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Midjourney efficiëntie plug-in, ondersteunt bulk verzending van prompts, automatische wachtrij, opnieuw verzenden in Relax modus,…
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Description from store
Whether you are a new user or a veteran of MidJourney, you must have encountered the following problems:
1. Spending a lot of time every day thinking about how to write a good prompt.
2. Prompts can only be sent one by one through the /imagine command, which can be tiresome.
3. Wanting to upscale and download generated images, but having to click one by one to do so, which can also be tiring.
4. Only being able to send about 10 prompts at a time, and having to queue if you exceed this limit, which means you have to wait by your computer at all times for the images to be generated.
5. Wanting to repeat a prompt multiple times, but having to use the --repeat parameter and pay for the Fast mode, and still having a limit on the number of times you can do so.
This plugin supports batch sending, automatic queuing, automatic repeating, automatic upscaling, automatic downloading, automatic prompt generation, and other functions. Combined with GPT for efficiency, it allows Midjourney to work for you 24 hours a day (Click "Read more" to see more highlights.)
🚀 Highlight One: Batch Sending + Automatic Queuing + Automatic Downloading
One-click batch sending of prompts, supports automatic queuing, automatic upscale, and automatic downloading. No more frequent manual operations, freeing your hands and protecting your hand health.
🛌 Highlight Two: Relax Mode + Repeated Sending
Supports automatic repetition in Relax Mode (--repeat), breaking the task limit. Send once before going to bed, and wait for the images to be collected the next day when you wake up, saving time and money.
🤖 Highlight Three: Midjourney + GPT
Utilizing GPT to automatically generate batch prompts and send them to Midjourney with one click, breaking through human imagination space, bringing you more creative inspiration.
Latest reviews
- (2023-12-12) 吴文皓: 非常棒
- (2023-11-13) Brayan Rush: 会不会封号?
- (2023-11-08) GRiiM: This extension has made Midjourney so much more fun to use!
- (2023-11-08) 沈彥霖: 非常好用
- (2023-10-30) 陈奕枫: 请问为什么我没有浮窗/谷歌浏览器和edge都不显示浮窗
- (2023-10-25) 刘宸潜: 为什么今天开始突然一直报错【Unknown Error 400】啊,很急
- (2023-10-25) 陈翔: 越来越好。 best tool for enhanced midjourney
- (2023-10-08) Yao Yao: Excellent Work! Thank you!
- (2023-09-25) HOWVFX: perfect for google chrome addon, can you develop same addon for opera? that will be fantastic!
- (2023-09-14) snaky D: 今天开始 自动下载时效,全部显示无法从网站提取文件,但是手动浏览器打开下载没问题
- (2023-09-08) 潘亮坤潘: 就打开过一次,为什么点不开?
- (2023-09-05) Hong Li: That's great. It's the perfect companion for MJ
- (2023-08-30) JQQ M: 特别好用,而且作者会根据用户反馈不断更新并提供问题的解决方法。超赞!
- (2023-08-26) AILike Creative: good I hope you can also add the automatic ZOOM OUT feature, I really expect it. MJ's initial results were often truncated and I had to use Zoom out 1.5x manually and it was very tiring and took a long time
- (2023-08-15) ai bdbe: 提示词一直发送不出去,一直在崩溃,我也没有下载过图片
- (2023-08-12) 梁樊: 如果能选择定时发送一轮提示词并且随机发送非命令文本就好了,发太频繁怕被封号
- (2023-08-07) Đình Hạnh: Great extension, but can you raise the "Send interval time" higher?. I think you should take it up to 10 minutes. Because relax mode takes a lot of time for each imagine
- (2023-08-01) duoduo yi: 跑图会崩溃,跑了5、6个小时的时候浏览器就崩了,是不能跑太久吗,换了两个浏览器都是同样的问题,清楚了缓存也没用,一打开浏览器就崩了,直接用不了了,请问有什么办法解决吗。
- (2023-07-31) jinxing chen: 好东西,,
- (2023-07-29) 张易: 佬我想咨询下,为啥我的自动下载功能不运作啊?卸载重装都没有用
- (2023-07-27) W ink: 安装为什么没有反应
- (2023-07-21) Rui Qian: 超级牛逼的插件,希望继续更新迭代。
- (2023-07-18) JK LAU: 请问什么时候才会上edge的商店呀
- (2023-07-04) 石霖: 很厉害~~
- (2023-06-22) Dan Zhang: 太方便了
- (2023-06-16) 朱大: 因为mid接口更新,现有版本用不了,加了大佬微信,果断发了新版的本地版过来。这样无私的大佬,爱了爱了。插件省时省力非常好用。
- (2023-06-14) 周婷: 真的是解放双手的好工具,特别是--repeat,如果在mj里面使用是只能快速模式才能用,而且上限是40,但是在这个插件里面使用就是无上限,而且还是relaxed模式,真的是太棒了。有个缺陷就是电脑不能黑屏休眠,必须一直常亮才行,黑屏后就不会继续发送了,想想也是应该的,电脑都不工作了,插件也没办法工作。现在就是在晚上或者是白天要干什么其他事情的时候,交给插件生成图片,现在生成了好多图,目前的烦恼就是来不及挑图,哈哈哈哈哈。因为账号就是自己一个人使用,以前一天最多也就生成百来张图,有时候就十来张,感觉亏的要死,现在一天可以四五百张都不止,虽然生成的图片不知道干啥,就是感觉赚了。插件作者本人也是十分的好,刚开始插件图标一直出不来,询问作者,都很有耐心的帮忙解决,赞!yyds
- (2023-06-14) Ramon Royo: Are we ever going to get an english version?
- (2023-06-07) Annabel Morrison: 一款可以解放发送的软件,等待的时间可以再次继续其他创作。完美
- (2023-05-31) Gee Gary: good~the best tool for MJ ever~
4.675 (80 votes)
Last update / version
2025-02-25 / 0.0.136
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