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ChatGPT Assistant Plus

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Maximize Your ChatGPT: Get the Enhanced Experience with ChatGPT Assistant Plus!

Image from store ChatGPT Assistant Plus
Description from store Želite, da bi vaš iskalnik postal bolj inteligenten in natančen? Zdaj lahko dobite najboljše iz obeh svetov. Vaši rezultati iskanja so brezhibno izboljšani z odgovori ChatGPT drug ob drugem. ChatGPT za Chrome vam omogoča tudi hiter dostop do ChatGPT OpenAI v pojavnem oknu. Uporabite to razširitev, da kar koli vprašate ChatGPT. Chatgpt ima revolucionaren nov uporabniški vmesnik za uporabo chatgpt OpenAI na vseh vaših priljubljenih spletnih mestih. Na primer Iskanje Google, Gmail, LinkedIn, Github in povsod drugje, kjer iščete ali pišete v spletu. Tukaj je nekaj ključnih funkcij te razširitve ChatGPT Search: Do ChatGPT dostopajte prek brskalnika Chrome - Preprost dostop do ChatGPT iz pojavnega okna razširitve brskalnika. - Ni vam treba navigirati na ločeno spletno stran ali aplikacijo. Markdown upodabljanje - ChatGPT lahko interpretira in prikaže besedilo, napisano v formatu markdown. - To omogoča preprosto oblikovanje in oblikovanje besedila v vaših pogovorih s ChatGPT. Poudarki kode - ChatGPT lahko prepozna in označi delčke kode v vašem pogovoru. - To olajša branje in razumevanje kode v kontekstu vaše razprave. Aktiviranje temnega načina - ChatGPT ponuja možnost temnega načina za udobnejšo izkušnjo gledanja pri šibki svetlobi. - To lahko tudi pomaga zmanjšati obremenitev oči. Možnost kopiranja odložišča - Razširitev ChatGPT za Chrome vam omogoča enostavno kopiranje besedila iz pogovora v odložišče. To je lahko uporabno za lepljenje informacij v druge aplikacije ali dokumente. Ta brezplačen in priročen ChatGPT 4 ponuja hiter dostop do naprednih zmogljivosti umetne inteligence Chat GPT neposredno iz vašega spletnega brskalnika. Zastavite katero koli vprašanje in prejmite natančne, jedrnate odgovore v realnem času. Zagotovite si vrhunsko izkušnjo umetne inteligence z razširitvijo Chat GPT za Chrome. Kako uporabljati ChaGPT 4: - Prijavite se na https://chat.openai.com - Če naletite na napako, poskusite znova odpreti chat.openai.com. Po storitvi je lahko veliko povpraševanje. Upoštevajte: ChatGPT Plus ne podpira ali odobrava uporabe drugih razširitev ChatGPT vzporedno s ChatGPT za Google. Pred namestitvijo odstranite vse druge razširitve ChatGPT. ChatGPT za Google podpira tudi uradni API OpenAI, vključno z GPT-3.5-Turbo in GPT-3, ChatGPT Plus in celo GPT-4 (ki zahteva ročno omogočanje v možnostih). S funkcijami, kot so upodabljanje markdown, označevanje kode in temni način, lahko prilagodite razširitev po svojih željah. OpenAI ChatGPT plus na kateri koli spletni strani. V prihodnjih dneh tudi GPT-4! Magical izkorišča OpenAI in v svojih ponudbah izmenično uporablja GPT3, ChatGPT in GPT4. Povzetek s ChatGPT • Povzema katero koli spletno stran z GPT - 4. • Povzema prepis katerega koli Youtube videa. • Podpora za uradni OpenAI API • Povzetek z upodabljanjem ChatGPT Markdown • Temni način za GPT YouTube Summary with ChatGPT je brezplačna razširitev, ki vam omogoča hiter dostop do povzetka YouTubovih videoposnetkov, ki jih gledate s tehnologijo OpenAI ChatGPT AI. Povzetek s ChatGPT, da prihranite čas in se hitreje učite. ChatGPT ima revolucionaren nov uporabniški vmesnik za uporabo GPT OpenAI na vseh vaših priljubljenih spletnih mestih. Pomaga vam kar najbolje izkoristiti ChatGPT v Iskanju Google, Youtube, Gmail, LinkedIn, Github in več kot 10 milijonov drugih spletnih mest. • Povzetek ChatGPT – ustvarite visokokakovostna e-poštna sporočila neposredno iz Gmaila • Povzetek ChatGPT - Povzemite dolga e-poštna sporočila in niti e-poštnih sporočil, da dobite bistvo • Povzetek ChatGPT – pridobite povzetek časovne osi celotnih e-poštnih niti • Povzetek ChatGPT - Takoj odgovorite na svojo e-pošto in tako prihranite čas Uporabite ga v Google Dokumentih, e-poštnih odjemalcih, družbenih medijih in po spletu. ChatSonic za Chrome deluje v: Google Dokumentih, Gmailu, Linkedinu, Twitterju, Facebooku. Ne iščite dlje kot ReaderGPT, razširitev, ki jo poganja ChatGPT! Z razširitvijo ChatGPT Summary Generator Chrome Extension boste prihranili čas, ostali obveščeni in se vam nikoli več ne bo treba prebijati skozi dolgotrajno vsebino. Zakaj je dostop do ChatGPT prek Chroma uporaben? S ChatGPT za Google lahko uporabniki izkoristijo zmožnosti razumevanja naravnega jezika in generiranja modela, da postavljajo vprašanja, dobijo definicije in celo dokončajo stavke ali odstavke. To lahko uporabnikom prihrani veliko časa in truda, ko raziskujejo temo ali poskušajo razumeti težaven koncept. Razširitev brskalnika ChatGPT Chrome omogoča uporabnikom, da nadaljujejo z delom ali brskanjem, hkrati pa dobijo informacije, ki jih potrebujejo, ne da bi morali preklapljati naprej in nazaj med različnimi zavihki ali aplikacijami. Kaj je ChatGPT? ChatGPT je različica jezikovnega modela GPT (Generative Pre-training Transformer), ki je zasnovan posebej za aplikacije chatbotov. Usposobljen je za ustvarjanje človeških podobnih odzivov na vnos besedila v pogovornem kontekstu. Kako deluje chatGPT? ChatGPT za obdelavo in ustvarjanje besedila uporablja tehniko strojnega učenja, imenovano transformatorji. Usposablja se na velikem naboru podatkov o človeških pogovorih in uporablja to usposabljanje za ustvarjanje odgovorov na vneseno besedilo. Ko prejme vnos, ChatGPT obdela besedilo in ustvari odgovor na podlagi besed in besednih zvez v vnosu ter konteksta pogovora. Ali je chatGPT točen? ChatGPT je zasnovan za ustvarjanje človeških odzivov na vnos besedila, vendar ni popoln in morda ne bo vedno ustvaril natančnih ali ustreznih odgovorov. Pomembno je, da ChatGPT uporabljate odgovorno in da se vedno zavedate morebitnih omejitev modela. Ali chatGPT razume naravni jezik? Da, ChatGPT je zasnovan za razumevanje in ustvarjanje odgovorov v naravnem jeziku. Usposablja se na velikem naboru podatkov o človeških pogovorih in uporablja to usposabljanje za razumevanje in ustvarjanje odgovorov na vnos besedila na način, ki je podoben načinu, ki bi ga naredil človek. Ali lahko chatGPT ustvari odgovore v različnih jezikih? Da, ChatGPT je mogoče usposobiti za ustvarjanje odgovorov v različnih jezikih. Pomembno je, da usposobite model na naboru podatkov pogovorov v želenem jeziku, da dosežete dobro delovanje. Za zaključek, če želite iz rezultatov iskalnika, potem Chatgpt za Google: Search GPT je odličen orodje za vas. Ta neverjetna razširitev brskalnika bo s svojimi naprednimi funkcijami in uporabniku prijazen vmesnik nedvomno naredila vašo spletno iskalno izkušnjo bolj učinkovito in prijetno. Torej, poskusite klepetati za Google: Iščite GPT danes in doživite moč GPT-4 s Chatgpt Plus! Ne pozabite preveriti našega YouTube povzetka tudi na GPT AI. Chatgpt, gpt, chatbot, iskanje gpt, chat gpt, openai, gpt-4, chatgpt plus, povzetek, povzetek YouTube, gpt ai Chatgpt, gpt, chatbot, iskanje gpt, chat gpt, openai, gpt-4, chatgpt plus, povzetek, povzetek YouTube, gpt ai Chatgpt, gpt, chatbot, iskanje gpt, chat gpt, openai, gpt-4, chatgpt plus, povzetek, povzetek YouTube, gpt ai Chatgpt, gpt, chatbot, iskanje gpt, chat gpt, openai, gpt-4, chatgpt plus, povzetek, povzetek YouTube, gpt ai Chatgpt, gpt, chatbot, iskanje gpt, chat gpt, openai, gpt-4, chatgpt plus, povzetek, povzetek YouTube, gpt ai Chatgpt, gpt, chatbot, iskanje gpt, chat gpt, openai, gpt-4, chatgpt plus, povzetek, povzetek YouTube, gpt ai Chatgpt, gpt, chatbot, iskanje gpt, chat gpt, openai, gpt-4, chatgpt plus, povzetek, povzetek YouTube, gpt ai Chatgpt, gpt, chatbot, iskanje gpt, chat gpt, openai, gpt-4, chatgpt plus, povzetek, povzetek YouTube, gpt ai Chatgpt, gpt, chatbot, iskanje