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Fly through the Skies: Experience the Original Flappy Bird for the browser
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Description from store
Introducing Flappy Bird Original, the iconic game now available as a browser extension. Fly through the skies, test your skills, and relive the addictive gameplay that took the world by storm. With Flappy Bird Original, the fun is just a click away.
- Access the game directly from your browser toolbar for quick and convenient gameplay.
- Enjoy Flappy Bird Original offline, anytime, anywhere, without the need for an internet connection.
Game Rules:
- Tap the screen or press the spacebar to make the bird flap its wings.
- Navigate the bird through a series of pipes without touching them.
- Each successful pass through a pipe earns you a point.
= Be careful! Even the slightest touch will end the game.
Experience the thrill, challenge, and excitement of the original Flappy Bird right in your browser. Install Flappy Bird Original now and start flapping your way to new high scores!
Ievadot Flappy Bird Original, ikoniskā spēle tagad ir pieejama kā pārlūkprogrammas paplašinājums. Lidojiet caur debesīm, pārbaudiet savas prasmes un atkārtojiet piesaistošo spēli, kas izraisīja pasaules sensāciju. Ar Flappy Bird Original, jautrība ir tikai viena klikšķa attālumā.
- Piekļūstiet spēlei tieši no pārlūkprogrammas rīkjoslas, lai iegūtu ātru un ērtu spēli.
- Izbaudiet Flappy Bird Original bezsaistē, jebkurā laikā un vietā, bez interneta pieslēguma vajadzības.
Spēles noteikumi:
- Nospiediet ekrānu vai nospiediet atstarpe, lai padarītu putnu spārnot.
- Novadiet putnu cauri sērijai caurulēm, nepiekļūstot tām.
- Katra veiksmīga caurules pāreja jums dod punktu.
- Uzmanieties! Pat niecīgākais pieskāriens beigs spēli.
Izbaudiet satraukumu, izaicinājumu un aizraušanos ar oriģinālo Flappy Bird tieši jūsu pārlūkprogrammā. Instalējiet Flappy Bird Original tagad un sāciet plakšķēt ceļu uz jauniem augstiem rezultātiem! Šeit ir iespēja vēl vairāk izbaudīt jautru un piesaistošo Flappy Bird Original spēli, izmantojot jaunu paplašinājumu jūsu pārlūkprogrammai. Instalējiet Flappy Bird Original paplašinājumu un sāciet lidot caur debesīm un izaicināt savas prasmes. Jūs varat spēlēt Flappy Bird Original bezsaistē, jebkurā laikā un vietā, bez interneta pieslēguma vajadzības. Piekļūstiet spēlei tieši no pārlūkprogrammas rīkjoslas, lai iegūtu ātru un ērtu spēli. Nospiediet ekrānu vai nospiediet atstarpe, lai padarītu putnu spārnot. Novadiet putnu cauri sērijai caurulēm, nepiekļūstot tām. Katra veiksmīga caurules pāreja jums dod punktu. Uzmanieties! Pat niecīgākais pieskāriens beigs spēli. Izbaudiet satraukumu, izaicinājumu un aizraušanos ar oriģinālo Flappy Bird tieši jūsu pārlūkprogrammā. Instalējiet Flappy Bird Original paplašinājumu un sāciet lidot caur debesīm un izaicināt savas prasmes. Pieredzējiet jautrību, izaicinājumu un aizraušanos ar oriģinālo Flappy Bird, kas tagad ir pieejams jūsu pārlūkprogrammā. Instalējiet Flappy Bird Original paplašinājumu un sāciet lidot caur debesīm, pārbaudiet savas prasmes un atkārtojiet piesaistošo spēli, kas izraisīja pasaules sensāciju. Izbaudiet jautru un piesaistošo Flappy Bird Original spēli, izmantojot jaunu paplašinājumu jūsu pārlūkprogrammai. Instalējiet Flappy Bird Original paplašinājumu un sāciet plakšķēt ceļu uz jauniem augstiem rezultātiem! Lai sasniegtu lieliskus rezultātus, jums jālieto savas prasmes un jāizmanto izcila prasme un precizitāte, lai veiksmīgi pārietu caur caurulēm, nepiekļūstot tām. Izmēģiniet veikt vairākus veiksmīgus pārejas, lai iegūtu punktus, un izmēģiniet to atkārtot ar katru mēģinājumu! Lai iegūtu labākus rezultātus, jums būs jāstrādā arī pie savas reakcijas ātruma. Lidojiet caur debesīm, pārbaudiet savas prasmes un atkārtojiet piesaistošo spēli, kas izraisīja pasaules sensāciju. Izbaudiet jautru un piesaistošo Flappy Bird Original spēli, izmantojot jaunu paplašinājumu jūsu pārlūkprogrammai. Instalējiet Flappy Bird Original paplašinājumu un sāciet plakšķēt ceļu uz jauniem augstiem rezultātiem!
