This extension enhances PeopleSoft Financial Aid with file selection & input field management. Streamline your workflow!
This Chrome extension enhances the PeopleSoft Financial Aid COD process by providing functionality to load files from a directory. Here's an overview of what it does:
The extension adds a "Choose Path and Upload Files" button to the PeopleSoft Financial Aid COD page.
When the button is clicked, it opens a file selection dialog that allows the user to choose one or multiple files.
The selected file names are stored in an array.
The extension interacts with the PeopleSoft page's iframe and performs various operations on the file input fields:
It dynamically adds or removes file input fields based on the number of selected files. If there are more files than input fields, it adds new fields. If there are fewer files, it removes extra fields.
The addition and removal of fields are done asynchronously using delays between each operation to prevent browser hanging.
The extension handles cases where only one more field is needed or when one field needs to be removed.
After adjusting the file input fields, the extension updates the paths of the file inputs with the corresponding file names. It extracts the path from the existing input field value, removes the trailing slash or backslash if present, and concatenates it with the file name.
The extension uses regular expressions to handle both forward slashes (/) and backslashes () in the paths.
The extension also includes a timer that periodically checks the PeopleSoft page and performs necessary actions. It inserts the browse file button, clicks the OK button, and repeats the process.
The extension runs on the PeopleSoft Financial Aid COD page when the URL contains "PROCESS_LOANS.SFA_RUNCTL_COD_INB".
By using this Chrome extension, users can conveniently load files from a directory into the PeopleSoft Financial Aid COD process, streamlining their workflow and saving time!