extension ExtPose

APK Downloader

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Description from extension meta

Free and safe download Android apps & games from Google Play Store.

Image from store APK Downloader
Description from store APKPure Free Online APK Downloader provides you with the fastest search and download of free apps and games from Google Play Store. Just enter the app name or the package name to find and download the apps you want. Unlock Region Limit APKPure Online APK Downloader lets you download any region-restrict apps and games (For Free Only) on Android devices directly wherever you are. All you need to do is to search for the apps you want and click on the download button. No Login Required APKPure doesn't require login account to let you download apps and games on Android devices safe and fast. APKPure Online APK Downloader saves your time and protect your privacy by allowing users to download apps and games to Android without registration. Safe Download APKPure APK Downloader is 100% safe. APKPure APK Downloader provides you with original XAPK / APK files from Google Play Store (Free Apps Only) without modification in any way. All APKPure.com apps are verified prior to publishing to protect your safety. How to use APKPure Free Online APK Downloader? Enter the app name or the package name in the search bar, and you will be redirected to the app info page and be able to download the app or game you want directly to your mobile device.

Latest reviews

  • (2024-03-15) AiRan: 跳转到网址,不能下载
  • (2024-02-24) 何秀英(livekes): 真的非常的實用!大推
  • (2024-02-15) Caleb Joseph Cesaire: Its rly good
  • (2023-09-29) Mário Tomás: scam, not possible to download
  • (2023-09-15) Pierre‐Louis JACQUET: promise to download .apk file, redirect to their website to download some proprietary file that require their fancy installer. how hard is it to just give the .apk file? very hard it seems
  • (2023-09-09) Vit Bel: пАРАШНИКИ, не работает. Репорт
  • (2023-08-19) Thin is: Scam
  • (2023-08-19) 白天易: 虽然说我不爱用电脑下载apk文件,但这个插件下载安装包还是相当实用的
  • (2023-07-27) chuanpeng zhi: 实用、好用!
  • (2023-07-20) lia lisa: Its nice for people who want to download stuff and actully injoy it


500,000 history
3.1707 (41 votes)
Last update / version
2024-07-15 / 1.0.8
Listing languages
