extension ExtPose

BrowserGPT: Vaš GPT-4 umetniški pomočnik ChatGPT Writer

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Description from extension meta

Pišite, preoblikujte in prevajajte 8x hitreje. Odgovorite na e-pošto z enim klikom. Deluje v Google Dokumentih, Gmailu, YouTubu,…

Image from store BrowserGPT: Vaš GPT-4 umetniški pomočnik ChatGPT Writer
Description from store 🎉 Integracija BrowserGPT, vse-v-enem pomočnika AI, ki ga poganja ChatGPT. Deluje v celotnem spletu. ✍️ Ne glede na to, ali ustvarjate ali prepisujete objave v spletnem dnevniku, razmišljate o idejah, prevajate besedilo, pripravljate e-poštna sporočila in odgovore ali karkoli vmes – BrowserGPT poskrbi za vse, ko brskate po spletu – vse v trenutku. _______________________________ 🥳 Kako BrowserGPT zasenči konkurenco? ✔️ Več kot 120 orodij za pisanje z umetno inteligenco za krepitev vaših besed. ✔️ 10+ preverjenih formul za pisanje besedil, PAS, AIDA, QUEST itd. ✔️ Na voljo več kot 50 jezikov. ✔️ 0 % vsebine, ustvarjene z umetno inteligenco, plagiatorstva. ✔️ Podprto s 100-odstotno posodobljenimi viri. ✔️ 7 edinstvenih tonov za različna občinstva in cilje. ✔️ Podprt ChatGPT-3.5/4. ✔️ Osnutke e-poštnih sporočil in odgovorite z enim klikom. ✔️ Z enim klikom pripravite objave in komentarje v družabnih medijih. ✔️ Deluje v Google Dokumentih. Pišite kot znotraj Notion AI. _______________________________ 🔮 BrowserGPT DELUJE NEPOSREDNO ZNOTRAJ 1️⃣ Google Dokumenti - Pritisnite "//", da aktivirate našo orodno vrstico, ki jo poganja AI, in povečate svojo produktivnost. - Razmišljajte o idejah, pišite vsebino z umetno inteligenco in še več – ne da bi spremenili način dela. - Uživajte v izkušnji, podobni Notion AI, neposredno v Google Dokumentih. - ChatGPT za Google Dokumente 2️⃣ Družbeni mediji in priljubljene platforme - Podpira 6+ glavnih platform družbenih medijev. - Pišite privlačne objave, prilagojene vašemu želenemu tonu in sporočilu. - Ustvarite sprotne komentarje za vaše objave, da spodbudite interakcijo. - Pridobite priporočila za hashtag, da razširite svoj doseg. 3️⃣ Iskalniki - Pridobite jedrnate in natančne odgovore na vaša vprašanja neposredno v vmesnikih iskalnikov, ki jih že uporabljate. - Poiščite povezane ključne besede. - Prejmite dodatna vprašanja v zvezi z vašo iskalno poizvedbo. _______________________________ 🧰 DVOSTRANSKA STRANSKA PALICA 1️⃣ Spoznajte našega AI Chatbota - HIX Chat ✔️ Zagotovite bliskovito hitre in natančne odgovore na vsa vaša vprašanja. ✔️ Zagotovite pomoč pri vsebini, predlagajte ideje in drugo. ✔️ Klepetalni robot, ki si zapomni vaše pogovore. 2️⃣ DOSTOP DO ZAKLADNICE 120+ ORODIJ ZA PISANJE ✔️ Parafrazirajte besedilo, izboljšajte tok ter popravite slovnico in črkovanje. ✔️ Izboljšajte svoje delo s poglobljenimi vpogledi. ✔️ Poenostavite jezik za jasno komunikacijo. ✔️ Povzemite vsebino dolge oblike v nekaj sekundah. ✔️ prevajajte besedilo med različnimi jeziki. ✔️ In še veliko več. _______________________________ 🛠️ OBSEČNA ORODNA VRSTICA ✔️ Izberite besedilo kjer koli v brskalniku, da prikažete dinamično orodno vrstico. ✔️ Prosite našo umetno inteligenco, da napiše, prepiše, razširi, skrajša, pojasni, povzame, nadaljuje s pisanjem itd. _______________________________ ✍️ Pišite KAR KAR koli o skoraj kateri koli temi in za katero koli panogo 1️⃣ Družbeni mediji - Objave; komentarji; Priporočila hashtag; Predlogi za napise; Ideje za video 2️⃣ Trženje - Kopije oglasov; Prodajna e-pošta; sporočila za javnost 3️⃣ Spletna stran - Obrisi; Objave na blogu; Vsebina domače strani; Strani o nas; Pristajalne strani 4️⃣ E-trgovina - opisi izdelkov; Vodniki za nakup; Ocene izdelkov; Primerjave izdelkov; "Najboljši" članki 5️⃣ Blog - objave na spletnem dnevniku; Navodila za uporabo; Vadnice; lističi; Pregled izdelka 6️⃣ Novice - Najnovejši članki 7️⃣ E-pošta - spremljanje; Hvala vam; Hladen doseg; Odgovori _______________________________ 1. Kako uporabljati BrowserGPT? - Vnesite "//" ali označite besedilo kjer koli v brskalniku, da prikažete našo orodno vrstico. - Preprosto pritisnite Ctrl + P ali Command + P ali kliknite ikono razširitve ali preprosto kliknite plavajočo ikono BrowserGPT v spodnjem desnem kotu zaslona, da odprete stransko vrstico. 2. Ali je BrowserGPT brezplačen? ja BrowserGPT uporabnikom ponuja omejeno brezplačno možnost uporabe. Za dodatne ugodnosti in razširjeno uporabo pa lahko nadgradite. _______________________________ Zasnovan za vsak potek dela – dodajte razširitev brskalnika BrowserGPT za vrhunsko pomoč AI ZDAJ! 🎉