gpt, chat gpt, openai, gpt-4, chatgpt plus, povzetek, povzetek YouTube, gpt ai The ChatGPT for Google is a browser extension that provides users with a powerful tool to enhance their search engine experience. It integrates OpenAI's language model to provide users with ChatGPT's response alongside their regular search engine results. This feature allows users to get information quickly and easily. The extension also enables users to chat with ChatGPT directly from the extension, allowing them to ask questions and receive answers in a natural, human-like way. It supports all popular search engines such as Google, Bing, and DuckDuckGo, making it convenient for users who frequently switch between different search engines. In addition to the powerful search engine integration, ChatGPT for Google provides several other features such as the ChatGPT Helper, which allows users to use ChatGPT on any website. The extension also allows users to provide feedback to improve ChatGPT, use custom trigger mode, and copy responses to a clipboard. Using ChatGPT for Google is simple. Users need to log in to chat.openai.com and open the extension to start a conversation with ChatGPT. If users encounter any issues, they can report a bug in the review section of the extension's page. However, it is important to note that ChatGPT for Google does not support or endorse using other ChatGPT extensions simultaneously. Users need to uninstall all other ChatGPT extensions before installing ChatGPT for Google. Overall, ChatGPT for Google is an excellent tool for anyone who wants to get more out of their search engine results. ChatGPT for Google: Search GPT is a powerful browser extension that provides users with an enhanced search engine experience. It integrates OpenAI's GPT-4 language model, allowing users to receive ChatGPT Plus responses alongside their regular search engine results. This feature makes it easier and faster for users to get the information they need. The extension also enables users to chat directly with ChatGPT for Google: Search GPT from within the extension, providing them with a natural, human-like conversation experience. It supports all popular search engines such as Google, Bing, and DuckDuckGo, making it convenient for users who frequently switch between different search engines. In addition to its powerful search engine integration, ChatGPT for Google: Search GPT offers several other features such as the ChatGPT Helper, which allows users to use ChatGPT on any website. The extension also allows users to provide feedback to improve ChatGPT for Google: Search GPT, use custom trigger mode, and copy responses to a clipboard. Using ChatGPT for Google: Search GPT is simple. All you have to do is log in to chat.openai.com and open the extension to start a conversation with ChatGPT for Google: Search GPT. If you encounter any issues while using the extension, you can report a bug in the review section of the extension's page. It's important to note that ChatGPT for Google: Search GPT does not support or endorse using other ChatGPT extensions simultaneously. Users should uninstall all other ChatGPT extensions before installing ChatGPT for Google: Search GPT. All in all, ChatGPT for Google: Search GPT is an excellent tool for anyone looking to get more out of their search engine results or generate summaries from websites or Youtube videos using AI-powered tools like GPT-4 and OpenAI's technology.ChatGPT for Google: Search GPT - The Ultimate Browser Extension for Enhanced Search Engine Experience Are you tired of sifting through endless search engine results to find the information you need? Look no further than ChatGPT for Google: Search GPT, a powerful browser extension that integrates OpenAI's language model to provide users with quick and easy access to information. With ChatGPT for Google: Search