Latest reviews
- (2023-06-29) Artur Smith: Do not doubt - the game is very interesting! Personally, I play it constantly and am happy with everything. The implementation of the plugin is perfect.
- (2023-06-29) Alfred Foster: The game is simply gorgeous! Quick launch from the plugin panel, decent performance and very addictive gameplay. So, I recommend it to everyone.
- (2023-06-29) Arnold Koch: I tested this game on all Chromium-based browsers. It starts and works fine. Optimization is done conscientiously.
- (2023-06-29) Robert White: I almost constantly play Happy Bird and get only positive from the process. In fact, the game is very old. But I really liked this adaptation.
- (2023-06-29) Elisabeth Masters: A fun single-player toy, with simple gameplay and a complete lack of fees for use. It's just a pity that progress is not preserved.
- (2023-06-28) Jenifer Peterson: I passed 10 levels in one evening, but it's already difficult to continue. The toy is cool and definitely noteworthy.
- (2023-06-28) Charley Ross: I bet 5/5. Cool toy. The new adaptation was very pleased. Respect and my respect to the developers. Great idea.
- (2023-06-28) Bob Potts: I have been familiar with Floppy Bird for 10 years and have tried many variants of this game. This one, in my opinion, is one of the most successful. I advise you!
- (2023-06-28) Irian Paltrow: With the release of the new version, I can note the qualitative growth of graphics and stability of work. A gorgeous toy.
- (2023-06-28) John Bawerman: I don't see any significant drawbacks. The toy as a whole is very good. Normal graphics and low requirements for PC resources.
- (2023-06-28) Stiven Landy: Cool toy! I play mostly when I have nothing to do and get a lot of fun. I ask the developers to transfer it to other platforms as well. On the same Android.
- (2023-06-28) Otto Salevan: The graphics are rather average, but the gameplay is original. During operation, it does not load the system in any way and does not affect performance.
- (2023-06-27) I used to play this game on my phone, and now this opportunity has appeared in the browser. Respect to developers for high-quality porting.
- (2023-06-27) Liana Turing: I would like more variety in terms of the choice of difficulty levels. But in general, the toy is very nice. I recommend it to everyone.
- (2023-06-27) Ronald Roberts: A good toy with average graphics. I love spending my leisure time with her. As entertainment - a very good option. It works smartly, there are no bugs.
- (2023-06-27) Patric Nelson: I tried this toy on the advice of friends. Just Super! I want to say thank you to the developers. Now I will advise her myself in my circles.
- (2023-06-27) Donald Hesser: The game is simple, but very entertaining. To distract and relax a little - it fits optimally. I will be glad if the developers port to other browsers as well.
- (2023-06-27) Emma Anderson: The game, though as simple as possible, but at the same time quite interesting. I definitely recommend trying it, because I spend a lot of time on it myself.
- (2023-06-26) I recommend it! A great toy. Despite its simplicity, it is quite fascinating. By the standards of a browser extension, the graphics are very good.
- (2023-06-26) Oliver Peters: A very good toy for entertainment and recreation. Addictive gameplay, beautiful graphics and high-quality soundtrack. I give a rating of 5.