utmost satisfaction with the outstanding real-time translation app for Google Meet. This extension has revolutionized my online meetings by effortlessly generating accurate subtitles and providing instant translations. Its remarkable features have truly enhanced communication and fostered inclusivity within our global team.
  • (2023-05-22) Jeason: I've been using Felo Subtitles for a while now and I'm obsessed. It's a game-changer for anyone who has meetings with people who speak other languages. The subtitles are accurate and reliable, and the extension is super easy to use. I also love that I can save the transcripts of my meetings as text documents, so I can easily refer to them later.


30,000 history
3.6757 (74 votes)
Last update / version
2025-01-06 / 2.4.0
Listing languages
zh-CN ja zh-TW en
