Functionality extension for the BBC OpenMedia
This extension is intended for internal use by BBC employees only.
It will only work in OpenMedia when you are logged in and in a grid.
It expands the functionality of OpenMedia Anyplace and includes the following features:
- Adds colours to the grid depending on the marker selected. (enabled by default)
- Allows you to be notified about new items in a grid. (disabled by default)
- You can also enable additional notifications about item modifications. (disabled by default)
- Alert when you're trying to enable notifications in a grid other than today's.
- Automatic refresh when the grid doesn't render properly.
Due to the way OpenMedia renders items in the list, it is only possible to enable notifications for the items that are visible in the grid.
This doesn't mean you can switch between tabs/windows in chrome or even different apps.
A workable solution to get notified about all items is to have OpenMedia opened in a vertical screen or to resize the window so all items fit.
Also, you will need to be logged in in order to receive notifications. So you might need to log in again if OpenMedia logs you out automatically.