GPT, users can receive responses from the chatbot alongside their regular search engine results. This innovative feature allows for a more natural and human-like interaction with the search engine. The extension supports all popular search engines, including Google, Bing, and DuckDuckGo. This makes it a convenient tool for those who frequently switch between different search engines. But that's not all - ChatGPT for Google: Search GPT also includes a ChatGPT Helper feature that allows users to use ChatGPT on any website. Plus, users can provide feedback to improve the tool, use custom trigger mode, and even copy responses to a clipboard. Using ChatGPT for Google: Search GPT is simple. All you need to do is log in to chat.openai.com and open the extension to start chatting with the chatbot. And if you encounter any issues, simply report a bug in the review section of the extension's page. It's important to note that ChatGPT for Google: Search GPT does not support or endorse using other ChatGPT extensions simultaneously. Therefore, it's recommended that users uninstall all other ChatGPT extensions before installing ChatGPT for Google: Search GPT. Looking ahead, there's even more exciting news on the horizon - OpenAI recently announced plans for GPT-4, which promises to be even more advanced than its predecessor. And if you're already impressed by ChatGPT for Google: Search GPT, just wait until you see what's next. ChatGPT Plus is coming soon, which will include a summary feature for YouTube videos and even more AI-powered capabilities. In conclusion, ChatGPT for Google: Search GPT is an excellent tool for anyone who wants to get more out of their search engine results. So why not give it a try today and see for yourself how it can revolutionize your online search experience?Introducing ChatGPT for Google: Search GPT - the ultimate browser extension that revolutionizes your search engine experience. This powerful tool integrates OpenAI's language model, enabling you to access ChatGPT for Google: Search GPT's response alongside your regular search engine results. With this feature, you can easily and quickly obtain the information you need. But that's not all; ChatGPT for Google: Search GPT also allows you to chat directly with the AI-powered chatbot from the extension itself. You can ask questions and receive human-like answers in a natural way. This fantastic extension supports all popular search engines such as Google, Bing, and DuckDuckGo, making it convenient for users who frequently switch between different search engines. Apart from its powerful search engine integration, ChatGPT for Google: Search GPT provides several other features like the ChatGPT Helper, which enables you to use ChatGPT on any website. The extension also allows users to provide feedback to improve ChatGPT for Google: Search GPT, use custom trigger mode, and copy responses to a clipboard. Using ChatGPT for Google: Search GPT is easy. Simply log in to chat.openai.com and open the extension to start a conversation with the AI-powered chatbot. In case of any issues, users can report bugs in the review section of the extension's page. It is essential to note that ChatGPT for Google: Search GPT does not support or endorse using other ChatGPT extensions simultaneously. Therefore, users must uninstall all other ChatGPT extensions before installing ChatGPT for Google: Search GPT. In conclusion, if you want to get more out of your search engine results, then ChatGPT for Google: Search GPT is an excellent tool for you. With its advanced features and user-friendly interface, this incredible browser extension will undoubtedly make your online searching experience more efficient and enjoyable. So, try ChatGPT for Google: Search GPT today and experience the power of GPT-4 with ChatGPT Plus! Don't forget to check out our Youtube summary on GPT AI as well.