Latest reviews

  • (2023-11-09) Fluke Nanonan: This is something interesting that is going to helpme at the moment of develop my thesis project.
  • (2023-11-02) Tín Bùi: What a useful extensions
  • (2023-11-01) Yone Gurgel: just paid $1 for a 3day trial, but cant use pdf summarizer. It keeps asking me to subscribe $$$. I feel robbed! im looking for a chat support as well. There is nothing! totally robbed! i do not recommend this website or extension. Thieves!
  • (2023-10-31) T Koster: I need to translate large amount of text from Dutch to native English. Hix is doing a great job on that. I have compared several translation tools, and HIX seems to be able to give really well translated text.
  • (2023-10-27) Panda Pan: I am very happy with using HIX AI. It helps me quickly write content in Google Docs, which greatly improves my work efficiency. This is indeed an amazing tool, and I strongly encourage you to continue using this extension.
  • (2023-10-25) Barbara Falcone: La migliore in assoluto! Consigliatissima
  • (2023-10-22) Trần Trung Hiêu 8C: This excellent writing and refining tool utilizes AI algorithms to quickly optimize the structure and content of articles, thereby improving their readability and promotion results. Whether you are a beginner or a professional, you can benefit greatly from this tool. I highly recommend this plugin to help you improve your writing level and efficiency.
  • (2023-10-20) Parth Shrivastava: HIX.AI is a powerful and versatile AI writing tool that has been a game-changer for my workflow. I've been using it for a few months now, and I'm constantly impressed by its ability to generate high-quality, engaging content. The AI Writer feature is particularly impressive. I can use it to create a wide range of content, from blog posts and social media captions to marketing materials and even creative writing pieces. The output is always well-written and informative, and it often exceeds my expectations. I also love the HIX Chat feature. It's like having a personal AI assistant that can answer any question I have, no matter how big or small. I've used it to get help with research, brainstorming ideas, and even debugging code. Overall, I'm extremely impressed with HIX.AI. It's a valuable tool for anyone who wants to improve their writing and productivity. Pros: Generates high-quality, engaging content Wide range of writing tools available Easy to use Affordable Overall: HIX.AI is an excellent AI writing tool that can help anyone improve their writing and productivity. I highly recommend it to anyone who is looking for a powerful and versatile writing assistant.
  • (2023-10-19) Jimmy One: HIX.AI is a powerful and cutting-edge Google AI plugin that revolutionizes the way we interact with technology. With its advanced machine learning algorithms, this plugin offers unparalleled accuracy and efficiency in understanding and processing human language. It effortlessly analyzes and interprets text, providing intelligent and contextually relevant responses. HIX.AI's groundbreaking capabilities enable seamless integration with various applications, enhancing productivity and user experience. Experience the future of AI-powered communication with HIX.AI.
  • (2023-10-19) Dave Hao: Hey, y'all! I gotta tell ya about HIX—it's seriously the bomb diggity language assistant out there! I've been using it for a while now, and let me tell ya, it's been a game-changer!
  • (2023-07-17) Alex Hill: HIX.AI has undoubtedly made a significant impact on the field of natural language processing. It has empowered users to engage in meaningful conversations, find valuable information, and explore a world of knowledge without limitations. The potential applications of HIX.AI are vast, from education to customer service, and beyond.
  • (2023-07-07) Carry: Easy to use with good information. Thanks again!
  • (2023-07-07) carl yang: I never give reviews to extensions, but this one is life changing. And, I have only started using the free version.
  • (2023-06-26) sidifa sidifa: I like it, good job!
  • (2023-06-20) 宁鑫文: This excellent writing and refining tool utilizes AI algorithms to quickly optimize the structure and content of articles, thereby improving their readability and promotion results. Whether you are a beginner or a professional, you can benefit greatly from this tool. I highly recommend this plugin to help you improve your writing level and efficiency.
  • (2023-06-19) adonis prod: As an early adopter, I feel that this plugin is more user-friendly than chatgpt and enables me to express my intended message more effectively. I highly recommend it.
  • (2023-06-19) 張家輝: Nice


40,000 history
4.4833 (120 votes)
Last update / version
2024-07-10 / 3.1.8
Listing languages