Latest reviews

  • (2023-09-21) Lynton M: All the reviews prior to mine were suspiciously rated 5-stars and posted within a 2-day time-frame (25 June 2023 - 27 June 2023). I downloaded the app and was disappointed. It seemed to offer nothing that I couldn't do using chatGPT directly. If the developer reads this review and makes a meaningful response, I will be happy to edit or remove this criticism.
  • (2023-06-29) Artur Smith: A very practical and minimalistic interface with the most necessary functionality without frills. The chatbot executes all commands fairly accurately. It's just a pity that voice input is not provided.
  • (2023-06-29) Alfred Foster: The most successful client implementation for ChatGPT. The dialog is implemented visually and intuitively. The results of the issue are relevant and satisfy the requests.
  • (2023-06-29) Arnold Koch: It is commendable that this chat bot is completely free and available to all users without exception. All teams are functioning properly, I personally checked it myself.
  • (2023-06-29) Robert White: Integration with search engines is implemented conveniently. The chat bot gives accurate answers to any questions. The only ChatGPT client that works without bugs.
  • (2023-06-29) Elisabeth Masters: The bot functions are working fine. Response, neural network analysis, output - implemented qualitatively. Excellent service, I recommend it.
  • (2023-06-28) Jenifer Peterson: Definitely a decent chat bot. I've been using it at school for a long time, it helps out regularly. Answers to the target questions are given within a few seconds.
  • (2023-06-28) Charley Ross: Quite an intuitive bot. I use it in the process of searching for information and writing texts. I am very satisfied with the quality of the output. The percentage of misses is almost zero.
  • (2023-06-28) Bob Potts: To work with ChatGPT - a very good client in general. All functionality is available immediately after authorization. We tried it now I use it instead of a search engine.
  • (2023-06-28) Irian Paltrow: I installed this chatbot on the advice of my friend Rebecca. I really like it, because the search for information has become more intuitive and simple. There are no complaints about the quality of the results.
  • (2023-06-28) John Bawerman: I use this extension in the classroom. But in the form of a plugin - not very convenient. I ask developers to make a mobile application for Android.
  • (2023-06-28) Stiven Landy: I use this chatbot in my studies. In particular, for writing essays. Just a few commands and the text is ready. A quality product, a useful addition.
  • (2023-06-28) Otto Salevan: A high-quality and debugged ChatGPT client. Personally, I did not have any complaints for a month of use. I advise you to try it.
  • (2023-06-27) It works fine with Google, but I would also like integration with Yahoo and Bing. I really hope that the developers will take into account my wishes.
  • (2023-06-27) Liana Turing: I use ChatGPT daily. And this is by far the most worthy client to work with this service. Failures, bugs and other unpleasant moments did not have to be observed.
  • (2023-06-27) Ronald Roberts: The best option for integrating ChatGPT functions with Google search. All the functionality works fine. The interface is simple, the usability is very convenient.
  • (2023-06-27) Patric Nelson: I've tried many different ChatGPT clients, but this one is the most stable. Deep integration with search engines and no bugs in the work.
  • (2023-06-27) Donald Hesser: I use ChatGPT almost every session. Very convenient and useful service. I recommend installing the plugin, because it is certainly a high-quality integration.
  • (2023-06-27) Emma Anderson: Authorization is performed literally in one click. Integration with the search engine is implemented qualitatively. Of course, an excellent plugin that provides the functionality of artificial intelligence ChatGPT.
  • (2023-06-26) Debra Trump: Thanks to this extension, the ChatGPT functionality is now always at hand. 1 click and the client is open. I have not observed any bugs in the operation of the service.
  • (2023-06-26) Oliver Peters: A great tool for expanding search capabilities using ChatGPT. The integration is done efficiently and intuitively. I use it with great pleasure.
  • (2023-06-25) Jack: good


4.1613 (31 votes)
Last update / version
2025-02-19 / 1.0.6
Listing languages
